Title: QMAS
prescribing data for better analysis
- Sean MacBride-Stewart
- Primary Care Pharmacist
- Edinburgh CHP
- Prescribing Data
- QMAS Prescribing Analysis
- Electronic Prescribing
3Prescribing Data
Rx Form Type Drug Dictionary Code or Drug
name Dose Form Strength Quantity Prescriber
Code Dispenser Code Date (month)
Cost Manufacturer BNF Derived measures
Practice or pharmacy details e.g.
name address Demographics Status
4Prescribing Data
- universal
- accurate
- spend and activity
- hierarchies
- population denominators
- history
- delayed
- patient detail missing
- prescribing detail missing
- only community pharmacy claimed prescriptions
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7QMAS Prescribing Analysis
- Quality Outcomes Framework
- 19 clinical areas
- 80 indicators worth 65.5 of the points
- 23 indicators directly or indirectly related to
8QMAS Prescribing Analysis
- Direct
- e.g. CHD 10 the percentage of patients with
coronary heart disease who are currently treated
with a beta blocker (unless a contraindication or
side-effects are recorded) - Indirect
- e.g. CHD 8 the percentage of patients with
coronary heart disease whose last measured total
cholesterol (measured in the previous 15 months)
is 5 mmol/l or less
9QMAS Prescribing Analysis
- QMAS provides a link to the GP Payment System to
enable quality payments to be made - practices can assess their achievement
- calculation of national disease prevalence
10QMAS Prescribing Analysis
- comparative data analysis from national QOF
summaries - no patient identifiable data
- improved analysis of prescriber behaviour
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12QMAS Prescribing Analysis
- Practice-level Analysis
- GPASS reporting database for QMAS
- Spreadsheet reporting using Microsoft Query in
Excel or Microsoft Access - Allows for prescribing audits that highly
automated - Increased access to relevant data
- e.g. patient details, dose instructions
13QMAS Prescribing Analysis
- Practice-level Analysis
- Example
- Identifying patients prescribed atorvastatin
10mg suitable for switching to simvastatin 40mg.
- Excludes patients with prior exposure to
simvastatin or co-prescribing of drugs that
interact with simvastatin.
14Electronic Prescribing
- facilitates payment of dispensed prescriptions
- reduces processing time
- improves data capture
- patient idenitifier
- drug details
- undispensed treatments
15Electronic Prescribing
- Individual patient identity protected
- basic demographics will substantially improve
prescribing analysis - pharmacovigilance of drugs for certain
populations e.g. high dose steroid inhalers in
children - analysis of undispensed treatments
- improved analysis of prescribing behaviour
16Electronic Prescribing
- Patient identity allowed
- connecting with other datasets
- calculation of individual treatment costs
- calculation of illness treatment costs