Title: New L2P and L3 at MFCMS
1New L2P and L3 at MF/CMS
- P.LeBorgne, F.Orain, A.Marsouin, H.Roquet
- MF/DP/CMS, Lannion
2New L2P L3
- New L2P
- L3 in MERSEA
- From MERSEA to MyOcean
3Next L2P
- 2009 hourly SEVIRI and GOES L2?P (at present
internal to CMS/MERSEA)
GRIDDED or not?
4L3 at CMS Present status in MERSEA
Le Borgne et al, 2006, Mersea report
5Method (overview)
Zone (Atl., global,..) time window (1day, 3
- Sensor i
- Collection
- Remapping
- Synthesis over time
- Correction
- Principles
- Synthesize information
- Best quality
- Traceability at pixel level
- Origin (which sensor)
- Original lat lon
- Confidence level
- Applied correction (if any)
L3 (i), unique per sensor
L3 (merged)
6Method Correction
7Method Merging
- A priori hierarchy of sensors
- traceability
8L3 validation overview
9L3 validation results over the Atlantic
Routine production since 01/01/07
10 L3 validation results
Inter Comparison of OSI-SAF products
Comparison with AVHRR18_G
11L3 correction validation results
SEVIRI-AATSR as a function of time and
latitude before correction
12L3 correction validation results
SEVIRI-ATSR as a function of time and
latitude after correction
- CMS MERSEA database (francoise.orain_at_meteo.fr)
- Available in real time trough the MERSEA ftp site
at IFREMER - One year completed by March 2008,
- Daily collated for
- Polar orbiters
- NOAA-17
- NOAA-18
- Geostationary
- Buoys
14to Myocean
- MyOcean
- Addition of METOP and MODIS SST
- Collated down to 0.02 degree resolution
- Over the European seas
- For fine resolution analysis
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- Correction with AATSR shows satisfying results in
MERSEA - Limitations
- Cloud cover ?
- Limited swath
- Assumptions large scale (several degrees)/
slowly varying (several days) errors not right
everywhere - Do need RD effort
- One full year database available next March
- MyOcean prototype in construction