Title: Chaotic properties of nonequilibrium liquids under planar elongational flow
1Chaotic properties of nonequilibrium liquids
under planar elongational flow
- Federico Frascoli
- PhD candidate
- Centre for Molecular Simulation
- Swinburne University of Technology
- Melbourne
2Main aspects of the model
- A liquid system of atoms subject to PEF is
simulated via the SLLOD algorithm of NEMD. This
translates boundary driven effects into
external mechanical fields.
- Heat is extracted from the system with the use of
synthetic thermostats (Gauss/NH), so that a
steady state is reached.
- The atoms interact via a WCA potential a
truncated and shifted version of the
Lennard-Jones potential
- Lees-Edwards type of pbcs are necessary to remap
atoms outside the simulation cell and to preserve
3Lees-Edwards pbcs
4Planar elongational flow
- What is planar elongational flow?
Initial unit lattice
Rotated unit lattice
5Kraynik-Reinelt (KR) conditions
6Lyapunov exponents
- Lyapunov exponents measure the mean exponential
rate of expansion and contraction of initially
nearby phase-space trajectories.
7Conjugate pairing rule (CPR)
- In a system with N degrees of freedom, if we
order the exponents according to their value and
form pairs coupling the highest with the lowest,
the second highest with the second lowest and so
on, the CPR is satisfied when each sum of pairs
has the same value.
8Conjugate Pairing rule for PEF
- PEF systems of 8 and 32 particles under an
isokinetic Gaussian thermostat are considered.
Results for Isoenergetic dynamics are analogous.
- The differences between the sum of maximum and
minimum exponents (lmax lmin) and all the other
sums in the spectrum are used to show if the CPR
- A comparison with PSF is given at the same energy
dissipation rate note that PEF has adiabatic
Hamiltonian equations, PSF has adiabatic non
Hamiltonian equations.
9Differences for PEF at rates 0.5, 1.0.
10Differences for PSF at rates 1.0, 2.0.
11- For PEF, the Avg. deviation for 8 particles is
1.4 and 2.1 respect to the sum of max and min
exponents. - For PEF, the Avg. deviation for 32 particles is
0.4 and 0.3. This is a clear indication of a
size dependence.
- The Max deviation for PEF is 1 for 32 particles.
- The Max deviation for equivalent shear flow
systems is instead 10.
- CPR is violated by systems under PSF and holds
for systems under PEF, with small size-related
effects for very small particle numbers due to
the fluctuations in the thermostat.
12Constant T and constant P
- Experimental results for PEF fluids (polymer
melts, colloids, etc.) are predominantly at
constant P and T, not at constant T and V.
- The Nose-Hoover (NH) mechanism is the preferred
choice to constrain the average pressure of a
NESS system.
- The KR conditions and the peculiar evolution of
the unit cell under PEF require some care when
the rescaling of cell volume takes place.
- Some methods of (isotropic) rescaling have been
discussed, in relation to the different ways to
code the evolution of the unit cell.
13Conjugate Pairing rule for NpT
- The NH mechanism introduces two extra degrees of
freedom in the system a piston-like coupling
constant and the system volume V. Two Lyapunov
exponents are associated to these variables.
- If we use the avg. pressure from NVT runs as a
target pressure for NpT runs, Lyapunov spectra of
(q, p) basically coincide. This is expected, as
we are simulating the same state point.
- The two exponents associated to the NH mechanism
sum up to zero. Except at high rates of PSF, this
sum is independent of the type and magnitude of
the external field applied, and of the value of
the target pressure.
14Values of NH exponents for N8
15A string phase exists for PSF!
16An open issue
- Results for viscosity of PEF do not show dramatic
thinning as in PSF at high rates.
where are strings?
17- Enhanced ordering in the fluid is an artefact
caused by the wrong assumption of a linear
velocity profile any thermostat interprets the
deviations from linearity as excess heat to be
extracted from the system.
- Preliminary results seem to point at the non
existence of linear strings for PEF.
- May another strings profile (hyperbolic?) exist
due to the different nature of streamlines of
PEF, so that viscosity does not drop as in PSF?
- A/Prof. D. J. Bernhardt (nee Searles),Nanoscale
Science and Technology Centre,School of
Biomolecular and Physical Sciences,Griffith
University, QLD.
- Prof. B. D. Todd,
- Centre for molecular simulation
- Swinburne University of Technology, VIC.