Title: Ch 10 - Risk Management Learning Objectives
1Ch 10 - Risk ManagementLearning Objectives
- You should be able to
- List and describe risk management processes,
inputs, outputs, and tools - List and describe sources of risk
- Assess the risk of a software development project
- Quantify project risk
- Explain ways to reduce project risk
- Explain ways to monitor and control project risk
2Risk Management
- Identifying ...
- Assigning ...
- Responding to
- Risk
- Throughout life of project
- In interest of meeting project objectives
3Risk Tolerance
- Risk is often necessary for benefits
- Risk utility varies with individuals, corps.
- risk-averse
- risk-neutral
- risk-seeking
- Seek to achieve balance between risks and
4Risk Management Means
- Maximizing results of positive events
(opportunities) - Minimizing consequences of adverse events
(threats) - Risk Management Processes
- Identification
- Quantification
- Response (Development and Control)
5Risk Identification
- Which risks are likely to affect a project?
- documenting their characteristics
- Internal risks vs. external risks
- whether project team can control or influence
- Done at beginning and throughout project
- Reduce uncertainty with more information
6Sources of Software Project Risk
- User involvement and ownership
- Top management support
- Clarity of vision, objectives, requirements
- Planning, milestones
- Personnel competent, focused, committed
- Realistic expectations
- Market, financial
7To Identify Risks
- You need (inputs)
- Description of Product / Deliverables
- WBS, cost estimates, staffing plan
- Historical information / team knowledge
- You use (tools)
- Checklists of sources of risk
- Consider each PMBOK knowledge area
83 Dimensions of Risk (re McFarland)
- People
- inadequate skills (technical, managerial)
- inexperience
- Structure
- degree of change introduced by system
- Technology
- new or untried
- product stability
9From Identifying Risk, you get (Outputs)
- Sources of risk applying to the project
- Potential risk events
- Symptoms (triggers for events)
- Probability estimates that events will occur
- Range of possible outcomes
- narrows as project progresses
- Expected timing
- Anticipated frequencies
10Software Project Risk
- Risk the chance of something going wrong
- RE P(UO) L(UO), where RE risk exposure
- P(UO) probability of Unsatisfactory Outcome
- L(UO) loss incurred from Unsatisfactory Outcome
- 3 types of system project risk
- quality (wont meet specs)
- schedule (will be late)
- cost (will exceed budget)
11Risk Quantification
- Risk analysis
- assessing probabilities P(UO)
- assessing losses L(UO)
- Risk prioritization
- identify most important risk items to address
- maintain running list of top 10 risks
- regular reviews
12To Quantify Risk you need (inputs)
- Stakeholder risk tolerance
- varies between organizations
- risk averse, risk neutral, risk seeking
- Sources of risk
- market, financial, technology
- Potential risk events
- Cost estimates
- Activity duration estimates
13To Quantify Risk you use (tools)
- Expected monetary value (EMV)
- risk event probability of occurrence
- risk event value gain or loss that will occur
- tangible and intangible
- Decision trees (e.g., p. 281)
- Statistical simulations PERT, Monte Carlo
- ranges of possible costs, durations
- greater the range, higher the risk
- Expert judgment (most frequent?) - Delphi
14From quantifying risk, you get (outputs)
- Opportunities
- to pursue
- to ignore
- Threats
- to respond to
- to accept
- Documentation of who decides
15Developing responses to risk
- Responses to threats
- avoidance
- eliminating cause of threat, e.g. an event
- acceptance
- of consequences
- mitigation
- reducing probability of occurrence
- Develop a plan for each of top 10 risks
16Risk Mitigation Strategies
- Technical, cost, and schedule risks
- Same strategies may apply to multiple areas
- frequent monitoring
- team support
- PM authority and experience
- communication
17Tools for Risk Response
- Procurement
- transfer risk elsewhere
- Contingency planning
- actions to be taken if risk event occurs
- contingency reserves
- Alternative strategies
- change approach
- Insurance (if applicable)
18Outputs Risk Management Plan
- Results of risk identification, quantification
- General approach to risk management
- Answers questions
- Why is it important to take the risk?
- What is the risk?
- How will it be mitigated?
- Who is responsible for mitigation?
- What are milestones for mitigation?
- What resources are required?
19Examples Software Risk Responses
- Training, team-building
- Hire outside expertise
- Prototyping
- more information, less uncertainty
- Simulation, scenarios
- Contingency planning
20Risk Monitoring and Control
- Inputs
- risk management plan
- actual risk events
- identification of new risks
- Tools
- Top 10 Risk Item Tracking
- contingency plans
- workarounds (unplanned responses)
- Outputs corrective actions, plan updates
21Regular Risk Management ReviewsTop 10 Risk Item
- Actively seek risks, question assumptions
- Keeps management, customer aware
- Keeps risk response as a business decision
- Generates consideration of alternatives
- Promotes confidence in project team
- risk awareness, strategies, and action plan
- Minimizes distractions to team
22Guidelines for Risk Reduction
- Strong, user-oriented steering committee
- high levels of management commitment
- Break up large project into smaller ones
- decrease unit of work more tasks
- Minimize dependencies between projects
- Use fewer, more skilled people
- Get outside assistance