Title: Chest press on stability ball
1Chest press (on stability ball)
Primary Areas Worked Core strength and
stability. Chest- pectoral muscles. Secondary
Areas Balance, Front deltoids. Start
Position Have ball resting between
shoulder blades, head/neck also resting on ball.
With a dumbbell in each hand, holding them
straight up overhead, perform a
bridge. Movement While maintaining a bridge,
lower the weights toward your chest,
concentrating on keeping them fully balanced
and under control. Lower them as far as possible,
feeling the stretch in the pec. muscles.
2One hand chestpress (on ball)
Primary Areas Worked Core strength and
stability. Chest- pectoral muscles. Secondary
Area Balance. Starting Position Have ball
resting between shoulder blades, head/neck
resting on ball. Have one hand holding a
dumbbell, the other out for balance. Come into a
bridge. Movement While maintaining the bridge,
lower the weight toward your chest as far as
possible, feeling a complete stretch in the
pectoral area. Repeat, and then change to
other side.
3Chest press(one hand, foot up)
Primary areas worked Core strength and
stability. Chest- pectorals Balance. Starting
position See chest press one hand. While
maintaining bridge straighten opposite leg as
shown in picture. Movement Maintain bridge and
holding leg, perform chest presses with
one hand. Keep dumbbell fully balanced and under
control. Repeat other side.