Title: CS547: Wireless Networking
1CS547 Wireless Networking
- Lecture 2 Broadcast (Radio/TV) Networks
2Broadcast (Radio/TV) Networks
- One-way communication
- Coverage by a broadcast station
3Simplified Interference Model
- Assumption
- Stations in a plane
- Coverage by each station u is a circular disk
with radius ru - Stations u and v interfere with each other ?
Their coverages overlap? uv ? ru rv
4Conflict-free channel assignment
- Given the locations and coverage radii of a set
of stations, assign the fewest channels to
stations s.t. interfering stations receive
distinct channels
5Computation complexity and approximation
- Complexity class of optimization problems
- Polynomial-time solvable
- NP-hard no polynomial-time algorithm unless PNP
- Approximation algorithms tradeoff between time
and performance - Polynomial time
- Approximation ratio the largest ratio of the
approximate (resp., optimal) solution to optimal
(resp., approximate) solution for a minimization
(resp., maximization)
6Interference Topology
- G (V, E) V stations, E pairs of
interfering stations - Disk graph
- Unit-disk graph all stations have the same radii
- Subgraph ? subset of stations U, and subset of
some pairs of interfering stations in U - Induced subgraph ? subset of stations U and
subset of all pairs of interfering stations in U
8Neighbor and node degree
- Neighbor u is a neighbor of v ? u interferes v
- degG(v) degree of v ? number of stations
interfering v - Handshaking lemma total degree 2E
- ?(G) min degG(v) v?V
- ?(G) max degG(v) v?V
- deg (v1)6, deg (v2)deg(v4)deg(v5)deg(v6)3,
deg(v3)deg(v7)4 - ?3, ?6
9Independence number
- Independent set (IS) ? subset of pairwise
non-interfering stations - ? subset of stations that can share a channel
- e.g. v3, v5, v2, v4,v6
- Maximal IS
- e.g. v1, v2, v5
- Maximum IS
- e.g. v2, v4,v6
- Independence number ?(G) size of a maximum IS
- Number of channels ? V/?(G)
10Clique number
- Clique ? subset of pairwise interfering stations
- ? subset of stations that must use distinct
channels - e.g. v1, v3, v4, v1, v3, v4
- Maximal clique
- e.g. v1, v3, v4
- Maximum IS
- e.g. v1, v2, v3, v7
- Clique number ?(G) size of a maximum clique
- Number of channels ? ?(G)
11Chromatic number
- Proper node coloring assign colors to nodes s.t.
neighboring nodes receive different colors ?
conflict-free channel assignment - ? partition of nodes into independent sets
- Chromatic number ?(G)smallest colors needed by
any (proper) node coloring - ?(G) ? max V/?(G), ?(G)
12FIRST-FIT Coloring
- FIRST-FIT in a node ordering ltv1, v2, ?, vngt
- For i 1 to n, assign vi with the smallest color
number without interference - If ltv1, v2, ?, vngt has inductivity q, then the
number of colors is at most q1
ltv1, v7, v6, v5, v4, v3, v2gt
13Inductivity of a vertex ordering
- The inductivity of ltv1, v2, ?, vngt is
- A vertex ordering is q-inductive if ? its
inductivity is at most q? each vertex is
adjacent to at most q pre-ordered vertices. - every vertex ordering is ?(G)-inductive.
ltv1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7gt 3 ltv2, v3, v4, v5,
v6,v7 , v1gt 7
14A lower bound on inductivity of a vertex ordering
- The inductivity of any vertex ordering is at
least ?(G) max?(GU) U?V. - Let U?V be such that ?(GU) is the largest among
all subsets U. Then in any ordering, the vertex
in U appearing last has at least ?(GU)
15Smallest-last ordering
- ltvn, ?, v2, v1gt vi is a vertex of smallest
degree in Gv1,v2, ?,vi - The inductivity of the smallest-last ordering is
at most ?(G) - for each node vi, the number of prior neighbors
of vi is ?(Gv1,v2,?,vi). - smallest-last ordering has the smallest
ltv1, v7, v6, v5, v4, v3, v2gt
16Inductivity of a graph
- ?(G) is called the inductivity of G
- A graph G is said to be q-inductive if there is a
q-inductive vertex ordering. - trees are 1-inductive
- planar graphs are 5-inductive
- triangle-free planar graphs are 3-inductive
- outerplanar graphs are 2-inductive
17Neighborhood of the node u with smallest radius
- Let v and w be two neighbors of u with ?vuw ?
60o. Then v and w are neighbors to each other. - All neighbors of u lying in any 60o-sector form a
clique - The degree of u is at most 6?(G)-7
- u has at most five independent neighbors
- The degree of u is at most 5?(G)-5
18Upper bound on inductivity
- Arbitrary radii
- Radius-decreasing min6?(G)-7, 5?(G)-5
- Smallest-degree-last same bound holds
- Uniform radii
- Arbitrary ordering min6?(G)-7, 5?(G)-5
- Lexicographic/Distance-increasing/Smallest-degree-
last 3?(G)-3
19Performance Bound on FF Coloring
- Arbitrary radii
- FF in radius-decreasing min6?(G)-6, 5?(G)-4
- Smallest-degree-last same bound holds
- Uniform radii
- Arbitrary ordering min6?(G)-6, 5?(G)-4
- Lexicographic/Distance-increasing/Smallest-degree-
last 3?(G)-2
20Strip Coloring
- Assume radius 1/2
- Partition into -strips
- IG over a strip co-comparability graph
- Perfect
- Optimal coloring by maximum matching
- Total number of colors ?