Title: HAPL16 PPPL
1IFE Power ReactorPlasma ExhaustFuel Recovery
S. W. Langish, C.A. Gentile, T. Kozub, C.
Priniski, J. Sethian, K. Sessions, B. Paul, L.
Ciebiera, T. Dodson, G. Gettelfinger
16th HAPL Program Workshop Princeton, New
JerseyDecember 12th-13th, 2006
2Design Objectives
- Link plasma exhaust fuel recovery system to the
mechanical pumping system. - Use COTS as much as possible.
- Maintain effluent releases ALARA.
- Maintain T at risk ALARA.
- Conform with DOE Tritium Safe Handling Practices.
- Provide ample MCA measurement opportunities.
- Integrate flexibility where possible into the
design. - Integrate lessons learned from the
operation/maintenance of the TFTR Tritium System
and other machines.
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5Receiving and Analysis System
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7Hydrogen Purification System
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9Isotope Separation System
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11Analytical and Delivery System
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13Residual Cleanup System
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15Glovebox Cleanup System
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17Room Detritiation System
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19Bed Regeneration System
- Conceptual design is flexible/scaleable in order
to ensure meeting the requirements of an evolving
design. - System configuration provides for receiving
material from two sources while concurrently
processing multiple streams. - Design maximizes DF by using a multi-stage design
while minimizing processing time. - Maximizes ALARA and minimizes releases.