Title: Interstellar Molecular Excitation
1Interstellar Molecular Excitation
- Jan 25, 2008
- Kwok Chapters 7-9
- Palla Stahler Chapters 5 6
2Rotational Transitions
3Rotational Transitions
4Rotational Transitions
5Taurus Molecular Cloud in 12CO
(Goldsmith et al.)
6Taurus Molecular Cloud in 13CO
(Goldsmith et al.)
7Taurus Molecular Cloud in AV
(Dobashi et al. 2005)
8Temperature Measured by CO
9Temperature Measured by CO
10Column Density Measured by CO
11Column Density Measured by CO
12Column Density Measured by CO
13Column Density Measured by CO
14Isotopologues of CO
(Frerking, Langer and Wilson, 1982)
Spectra taken in Taurus molecular cloud in a
region with AV 13.3
15Vibrational Transitions of Diatomic Molecules
16Vibrational Transitions of Diatomic Molecules
17Vibrational Bands of CO
(Goto et al. 2003)
20Vibrational Lines of H2
(Rosenthal et al. 2000)
21Hyperfine Lines in Molecules
22N2H Spectrum
(Caselli, Myers Thaddeus, 1995)
23N2H Spectrum
(Schnee Goodman, 2005)
vinf 0.1 km/s
Antenna Temperature (K)
Velocity (km/s)
24N2H Infall
(Schnee et al. 2007b)
25Symmetric Tops
26Symmetric Tops
(N.B., these equations in Kwok (7.19) are in
27Symmetric Tops
28Symmetric Tops - NH3
29TMC-1C NH3 Spectrum - GBT
(Schnee et al. in prep.)
30NH3 Velocity Map - GBT
(Schnee et al. in prep.)
31NH3 Optical Depth Map - GBT
(Schnee et al. in prep.)
32Asymmetric Tops
33Asymmetric Tops - H2O
34Asymmetric Tops - H2O
35Asymmetric Tops - H2O
36Schematic of a Maser
37Energy Levels for Ortho H2O
(Babkovskaia Poutanen 2004)
38Energy Levels for Ortho H2O
Energy (K)
(Neufeld Melnick 2001)
39NGC 4258
(Herrnstein et al. 1999)