Mathematical Proficiency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mathematical Proficiency


It is an intertwining combination of the following five ... This is 5 cents less per gallon than gas at Chevron. How much does 5 gallons of gas cost at Chevron? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mathematical Proficiency

Mathematical Proficiency
  • What is it?

Mathematical Proficiency
  • Mathematics proficiency - what is it?
  • It is an intertwining combination of the
    following five factors...
  • Conceptual understanding - comprehension of
    mathematics concepts, operations and relations
  • Procedural fluency -skill in carrying out
    procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and
  • Strategic competence - ability to formulate,
    represent, and solve mathematical problems
  • Adaptive reasoning - capacity for logical
    thought, reflection, explanation, and
  • Productive disposition - habitual inclination to
    see mathematics as sensible, useful, and
    worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence
    and one's own efficacy.
  • Kilpatrick, James, Swafford, Jane, and Findell,
    Bradford, eds., Adding it Up - Helping Children
    Learn Mathematics, National research Council,
    National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 2001

Intertwined Strands of Proficiency
Conceptual Understanding
  • An integrated and functional grasp of
    mathematical ideas
  • Students with conceptual understanding
  • Know more than isolated facts and methods
  • Understand why a mathematical idea is important
    and the kinds of contexts in which it is useful
  • Have organized knowledge into a coherent whole

Significant Indicators of Conceptual Understanding
  • being able to represent mathematical situations
    in different ways and knowing how different
    representations can be useful for different
  • seeing the connections among concepts and
    procedures and being able to give arguments to
    explain why some facts are consequences of others
  • The degree of students conceptual understanding
    is related to the richness and extent of the
    connections they have made.

  • Knowledge clusters help make learning easier
  • Consider the development of whole number addition
  • Children tend to learn doubles fairly easily
  • Relationships extend their learning
  • 6 6 12, 6 7 is just one more than 6 6
  • Addition is commutative
  • 5 3 3 5
  • Learning of basic addition facts is reduced by
    almost half

  • A student multiplies 9.83 and 7.65 and gets
  • Conceptual understanding allows this student to
    reason that 10 x 8 80.
  • Therefore, multiplying two numbers less than 10
    and 8 will give a product less than 80.
  • Suspect that the decimal point is incorrectly
    place and check that possibility.

Examples in Higher Math
  • True or False
  • The graph of any equation in two variables is a
    straight line.
  • The graph of a quadratic function f(x) ax2bxc
    (agt0) is never a straight line.
  • If the selling price of a product is raised,
    total revenue from sales of the product must rise
    due to the increased revenue per item.

Procedural Fluency
  • Knowledge of procedures, knowledge of when and
    how to use them appropriately, and skill in
    performing them flexibly, accurately, and
  • Students with procedural fluency
  • Know ways to estimate the results of a procedure
  • Understand that procedures can be developed to
    solve entire classes of problems, not just
    individual problems
  • Are able to use a variety of mental strategies
  • Apply various methods of calculation
  • Can modify or adapt procedures to make them
    easier to use

  • Students with limited procedural understanding
    would need a paper and pencil to add
  • 199 66
  • Students with more understanding would see that
    199 is 1 less than 200, so they might add 200
    66, then subtract 1 from that sum

Procedural Fluency
  • "Procedural fluency" means "how many ways can we
    approach a given problem and how many solutions
    make sense based on a) what information was given
    and b)what was requested."

  • Learning a procedure with understanding vs.
    learning the procedure without understanding.
  • Discuss
  • What procedures do we teach that students may not
    or typically do not understand?
  • What errors do they make in applying the
  • What happens when they practice the procedures
  • How does it impact their future learning?

  • This is not to say that one must learn every
    nuance behind the scenes of a procedure.
  • Did you fully understand why the power rule for
    derivatives or antiderivatives worked?

Strategic Competence
  • The ability to formulate mathematical problems,
    represent them, and solve them.
  • Similar to what has been called problem solving
    and problem formulation.
  • Students with strategic competence
  • Are able to represent problems using the
    essential elements or key features
  • Know a variety of solution strategies as well as
    which strategies may be useful for solving a
    specific problem.

  • At ARCO, gas sells for 1.13 per gallon.
  • This is 5 cents less per gallon than gas at
  • How much does 5 gallons of gas cost at Chevron?
  • Students with limited strategic competence focus
    on the numbers and so-called keywords to
    determine appropriate arithmetic operations.
  • 1.13 less 5 1.08
  • 1.08 x 5 gallons 5.40

Example (Non-Routine Problems)
  • A cycle shop has a total of 36 bicycles and
    tricycles in stock.
  • Collectively there are 80 wheels.
  • How many bikes and how many tricycles are there?

