Title: Folie 1
1Seminar General technology teacher education
programme in the University of Duisburg - Essen
- Table of contents
- Comparison Turkey Germany and Ankara
Duisburg - Essen - Specific features in Germany
- The customers and the team of department
Technology at Campus Essen - System model for Technology Education
- Media concept
- University degree course scheme Subject
Technology - Examples for contents in MODULAR TE
- Lecture example General Technology Energy
2Comparison Turkey - Germany
3(No Transcript)
4Example Teaching Profession for Grammar School
(Gymnasia) and Comprehensive School (Secondary
II Level)
Duration 9 Semesters, WS Wintersemester from
the middle of October by the middle of
February (4 months with 16 weeks) SS
Summersemester from the middle of April by the
middle of July (3 months with 12
weeks) Teacher University education for General
Schools in North-Rhine/Westphalia according to
Teacher exam regulations from 2003
5The Customers of the Department Technology
(Teaching profession) Trainee Teachers/Students
for General (not vocational!) Schools for subject
53 Students for Primary School with learning
area Natural Sciences (NS) (NS 4 Subjects
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology WS
2006/07 213 Students devided by 4 Subjects
53!) 320 Students for Secondary modern School
Secondary School leading to intermediate
qualification (Secondary I) Comprehensive
School (Secondary I) Comprehensive School
(Secondary II) Grammar School (Secondary
II) 373 Sum of Students (State of affairs
Wintersemester 2006/07)
1st course of studies 2nd course of studies 3rd
course of studies
6The Team of the Department Technology (Teaching
1 Secretary 3 Technical employees 1 for
Laboratory / Process Technology (Material
Transformation) 1. focus 1 for Laboratory /
Power Engineering/Masuring and Control
(Energy Transformation) 2. focus
(Information Transformation) 3. focus 1 for
Workshop (Material Transformation) 4
Scientific Assistants 1 for Energy
Transformation (full-time) 1 for Information
Transformation and Didactics (full-time) 1 for
Material Transformation (half-day) 1 for
Socio-technology (half-day) 4. focus 2
Professors 1 for Energy / Material / Didactics 5.
focus 1 for Information (vacant, at the moment
appeal proceedings) 10 People (permanent
staff) 3-6 Students temporary workers (2 to 8
hours/week) 5 Part-time Lecturers (in- and
outside university, e. g. from schools)
Homepage http//www.tud.uni-essen.de/2index.htm
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8- The media concept for Technology trainee teacher
education at Campus Essen - Black board and chalk, overhead transparencies
- Handouts like graphs and pictures
- Lecture notes with text, graphs and pictures
- MILESS lecture notes with text and linked
graphs, pictures, animations - and Simulations http//duepublico.uni-duisburg-
essen.de/ http//www.tud.uni-essen.de/
(Vorlesungen!) - MMDB-MultiMediaDataBase http//www.mmdb-tu.de
- Technology Data bank (high bay racking) with
text, graphs, pictures, - objects, animations and simulations to create
new lectures - ILIAS-Integrated Learning-, Information and
Work cooperation System to - present lectures and to communicate between
lecturers and students - http//lis.uni-due.de/ (Login!)
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11- Material Transformation III
- Technology of Environmental Protection
- In the two-hour compulsory lecture as main course
of studies for trainee teachers on general
education schools for the subject Technology the
following topics go through - 1. Introduction (data of earth concerning water,
atmosphere and ground) - 2. Meaning of environmental protection (social
and commercial life) - 3. Pollution abatement of water Waste water
and natural waters (sewage treatment) - 4. Pollution abatement of atmosphere Suspended
matters, waste gases with stationary and mobile
plants (airborne dust, exhaust gas cleaning
equipments for industrial plants and cars) - 5. Pollution abatement of soil Dump, garbage
incineration, mining industry and landscape 6.
Noise Noise birth and noise control - 7. Literature
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13- Workshop Practical Course
- In the one-hour compulsory workshop practical
course of foundation course for trainee teachers
on general education schools for the subject
Technology the following topics in a workshop for
metallic and other materials go through - 1. Safety regulations at handling with tools and
machines - 2. Behavioral norms in case of danger and
injuries in the workshop - 3. Moving of drawing's dimensioning at a work
piece - 4. Measuring instruments for the area of
workshop - 5. Exercises in filing, sawing, soldering,
drilling, welding, hardening and turning on a
lathe skills for metallic and other materials - 6. Manufacturing of simple products made of
metal and wood.
14Rotor disk of a turbine with nozzle produced by
students in the workshop of Campus Essen
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18Lecture General Technology Energy Transformation
Size of the lecture 71 pages text 121 pages
graphs/pictures/charts 192 pages!
19Thank you for your attention!