Title: Lecture 2 Basic Micro: scarcity and choice
1Lecture 2Basic Micro scarcity and choice
- Introductory Economics for the Treasury
- Dr. Paul Frijters
- http//econrsss.anu.edu.au/frijters
- 0. Recap of the previous lecture.
- 1. Some basic terms of production and
consumption. - 2. Opportunity costs
- 3. Examples
- 4. Tax some terms and basic points
- Unlimited Wants
- Humans have many different types of wants and
needs. Economics looks at man's material wants
and needs. These are satisfied by consuming
(using) either goods (physical items such as
food) or services (non-physical items such as
heating). - There are four reasons why wants and needs are
virtually unlimited - Goods eventually wear out and need to be
replaced. - New or improved products become available.
- People get fed up with what they already own.
- The more you have, the more you want.
4Limited Resources
- Commodities (goods and services) are produced by
using resources. The resources shown below are
sometimes called factors of production.
5Essence of resources
- All resources are eventually reducible to labour
time and natural resources. Physical and other
capital can be seen as the conserved result of
previous production. Managerial and
entrepreneurial effort is actually another form
of labour and thereby again time.
6Types of Commodity
- A free good is available without the use of
resources. There is zero opportunity cost, for
example air. An economic good is a commodity in
limited supply. - Expenditure on producer or capital goods is
called a cost or an investment.
7Production Terminology
- 1. Production transforming the combination of
production factors into something consumable. - 2. A transfer a change in ownership of a
resource or a consumption good. - 3. Home production untaxed production in
informal organisations (mostly in households).
8Points of view and pay-offs
- Looking at an occurrence from the point of view
of many reveals the material pay-offs to each
concerned. - The difference between a cost, a transfer, a
return on an asset, and production depends on the
9- Example 1 A lone mother gets a welfare payment
from tax revenue. - Translation in economic jargon
- A transfer between one person to another from
the point of view of the population. - An output (production) of the state in this
country, i.e. a return on its asset called
taxing ability. - A cost for the person paying the tax.
- A rent on the asset being a lone mother with
nationality X from the point of view of the
10Example 2 a thief steals your VCR in the night.
- Translation into economic terminology
- A transfer from you to the thief of a consumption
good from the point of view of the population. - A cost to the asset living where you are to
you. - (Maybe) A negative externality to you of the
operation of thiefs. - A return to the input night labour to the
thief. - A (negative) output to the asset policing
capacity of the state.
11The Economic Problem
- The economic problem refers to the scarcity of
commodities. There is only a limited amount of
resources available to produce the unlimited
amount of goods and services we desire. - Society has to decide which commodities to make.
For example, do we make missiles or hospitals? We
have to decide how to make those commodities. Do
we employ robot arms or workers? Who is going to
use the goods that are eventually made? Do we
build a sports hall in Queanbeyan or Belconnen?
12The flip-side of any choice Opportunity Cost \
- The opportunity cost principle states the cost
(or value) of one good in terms of the next best
alternative. For example, a gardener decides to
grow carrots on his allotment. The opportunity
cost of his carrot harvest is the alternative
crop that might have been grown instead (eg
13Opportunity Cost (continued)
Message explicitly or implicitly a choice for X
limits other options, i.e. there are trade-offs
inherent in any choice. The set of possible
choices is called the opportunity set, the
feasibility set, or the budget constraint.
14Illustration The drowning example
- 2 seemingly identical persons are drowning. You
can swim well and are the only potential saviour. - 10 seconds until both drown do you save the one
on the left or the one on the right?
- Opportunity set deliberate more than 10
seconds, save left, save right - Resources 10 seconds, swimming capacity
- Opportunity cost of save left one life
- Opportunity cost of save right one life
- Opportunity cost of deliberating more than 10
seconds one life
16Experience of this group?
17Experience of this group?
- More then half deliberated longer than 10
seconds the opportunity cost of time was not
recognised quickly enough. - Many refused to accept that there was a budget
constraint (i.e. that there was no more time than
10 seconds or that one could save only one).
18The point of the example?
- 1. One cannot have everything and one cannot
avoid tough choices. - 2. Time too is a resource with an opportunity
cost waiting has an opportunity cost. - 3. There is not necessarily always a best
19Illustration 2 the value of life in practice
- Estimated costs in Euro of a Quality Adjusted
Life Year (QALY) for various medical procedures,
environmental regulation, and safety measures.
Source several US and European health
20 21Continued..
- Message policies implicitly set the value of a
year of decent life and not all current medical
and safety choices get an equal bang for the
buck. An economist would try to cease the more
ineffective measures in favour of others
22Individual taxation and choice
- 1. Basic terms average taxation, marginal
taxation, effective marginal taxation,
progressive taxation, regressive taxation - 2. Important examples income taxation, means
testing of welfare, and pension system design.
23Basic terms
- Suppose Your pre-tax revenue equals Y, your tax
bill equals T, and your side-payments are W.
Then, - 1. The average tax is your total tax bill divided
by your pre-tax revenue. (T/Y) - 2. The marginal tax is the percentage of the last
dollar of revenue that gets paid in tax. (dT/dY) - 3. The effective marginal tax rate is the
percentage of the last dollar in pre-tax revenue
that is paid in tax or reduces the side-payments
(such as welfare benefits, housing benefits,
child allowances, food stamps, etc.).
(d(T-W)/dY). - A tax is progressive when the average tax
increases with pre-tax revenue. - A tax is regressive when the average tax
decreases with pre-tax revenue.
24Examples a simple tax system
- Suppose the tax and welfare system is organised
as follows - 1. Individuals without income obtain 10000 AUS
per year in in-kind welfare benefits. - 2. There is no marginal tax on the first 20000
AUS earned - 3. Marginal taxes after 20000 AUS earned are 50
- 4. Welfare benefits get taken away at a 60 rate
for every dollar of after-tax income above 5000
AUS a year
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- - very high Effective Marginal tax rates in the
area where marginal taxes kick in and welfare
gets taken away. - - this is a progressive tax system for high
incomes and a flat one for low incomes. - - if you want to raise the same amount of taxes
without the area of high EMT, one must increase
marginal taxes somewhere else.
28EMTRs and poverty traps
- A poverty trap is a situation whereby a person
with generally few marketable skills earns less
in work than out of work. This is because of very
high EMTRs which in some cases can have ranges
above 100 (for instance when Medicare cards are
taken away). A persons potential income is not
sufficient to lift him or her over the trap. - The tax costs of working in such cases for
instance involve - Gradual loss of housing benefits
- Gradual loss of welfare benefits
- Gradual loss of Child support
- Gradual loss of rights to state medical insurance
- Extra costs of working (childcare, travel,
clothes, loss of grey income)
29Example 2 Pension schemes and Eff. Marg. Tax
- Two possible pension systems
- 1. You save up to 12 of your income every year.
The sum defines your pension. - 2. You pay 12 into a pension fund. You get a
fixed percentage of the average income of the
last 3 years you work. - EMTR here is the percentage of a years income
you lose in tax AND pension reduction.
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- - Pension systems which are based on last-earned
incomes can give rise to very high EMTRs. This
fact explains much of the early retirement
behaviour of the OECD (see Wise and Gruber 1999). - - Pension systems which are contribution based
have flat EMTRs of working another year.
- EMRTs are a way of ascertain the monetary value
of a certain choice. If this value is less than
the opportunity cost (also termed the outside
option), an economist predicts that an individual
makes another choice.