Title: R
1RD Proposal
for N-Nbar at DUSEL
Discussion at NSF, August 7, 2006
2RD Scope (does NSF RD DUSEL solicitation exist?)
1. Availability of 1-km long vertical shaft
with DUSEL engineers
2. Reactor licensing, liability, decommissioning,
physicist/nucl. eng.
3. Safety analysis of vacuum system, moderator,
and reactor phys engineer
4. Cold moderator specs. Neutronics optimization
physicist PNPI
5. Neutron focusing reflectors (scenario of mass
production, mechanical design of support
structure) physicist PNPI engineer
6. Magnetic shielding (configuration, assembly,
and demagnetization)
physicist engineer
7. Non-magnetic vacuum tube (assembly and
support) engineer
8. Specs and design of 3.5 MW TRIGA reactor with
GA, physicist nucl. eng.
9. Collaboration growth, organization, management
10. Overall cost estimate engineer
Our RD proposal will ask for NSF support for
engineering and travel
3International Workshop (B?L) conservation/violat
Proposed date Fall 2007 Possible locations
(1) at DUSEL lab (2) at IUCF
(Indiana) (3) at Gatlinburg (Tennessee)
- ? E-W SM sphaleron transition and violation of
(B?L) - role (B ? L) in baryogenesis and cosmology
- status of leptogenesis
- status of proton decay search and corresponding
models - review of proposed PDK search experiments
- ? n-nbar oscillations models and expectations for
osc. time - ? n-nbar future experimental plans
- ? majorana neutrino searches
- ? (B ? L) violating nucleon decays (like n?3nu
and others) - ? ? decays with (B ? L) violation
- ? (B ? L) violation in hyperon decays
Our RD proposal will ask for NSF sponsoring and
support of this workshop
- In DOE projects the engineering is usually
required to be done at the - National labs. What are NSF requirements?
2. How we should interact with DOE for
participating group support?
3. What NSF would like to see in engineering
analysis (?cost)
4. How Russian participation can be handled?
5. N-Nbar will be source of neutrons and
antineutrinos. Should we address possible
interference with other DUSEL experiments?
6. We might address only part of our RD plan or
use staged approach due to funding restrictions.