Title: Narrowing the health gap
1Narrowing the health gap
- LSP Performance Management Framework Progress
Report - November 2003
2Topics covered
3Infant Mortality
- Rate of death of infants under one year per 1,000
births - Diverging trend
- 0.3 per 1,000 higher than London in 1990-92 (3)
- 0.9 per 1,000 higher than London in 1999-2001
4Life Expectancy at birth - male
5Life Expectancy at birth - female
6Death rate (all causes)
7Death from Circulatory disease
- Mortality rate for all circulatory disease in
persons aged lt75 (age standardised)
- Majority of strokes lead to hospital admission
- 1999/2000 admission rate (age-standardised)
- England 204 per 100,000
- Newham 229 per 100,000 (fifth highest in London)
9Death from Cancer
- Mortality rate from all malignant neoplasms
(cancer) in people aged lt75 (age standardised)
10New cases of HIV
- In 2002
- 69 persons new to SOPHID (9)
- 755 in total
- 54 male
- Standardised prevalence rate for 2001
- 288 per 100,000
- (England 48)
11New cases of STIs
- In 2001 ( seen at Greenway Centre)
- 15 new cases of syphilis
- 346 new cases of gonorrhoea (37)
- 124 new cases of anogenital herpes (40)
- 260 new cases of anogenital warts (51)
- 558 new cases of genital chlamydia (36)
- ie 40 of cases are seen locally
12New cases of diabetes
- Incidence of diabetes not easily estimable
- 2002 diabetes audit in primary care
- Prevalence 3.7 (n9858 in 56/60 practices)
- Practice prevalence ranges from 1.9 to 6.5
- Population model suggests 4.25 ie 1,500
13Cases of Tuberculosis
14People with Self-assessed health problems
ALG residents survey NB Wording of question
changed in 2002
15Dental health of children
British Association for the Study of Community
Dentistry Biennial survey
16Access to GP lists
Find-a-Doc service locally based No national or
London comparator available
17GP waiting times
NHS plan targets Appointment with GP within 48
hours Appointment with primary care
professional within 24 hours No national or
London comparator
18AE waiting time
Percentage of AE patients discharged within four
hours of attending AE WiC AE
19Operation waiting time
Average time on waiting list No national or
London comparator
20Operation waiting time
21Vacant posts in health sector
- PCT vacancy rate 10.4 including 9.3 for GP
principals (3.3 nationally)
22Satisfaction with health services
ALG Residents Survey rating health services
excellent, very good or good
23Teenage pregnancy
24Readmissions to hospital with mental illness
- 20.8 readmission within 90 days (at September
2003) - (18.4 in Tower Hamlets)
- (16.3 in City and Hackney)
- East London and the City Mental Health Trust was
not significantly different to the national
average on a related star rating indicator in
March 03
25Suicide rate