Title: Lingua
- Prepared by Dinçay KÖKSAL
- The promotion of language teaching and learning
is an objective of the SOCRATES 2 programme as a
whole, and of the Erasmus, Comenius and Grundtvig
actions in particular. - The new Lingua Action supports these actions
through measures designed to - Encourage and support linguistic diversity
throughout the Union. - Contribute to an improvement in the quality of
language teaching and learning. - Promote access to lifelong language learning
opportunities appropriate to each individuals
- The action is divided into two parts,
corresponding to different sub-objectives. - Lingua 1 is intended to
- raise citizens awareness of the Unions
multilingual wealth, encourage people to learn
languages throughout their lifetime, and to
improve access to foreign-language learning
resources across Europe. - develop and disseminate innovative techniques and
good practices in language teaching.Â
- Lingua 2 aims toÂ
- ensure that a sufficiently wide range of
language-learning tools is available to language
learners. - Under both sub-actions, the Commission will fund
projects developed by transnational partnerships
composed of eligible institutions and
organisations. The application procedure is the
same for both sub-actions.
5- Which languages?
- Language teaching covers the teaching and
learning, as foreign languages, of all of the
official Community languages as well as Irish and
Luxemburgish. - The national languages of the EFTA/EEA countries
and of the pre-accession countries participating
in this programme are also eligible. - Throughout the programme, particular attention is
paid to the development of skills in the less
widely used and less taught official Community
languages (the LWULT languages).
- Partnerships working on Lingua projects must
meet the following criteria - Involve at least one eligible establishment/
organisation from each of at least three
participating countries, including countries
where the target languages are spoken. - Provide for all the participants to take an
active role in pooling their expertise to design,
implement and evaluate the project and ensure the
wide dissemination of its products. - Bring together all the skills necessary for the
performance of the tasks.
7Lingua 1 Promotion of language learning
- Objectives
- To promote language teaching and learning, to
support the linguistic diversity of the Union,
and to encourage improvements in the quality of
language teaching structures and systems. - Specifically, the action is intended to
- Raise citizens awareness of the multilingual
character of the Union and of the advantages of
lifelong language learning, and to encourage them
to take up language learning themselves. - Improve access to language learning resources and
increase the support available for those learning
languages. - Promote the dissemination of information about
innovative techniques and good practices in
foreign language teaching in Europe, among its
target groups (especially decision-makers and key
education professionals).
8Lingua 1 Promotion of language learning
- Projects
- Multinational partnerships are invited to submit
projects in one or more of the areas of activity
set out below. - The type of activity and the target group vary
according to the area of activity. Given the
innovative nature of this Action, the types of
activity listed here are for guidance only. Any
activity with the potential to achieve the
objectives of the relevant area will, in
principle, be considered.
9Lingua 1 Promotion of language learning
- Lingua 1 Area 1
- Raising awareness of the advantages of language
learning - Motivating individuals to learn languages
(including the ability to learn how to learn
languages)Â - Providing information on the means and methods
available (such as multilingual comprehension,
partial competence )
10Priority themes Lingua
- Multilingual comprehension
- Partial linguistic competence, such as written
and oral comprehension - Survival-level linguistic competence
- The development of measures encouraging the
acquisition of sufficient knowledge of foreign
languages to meet the requirements of particular
situations and contexts, provided that these
measures are not linked to a specific profession
(this would fall more within the scope of the
Leonardo da Vinci programme) - Analysis of the problems linked to language
teaching and learning presented by further
Community enlargement - Projects focussing on other themes will not,
however, be excluded
11Lingua 1 Target groups for activities
- General public
- Specific groups such as parents or inhabitants of
countries/ regions where numbers of persons
learning languages are low - Education professionals
12Examples of types of activity and priority themes
in 2001
- Information campaigns
- Competitions
- Awards
- LabelsÂ
- Studies and analyses
- Schemes for the recognition of language skills
- ).
