Title: The Northern Potential Project
1The Northern Potential Project Background,
Objectives Current Status 19th May 2005
2Northern Potential - Territorial Partners
Norway (Landsdelsutvalget)
Scotland (Highlands)
Sweden (Norrlandsförbundet)
Other(s) (????land)
3Northern Potential - Highland Wellbeing Alliance
- Highland Council - Local Government
- Highlands Islands Enterprise - Regional
Development - Highland Health Board - Health
- Northern Constabulary - Police
- Communities Scotland - Regeneration
- Voluntary Sector - Advice Welfare
- Scottish Natural Heritage - Natural Heritage
IT PFI Partner
4Objectives of Northern Potential
Aims of the Wellbeing Alliance
Community planning one-stop-shop Promote
Wellbeing Alliance partnership E-Access
community capacity building Shared knowledge
skills Strengthen European relationships Promote
Highlands and its people
More people choosing to live and work in Highland
- countering the demographic trend by nurturing
our environment, culture and quality of life,
encouraging inward migration and the return to
roots, ensuring that current residents
especially families find it attractive to stay,
and putting young people at the centre of our
policies. Promoting equity across Highland -
improving the lives and prospects of individuals,
valuing diversity in our population and reducing
inequalities between geographical
areas. Improving Highlands infrastructure
maintaining and upgrading the essential
foundations for competitive business, sustainable
communities and personal well-being.
Brief Project Statement
To provide enhanced access to integrated
information services for the inhabitants,
organisations and institutions of the three
regions, their nations, the wider Northern
Periphery and the European Union in order to make
it simpler for citizens to find information that
may help them in living within the Northern
Periphery, and longer term to encourage citizens
from outside the Northern Periphery to immigrate.
5Project Objectives
- Replace and Upgrade www.hi-ways.org Portal
- External Links
- Newsletters
- Useful Information
- Develop comprehensive knowledge-bases to cater
for all levels of granularity - Regional statistics
- Economic analyses
- Organisation addresses
- Regional and Periphery News
- Implement Discussion Forums Economic
Development - Transport
- Farming, Fishing Forestry
- Planning
- Communications Internet Tools
- E-mail
- Personal View
- Personal Storage
6Current Status 19th May 2005
- Landsdelsutvalget (www.Landsdelsutvalget.no) and
Norrlandsförbundet (www.norrland.info) have
launched their sites - The Highland Council is developing a site
(www.highlandlife.net) and the infrastructure to
support transnational publishing. The new site
will replace the existing www.hi-ways.org site. - www.highlandlife.net will be launched before the
end of 2005 - It is estimated that the transnational publishing
system will be ready for use during last quarter
2005. - A review to define and finalise the operation of
transnational publishing is scheduled for
16th/17th June 2005 in Inverness
7Current Site, Highland Council 19th May 2005
8Current Site, Landsdelsutvalget 19th May 2005
9Current Site, Norrlandsförrbundet 19th May 2005