Solar System Formation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Solar System Formation


In a dense molecular cloud far, far away proposed originally by Kant, Laplace, and others in the 1700's solar system formed from a nebula (cloud of interstellar gas ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Solar System Formation

Solar System Formation
When the Solar System Formed
A long time ago
  • In a dense molecular cloud far, far away

Hot, ionized gas
M16 The Eagle Nebula
Young stars
Dense Molecular gas
  • Molecules and dust
  • Allow efficient cooling of gas
  • Self-shield from ionizing radiation
  • Act as a Refrigerator

Bright star
Ionizing radiation
Ionized Gas
Ionized Gas
Evaporating molecular gas
Dust grain absorbs visible/UV, re-radiates
infrared, which escapes
Dusty Molecular Gas
Ionization Front
Excited molecule releases energy
Whats Going On
Locally denser clouds survive, cool
Self Gravity
M42 The Orion Nebula
Distinct Protostellar Nebula
1000 AU
The Nebular Hypothesis for Planet Formation
The Nebular Hypothesis
  • proposed originally by Kant, Laplace, and others
    in the 1700's
  • solar system formed from a nebula (cloud of
    interstellar gas) that evolved into a disk.
  • initial nebula presumably looked like the
    molecular cloud cores in Galaxy M 16,.
  • Properties of the pre-Solar Nebula
  • Low density---102cm-3. Compare this to the
    density of air, 2x1019 cm-3.
  • The minimum mass is a few times the mass of the
  • The material was well mixed (homogeneous).
  • Solid material included interstellar grains
    (dust), nebular condensates, and diamonds.
  • Chemical composition
  • H and He 98
  • C, N, O 1.33
  • Ne 0.17
  • Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Fe, Ni 0.365
  • Initially Low Temperature---probably around
    50-100K (-200C).

  • Numerous regions of gas and dust dispersed in our
  • Largest are known as giant molecular clouds and
    contain enough gas to make 100000 Sun masses
  • Closest large molecular cloud is the Orion nebula
    (1500 light years away)
  • Most of gas is H and He, but about one in every
    thousand atoms is heavier than He
  • Virtually all atoms are combined in molecules (eg
    H2) (due to low T and relatively high density of
    atoms densest areas have about 107 atoms per
  • Chemistry, density and temperature distribution
    of clouds is complex and varies between and
    within clouds
  • Molecules detected inlcude H2, CO
  • In coldest parts of clouds most of the molecules
    are bound in rocky-icy grains.
  • Newly formed stars are known as T-Tauri stars
    (very bright)

The Collapse of a Nebula
The Accreation Disk
  • Note ring-like structures within
  • gas clouds (nebulae), surrounding
  • a central proto-star (here in Orion Nebula)
  • Stars older than a few Ma dont have proplyds,
    hence planets must form rapidly following
    proto-star formation. Gas giants may have formed
    quicker than terrestrial planets
  • Planet formation in discs not
  • actually observed, hence circumstellar disks is
    a better
  • phrase
  • Gaps in disks may indicate
  • presence of planet
  • Note planets may also form around old stars (eg
    binary systems were one has released dust and
    gas, that is captured by its companion, some
    planets also found around single red giants)

  • Beta Pectoris
  • 50 light years from sun
  • Disk is 500 AU across
  • 100 million years old

Planetary Formation
(No Transcript)
Grains to Planetesimals
  • Condensation slow growth of grains, atom by
    atom by random collision
  • Like snowflakes in a snow cloud

Dust grain, 1 micron
Very slowly
Atom, 0.0001 micron
Grains to Planetesimals
  • Accretion Somewhat faster sticking of grains
  • Condensation makes grains chemically sticky
  • Friction generates static electricity

Dust grain, 10 microns 1 cm
Dust grain, 10 microns 1 cm
From Dust to Planetesimals
  • The condensates take the form of (1 micron size)
    dust grains in the solar disk.
  • These grains will settle to the disk midplane
    since they are heavier than the H and He gas.
    What happens next is uncertain.
  • One possibility is that the thin disk of dust is
    gravitationally unstable, leading to the
    formation of roughly 1 kilometer size objects
    known as planetesimals.
  • Another possibility is that the flow in the disk
    is turbulent, so that the dust cannot settle out
    and form an unstable thin disk. In this picture
    the dust grains collide with each other and stick
    to form slightly larger bodies, which in turn
    collide to form yet larger bodies. This picture
    suffers from the difficulty that bodies between
    the size of dust and planetesimals suffer the
    effects of drag, and so tend to spiral into the

Planetesimals when 1km in Size
Cluster of planetesimals
  • Now sufficiently large that turbulent gas motions
    dont blow them in, out, round and about
  • Gravity takes over
  • Planetesimals free to sink into middle plane of
  • Planetesimals gravitationally attract each other

Planetesimals to Protoplanets
  • Clusters of planetesimals become
  • Collisions are usually soft, since everything
    is co-rotating together
  • Soft soil on surface allowed more sticking

Protoplanets Theory 1
  • Evolutionary Differentiation
  • Denser materials (iron, nickel) in center
  • Lighter materials (silicates) toward surface
  • Radioactivity heats, melts protoplanet, allowing

Protoplanets Theory 2
  • In situ stratification
  • The first planetesimals are mostly metals, while
    solar nebula is hot
  • As nebula cools, lighter elements for
  • Melting, differentiation during formation

Planetary Formation
  • Once the larger of these particles get big enough
    to have a nontrivial gravity, their growth
  • Their gravity pulls in more, smaller particles,
    and very quickly, the large objects have
    accumulated all of the solid matter close to
    their own orbit.
  • The accretion of these "planetesimals" is
    believed to take a few hundred thousand to about
    twenty million years

