Title: Welcome to Psych 7
1Welcome to Psych 7
- Introductions
- Discussion Sections
- The Research Requirement
2The Psych 7 Research Requirement
- Purpose
- to get some first-hand experience with research
- Options
- 1) Be a participant in experiments
- or
- 2) Write a research paper
3Why the requirement?
To enhance your understanding of the nature of
psychological research, it is important that you
get some first-hand experience.
- Participate in experiments - Your participation
as a subject in experiments will give you a
chance to have direct contact with research, and
thereby you will acquire a better idea of what a
psychological experiment is actually like. - Write a research paper - Writing this paper
should provide a learning experience comparable
to that of participating in ongoing research.
4The Psych 7 Research Requirement
- If you dont complete the research requirement by
the specified deadlines, your Psych 7 grade will
be reduced - e.g. if you had an A- you will receive a B
- if you had a C, you will get a C-
5Option 1 Participate in Experiments
- For Fall 07, you need
- 6 Credits
- a one hour (or less) experiment 1 credit
- over an hour (up to two hours) 2 credits
6Check Your U-mail Account
- For information about your U-Mail account, go to
- http//www.umail.ucsb.edu/
7(No Transcript)
8User ID Password
- Once you have registered in the course, an email
will be sent to the email address you have listed
in GOLD. In most cases, this is your U-Mail
address. Look for the email containing your User
ID and Password for the Psychology Research
Participation Sign-Up website. - If you have not already registered in the course,
or have not yet activated your U-Mail account,
you should receive the email within a few days of
doing so.
9Theyll e-mail you your User ID and Password
- From "Psychology Research Participation Sign-Up"
ltwwwsubpool_at_psych.ucsb.edugt - To gaucho_at_umail.ucsb.edu
- Subject Psychology Research Participation
Sign-Up Login Information - Your login information for Psychology Research
Participation Sign-Up is listed - below.
- User ID gaucho
- Password ab1234
- Please go to http//ucsb.sona-systems.com to
login to the system. - If you have any questions, please email
10How to Sign up for Experiments
- Go to
- http//ucsb.sona-systems.com
- Enter the User ID and Password that were sent to
your U-Mail account
11(No Transcript)
12Acknowledge Your Rights
Click Yes if you agree to the terms
13When you log on, youll see this screen
14Online Pretests
When you log in for the first time, you will be
asked if you want to participate in an online
Pretest. This is an optional survey that consists
of a few questionnaires and demographics, which
should take 40-45 minutes. You can choose to
participate immediately, or if you wish to
participate at a later time, you may choose to do
so. However, if you choose to participate in the
pretest, you MUST do so within the first two
weeks of the quarter. The pretest survey can be
accessed on the My Profile" page if you would
like to complete it at another time during the
first two weeks of the quarter. Participation in
this Pretest is totally voluntary. If you do
choose to participate, you will receive one
credit towards your Psych 7 research requirement,
AND it may qualify you for studies for which you
might not otherwise qualify. BE ADVISEDÂ You
MUST complete the entire survey, and hit submit
at the end, or the system will NOT record your
responses. This means that your data will not be
saved, and the system will have no record that
you participated. So, if you want to participate
in Pretesting, you should only do it when you
will have the full 45 minutes to devote to
completing the questionnaires. If you are under
the age of 18, you may not complete this
questionnaire. Thanks in advance, for your
cooperation. The Psychology Departments
researchers appreciate you participation!
15You can access your profile here
16- If you want, you can edit your Profile
- if you mostly use another Email Address, you can
change it - you can change the password they gave you to one
you are more likely to remember - you can also access the Pretest from the Profile
screen at any time during the first two weeks of
the quarter.
17To sign up for experiments
18Youll see a list of currently active studies --
note the Restrictions -- click on Timeslots
Available to see the available times
19You will be shown more information about the
experiment To see available time slots, click
View Time Slots
20Review the available times Then click the
appropriate Sign Up button
21Your Signup was Successful!
Write this information down on your Tally Sheet
Study Name/Description __________________________
Study Name/Description __________________________
Study Name/Description __________________________
Be sure to write down all the information, and
bring Tally Sheet to each experiment.
23Keep Track of Your Experiments
24To keep track of your experiments
You can cancel an appointment up to 24 hours prior
25Show up to experiments on time!
- If you miss an experiment or are late, you will
receive a 1-credit penalty - For each penalty you receive, the number of
credits you must earn will increase
26- This person signed up for three experiments
- one is still more than 24 hours away,
- one he attended (and got 1 credit),
- one he missed (and got a negative credit)
- So, the total experiment credits hes earned so
far 1 - And due to a failure to appear for an experiment,
- the number of credits he must earn has increased
from 6 to 7
27If you forget your password, you can access
Click here to retrieve it! on the main page and
they will e-mail it to you.
28Your Rights
- No experiments will involve psychological or
physical harm. - When you arrive, the study will be explained to
you. You are free to choose not to participate. - Further, if during a session, you feel distressed
and wish to withdraw, you may terminate your
participation. You will not be penalized for
refusing to participate and will receive the
appropriate Research Requirement credit.
29Your Responsibilities
- Please show up on time
- Being late will probably earn you a negative
credit - Read the specifications
- e.g. Dont sign up for Males Only if you are
female - Assume the experiment will take one full hour
- unless it says otherwise when you sign up
- If you are Under 18 Years of Age
- need parental consent form
- If you are repeating Psych 7
- still need to fulfill the requirement
- If you know your name wont appear on the
registrars class list for Psych 7 - contact the Subject Pool Coordinator (see
handout) - Any questions or concerns?
- see the UCSB Research Participation website help
links - contact the Subject Pool Coordinator
31Option 2 Research Paper
- More details in the handout
- Review articles from List of Acceptable Journals
(see handout) - Should take same amount of time as participating
in experiments
32Due Dates
- The last day to participate in experiments
- November 30, 2007
- NO experiments are run during finals week and
there are no experiment makeup dates after the
last day of experiments. - The paper is due
- November 30, 2007 by 400 PM (Psych East, RM
1813) - Please refer to handout for more details.