13Target groups for activities
- General public
- Sectors with specific access needsÂ
14Examples of types of activity and priority themes
in 2001
- Networking of language resource centres,
information exchange and pilot projects in the
following areas - Informing the general public about the
opportunities available in resource centres - Sharing of skills, particularly in self-study and
distance learning, including the organisation of
pilot courses - Implementation of new initiatives, such as
Language Clubs, to increase public awareness of
the resources available - Training of resource centre staff
- Opening existing resource centres (e.g.
university language laboratories) to the public
or to other target groups, and ensuring that
their needs are met - Making more language-learning resources available
from local authorities, via public libraries,
schools, associations, etc. - Increasing the number of languages offered
- Innovative approaches providing self-study
materials for secondary-school pupilsÂ
15Lingua 1 Area 3
- Exchange and dissemination amongst policy makers
of information on innovative approaches and key
issues in language teaching - Facilitating access to language learning.Â
16Target groups for activities
- Decision-makers
- Senior civil servants
- Inspectors
17Examples of types of activity and priority themes
in 2001
- Preparing, organising and following up colloquia,
seminars, conferences, etc. - Specialist publications
- Creating and promoting associations and networks
18Concentrating on the following areas
- Teaching of languages at an early age
- Multilingual comprehension
- Partial linguistic competence, such as written
and oral comprehension, or survival-level
linguistic competence - The development of measures encouraging the
acquisition of sufficient knowledge of foreign
languages to meet the requirements of particular
situations and contexts, provided that these
measures are not linked to a specific profession
(this would fall more within the scope of the
Leonardo da Vinci programme) - Analysis of the problems linked to language
teaching and learning presented by further
Community enlargement. - Projects focussing on other themes will not,
however, be excluded.
19Lingua 2 Development of instruments for
language-teaching and for the assessment of
foreign language skills.
- This action continues the work of the former
Lingua action D
20Lingua 2 Objectives
- The objective of this action is to help raise the
standards in language teaching and learning by
ensuring the availability of sufficient language
learning instruments and tools for assessing
linguistic skills acquired. - The action will encourage the development of new
tools and a wider dissemination of existing
methods which represent best practice and provide
European added-value.Â
21Lingua 2Objectives
- More specifically, this action aims to
- encourage innovation in the development of
language learning and teaching tools - encourage the sharing of best practicesÂ
- provide a wider variety of language teaching
materials to more clearly defined target groups - encourage the production of language tools for
the less widely used less taught languages - support educational approaches which are
commercially under-represented or difficult to
market on a large scale - encourage the acquisition of sufficient knowledge
of foreign languages to meet the requirements of
particular situations and contexts, provided that
these measures are not linked to a specific
profession (this would fall more within the scope
of the Leonardo da Vinci programme) - improve the distribution and availability of
22Outline of projects
- The Commission will encourage cooperation on a
European scale in the development and exchange of
innovative curricula, methodologies and
educational materials as well as effective tools
for assessing language skills acquired. - The Commission will provide co-financing for
projects which create, adapt, refine or exchange
one or more of the following products - educational media and materials for foreign
language teaching, as well as for raising
awareness of languages - methods and tools designed to recognise and
evaluate language skills - teaching and study programmes.Â
23Outline of projects
- The projects must
- precisely define their educational objectives
- demonstrate a need for the product(s) or
activity(ies) proposed - clearly define both their target publics and the
situations to be covered - show a consistent approach to teaching issues
- evaluate the results obtained
- disseminate widely within the participating
countries the results obtained.
24Outline of projects
- NOTE the products developed under Lingua Action
2 are essentially aimed at language learners (and
not at the training of language teachers see
Comenius 2).
25Themes and priorities
- The Commission publishes, regularly, a list of
the priority themes for this Action, in addition
to the overall priorities listed above. - Projects concentrating on other themes will not,
however, be excluded. - For 2001, priority will be given to projects
which devise, develop or produce material and
techniques for language teaching and learning and
which - Concentrate on preparing Union citizens for
trans-European mobility - Encourage self-study of languages.
26Themes and priorities
- For materials developed by transnational
partnerships under the previous Lingua Programme
and under Lingua action D, please see Lingua
Catalogue. - For examples of projects supported in recent
years, please download the Lingua D compendia, or
see the web sites of some current projects.
27Take a look at Lingu_at_net a multilingual, virtual
resources centre. Further details of these
actions, and their eligibility criteria and
priorities, of which these are only a summary,
may be found in the Guidelines for Applicants,
available from the National Agencies. Lingua
Catalogue http//www.ua.gov.tr/portal/page?_pagei