Title: The development of local language indicators
1The development of local language indicators
2 able to speak Welsh
3Iaith Pawb Background
- Iaith Pawb Welsh Assembly Govts National
Action Plan for a Bilingual Wales - to develop, compile and publish a range of
statistical indicators about Welsh language
ability levels and usage patterns, trends and
projections - ...aim to develop language use survey techniques
to gather information about levels of fluency in
Welsh, visibility of the language and confidence
in using Welsh in different situations
4Iaith Pawb Background
- The increased range of data will be used to help
inform policy-making and prioritisation and will
enable us to target, track, evaluate and review
the effect of policies and programmes - Target
- By 2011- more services, by public, private and
voluntary organisations are able to be delivered
through the medium of Welsh
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- Project to develop local language indicators
- 2 aspects
- Organisational use of the language
- Social use
- Contracted with
- Centre for European Research Wales Dr Glyn
Williams and Dr Delyth Morris
8Sociolinguistic theory
- Domains and diglossia
- Social networks
- Normativity and Normalisation
9Ofercat Catalan tool
- Language use contexts
- Signage
- Identification (façade signs)
- Informative
- Written communications
- Oral
- introductory (for identification)
- in response
10WLB approach (1)language use contexts
- Similar to Ofercat, but
- as well as language used, extended to record
Courtesy. - Oral tested face-to-face as well as by phone
- Only 3 categories of use recorded Welsh,
English, and bilingual.
11WLB approach (2) Sectors distinguished
- Central government
- Local government
- Courts
- Health
- Voluntary sector
- (Excluded education and media)
- Businesses
- chains
- single units
- cafes and pubs
- Theatre
- Sports
- Transport
12WLB approach (3)Sampling
- Sample locations 6 selected Language Action Plan
areas (small towns) - By sector within location
- Complete coverage of central and local
government, and courts - 60-70 small and chain businesses, sampled on
random walk - at least 10 others, including largest health
13WLB approach (4) Fieldwork
- Method covert observation (mystery shopper)
- Longitudinal future-proofing
- Sites of observations grid referenced
- Dates and times noted
- Phone numbers and URLs noted
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17 Number of organisations observed
- 800 in total at 950 addresses
18WLB approach (6) Some issues
- Organisational sample frame built up from Yellow
Pages and similar - Post sampling linkage of records to organisations
- Appropriate definition of survey location e.g.
treatment of out-of-town business parks - Distinction between informational signage and
advertisements - More call centres mean location less important
19Linguistic Landscape
- The language of public road signs, advertising
billboards, street names, place names, commercial
shop signs, and public signs on government
buildings combines to form the linguistic
landscape of a given territory, region or urban
agglomeration. Landry Bourhis, 1997)
20Signage roads
21Signage government
22Signage large businesses
23Signage small businesses
24Some results
- Note - no purposive weights, i.e. all items given
equal weights
25 Number of observations
26Proportion of services in Welsh or bilingual
27Visits first greetingProportion in Welsh or
28Visits subsequent responseProportion in Welsh
or bilingual
29Phone calls first greetingProportion in Welsh
or bilingual
30Phone calls subsequent responseProportion in
Welsh or bilingual
31Thanks for listening
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