Title: Neoprimitivism and Modernism
1Neoprimitivismand Modernism
David Couch
Michael Hamm
Jesse McKernan
Andrew Cogswell
2- I see the world as hard-edged, filled with lines
and angles. And I see it as wild raging and
hideous, and only occasionally beautiful. The
world fills me with disgust more often than it
fills me with joy. - -Jacob Kahn.
Portrait of Aleksei Kruchenykh Mikhail Larionov
darkened from original
- Derived from turn of the century thought.
- Rejection of idealism/realism
- Prevalent until post WWII
The Fiddler Marc Chagall 1913 Oil on canvas 188
x 158 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington
- Bold and striking colors
- Original designs
- Expressive
- One dimensional no depth or perspective
- Distorts reality
The Gate Hans Hoffman 1959-1960 Collection Oil
on canvas 75 x 48.5 inches Solomon R. Guggenheim
5Piet Mondrian
- Born March 7, 1872
- Died February 1, 1944
- Born in Amersfoot in the Netherlands
- Moved to Paris in 1912
- Experimented with the style Neo-Plasticism
- Moved to New York in 1938
Still Life with Gingerpot II Piet Mondrian 1912
Oil on canvas, 37 1/2 x 47 1/8 inches. Solomon
R. Guggenheim Museum.
6Composition 10
Piet Mondrian
1939-1942 Oil on canvas, 80 x 73 cm Private
- Simple
- Mostly white, with hints of color.
- Very geometric.
- Basic Elements are all present
- Effective
Mostly White, Hints of Color
Very Geometric
And yes, Mrs. Huddleston,
Basic Elements
7Wed like it in our bathroom.
- Born a Russian Jew in 1887
- His father disproved when in 1907 he began to
study art. - In 1922 He settled permanently in France.
- 1941-1948 He lived in the U.S due to WWII.
- One of few, His work was exhibited in the Louvre
while he was alive.
Self-Portrait with Seven Fingers Marc
Chagall 1912-13 Oil on canvas. 128 x 107 cm.
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
9Chaga l l
I and the Village
I and the Village Marc Chagall 1911 Oil on
canvas. 191 x 150.5 cm. The Museum of Modern
Arts, New York,
10- I worked for what? For beauty? No for what
then? For a truth I did not know how to put into
words. - -Asher Lev
Revolution David Burliuk 1917 darkened from
11Works Cited
- Boguslawski , Alexander. "Russian Paintings". 09
Sept 2008 lthttp//www.rollins.edu/Foreign_Lang/Ru
ssian/neoprim.htmlgt. - "Chagall Paintings". 09 Sept 2008lthttp//www.chaga
llpaintings.org/index.htmlgt. - Malyon, John. "ARTCYCLOPEDIA". 09 Sept 2008
12Works Cited
- "Marc Chagall". Artists Rights Society . 09 Sept
2008 lthttp//www.mcs.csuhayward.edu/malek/Chagal.
htmlgt. - "Neo-primitivism". Answers Corporation. 09 Sept
2008 lthttp//www.answers.com/topic/neo-primitivism