Strategy 2
  • Guess and Check
  • If there were 20 bikes and 16 tricycles, there
    would be (20 x 2) (16 x 3) 88 wheels.
  • Try 24 bikes and 12 tricycles.
  • (24 x 2) (12 x 3) 84 wheels.
  • Try 28 bikes and 8 tricycles.
  • (28 x 2) (8 x 3) 80 wheels.

Strategy 3
  • Algebraic Solution
  • Let b number of bikes, t number of tricycles
  • b t 36
  • 2b 3t 80
  • The solution of the system of equations yields
    28 bikes and 8 tricycles.

Alternative Strategies
  • What alternative strategies did you use to
    represent and solve the problem?
  • What strategy might a student who has not
    mastered multiplication use?

Multiple Solution Problem
  • Bookers Bakery
  • Cookie prices (per cookie)
  • Oatmeal 9
  • Peanut Butter 12
  • Chocolate Chip 15
  • (Math Mountain, McRel 1998)
  • What could you get in a 1.50 bag of cookies? Try
    to find several possibilities.
  • What is the maximum number of cookies you could
    get in a 1.50 bag?
  • Could you get a 1.50 bag of cookies with no
    chocolate chips?
  • Could you get a 1.50 bag of cookies with an
    equal number of all three kinds of cookies?

Adaptive Reasoning
  • The capacity to think logically about the
    relationships among concepts and situations.
  • Reasoning is correct and valid, and stems from
    careful consideration of alternatives.
  • Includes knowledge of how to justify the
  • Adaptive reasoning is the glue that holds
    everything together.

Adaptive Reasoning Broad View
  • Includes not only
  • formal proof and other forms of deductive
  • But also
  • informal explanation and justification
  • As well as
  • intuitive and inductive reasoning based on
    pattern, analogy, and metaphor.

  • Estimate the sum
  • 1, 2, 19, 21
  • 55 of 13-year olds chose either 19 or 21 as the
    correct response
  • 24 of the 13-year olds selected the correct
  • 37 of the 17-year olds selected the correct
  • (NAEP)

Example Population Growth in Two Towns
  • In 1980 the populations of Town A and Town B were
    5000 and 6000, respectively. The 1990 populations
    of Town A and Town B were 8000 and 9000,
  • Phil claims that from 1980 to 1990 the
    populations of the two towns grew by the same
    amount. Use mathematics to explain how Brian
    might have justified his claim.
  • Darlene claims that from 1980 to 1990 the
    population of Town A grew more. Use mathematics
    to explain how Darlene might have justified her

Meaningful Classroom Discourse
  • Engaging students in conversations in the
    mathematics classroom provides important learning
    opportunities for students. NCTM, 2000
  • When students are asked to orally justify their
    solution methods to their teachers and their
    peers, their own understanding deepens. NCTM,
  • When teachers better understand the development
    of students mathematical thinking, students
    performance is enhanced. McREL, 2001

Productive Disposition
  • The tendency to see sense in mathematics, to
    perceive it as both useful and worthwhile, to
    believe that steady effort in learning
    mathematics pays off, and to see oneself as an
    effective learner and doer of mathematics.
  • If students are to develop conceptual
    understanding, procedural fluency, strategic
    competence, and adaptive reasoning abilities,
    they must believe that mathematics is
    understandable, not arbitrary that, with
    diligent effort, it can be learned and used and
    that they are capable of figuring it out.
  • Developing a productive disposition requires
    frequent opportunities to make sense of
    mathematics, to recognize the benefits of
    perseverance, and to experience the rewards of
    sense making in mathematics.

  • What factors influence the development of
    productive disposition?
  • What factors hinder the development of productive
  • What can teachers do to help learners develop a
    healthy disposition towards mathematics?

Properties of Mathematical Proficiency
  • The strands of proficiency are interwoven
  • Proficiency isnt all or nothing
  • Proficiency develops over time

Teaching for Mathematical Proficiency
  • What is learned depends on what is taught and how
    it is presented.
  • Consistently helping students learn worthwhile
    mathematical content.
  • Being able to work effectively with a wide
    variety of students in different environments and
    across a range of mathematical concepts.

  • http//
  • Principles and Standards for School Mathematics,
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