Solar System Differentiation
  • A wind of charged particles from star(s) now acts
    to erode disk from inside out (solar wind is a
    remnant of this).
  • In solar system gas giants may have formed at
    this time, before most of gas of disk was blown

Ejection of Planetesimals
  • Interaction of Jupiter and Saturn kicked out
    planetesimals to form Oort Cloud
  • Interaction of Uranus and Neptune kicked out
    planetesimals to form Kuiper belt

Solar System Differentiation
  • Formation of Condensates and differentiation
  • The solar nebula was originally gas,
  • as the density of the gas increased solid
    material began to condense out.
  • The process is the inverse of sublimation, in
    which a solid such as ice goes directly to the
    gas phase (water vapor in this example).
  • A solid formed by condensation is called a

Radial Position Temperature (K) Dominant Solid
1. 1700 Refractory minerals, (CaO, Al2O3 TiO)
2. 1470 Metals (Fe, Ni, Co, and their alloys)
3. 1450 Magnesium rich silicates
4. 1000 Alkali feldspars (silicates abundant in alkali elements (Na, K, Rb)
5. 700 Iron sulfide FeS (triolite)
6. 400 Fe condenses
7. 350 Hydrated minerals rich in calcium
8. 300 Hydrated minerals rich in Iron and Magnesium
9. 273 Water ice
10. 150 Other ices (NH3, H2O, etc)
Formation of Gas Giants
Planetary Differentiation
  • Cold Homogeneous Accretion model
  • Terrestrial planets accreted as a homogeneous
    masses of disk material
  • Later differentiated by internal heating
  • Heat supplied by
  • A) Accretionary Heating
  • Meteorite bombardment
  • B) Core Formation and the Heat of
  • Gravitational collapse and release of heat energy
  • C) Radiogenic Heating
  • Decay of radioactive elements

  • Hot Heterogeneous Accretion
  • Most scientists today prefer a model where large
    chunks of material, some of which were metal
    silicate, others predifferentiated as one or the
    other, violently coalesce to form the Earth.
  • Metal sinks to the core due to negative buoyancy
    (silicate is hot enough to be plastic and
    "squishy" if not actually molten).
  • Conditions are HOT volatile elements were lost
    to a significant degree.
  • Based on
  • Asteroids
  • "unassembled" planets,
  • already differentiated into chemically different
  • Therefore, Protoplanetary material was already

Planetary Differentiation
Planetary Differentiation
Extrasolar Planets
Extrasolar Planets
  • Many other planetary systems have been discovered
    within the past 18 years.
  • Cannot be imaged directly, since too far
  • Indirect evidence
  • Analysis of light from parent star
  • Wobbling of star due to mass of planets causes
    Doppler shift
  • Most extrasolar planets are Large (gt1 Jupiter

51 Pegasi
  • First extrasolar planet confirmed
  • announced in late 1995 by astronomers studying 51
    Pegasi, a spectral type G2-3 V main-sequence star
    42 light-years from Earth.
  • High-resolution spectrograph found that the
    star's line-of-sight velocity changes by some 70
    meters per second every 4.2 days (a doppler
  • planet lies only 7 million kilometers from 51
  • much closer than Mercury is to the Sun
  • planet has a mass at least half that of Jupiter.
  • temperature of about 1,000 degrees Celsius
  • Probably lacking an atmosphere,
  • planet may be a nearly molten ball of iron and
    rock with seven times the Earth's diameter and
    seven times its surface gravity.
  • One side may permanently face the star, much as
    the Moon's does the Earth

51 Pegasi
Upsilon Andromedea
  • 3 planet system
  • Planet 1
  • 0.7 Jupiter masses
  • 0.06 AU orbit
  • Planet 2
  • 2.1 Jupiter masses
  • 0.83 AU orbit
  • Planet 3
  • 4.3 Jupiter masses
  • 2.6 AU orbit

  • At last a planet has been confirmed with an orbit
    comparable to Jupiter's
  • a distance of 5.5 AU from the star, (Jupiter's is
    5.2 AU).
  • the 13 year orbit is slightly elliptical rather
    than round,
  • the world is 3.5 to 5 times the mass of Jupiter
  • the closest astronomers have come to date in
    finding a system that resembles our own.
  • two other confirmed worlds in this system are
    shown as small dots of light to the left and
    right of the parent star.
  • The innermost gas giant was discovered in 1996
    and has a 14.6-day orbit.
  • The middle world orbits 55 Cancri in 44.3 days.

55 Cancri
  • located 137 light years away
  • in the constellation Orion.
  • confirmed 0.77 Jupiter mass planet whips around
    its star in 14.3 days at an average distance of
    0.13 AU.
  • There is evidence in the data that a second
    companion may exist farther out, shown here as a
    large ringed planet with three satellites.
  • The moon close up has icy sheets and ridges
    similar to those found on Europa and a thin

  • A second planet has been discovered orbiting
    Gliese 876, making it one of the most bizarre
    systems found to date.
  • The two planets are eternally locked in sync,
    with periods of 60 and 30 days.
  • Because of this 2-to-1 ratio, the inner planet
    goes around twice for each orbit of the outer
  • They gravitationally shepherd one other to
    maintain this synchrony.
  • A lunar landscape is shown at the bottom

Gliese 876
47 Ursa Majoris
  • Inner planet has a period a little over three
    years (1100 days),
  • mass about three times that of Jupiter,
  • orbital radius about twice the Earth's distance
    from the Sun.
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