2Every first-time snowboarder.
- Is an opportunity to create a long-term and
profitable customer - To drive ticket sales
- To drive retail/ rental sales
- To drive food and beverage sales
- To drive accommodation/ hotel bookings
- To establish consistent return business.
- To do this, we need to provide the most enjoyable
experience possible.
3The problem is
- Approximately 85 of beginner snowboarders drop
out of the sport - Trial rates are rising but conversion is still
low - The biggest challenge facing resorts today is
improving the beginner conversion rate and
increasing regular participation.
4Trial rates are on the rise BUT
- Conversion rates are still low.
- Growth in the sport is sluggish
- Despite easy access to wrist guards
- Even with LTR and improved teaching methods.
- WHY?
- Visitor retention is becoming increasingly
5The top reasons for drop-out in snowboarding
The no. 1 complaint from first-time snowboarders
Hurdle 2
6Typical beginner complaints
My butt really hurts
My butt is completely frozen!
I knew it was going to be painfulbut I didnt
know this bad
Im done for the day, my butt is too sore!
I thought Id be turning by now, Im getting
- Tailbone pain and injuries are rarely reported
yet are the most common snowboarder injury and
are the primary reason why beginners drop out of
the sport.
7Introducing the Tailsaver
- The most convenient tailbone protector on the
market - Designed solely for the purpose of enhancing
enjoyment for beginner snowboarders and growing
retention rates in the sport.
8A simple and convenient solution for first time
- Fastening Clips
- Work with any pants
- Convenient, easy to use
- RRP 24.99
- Low cost at trial stage
- EVA Foam
- Shapes to the body
- Provides added warmth
- Absorbs impact
- Ventilated
9Tailsaver Sales Opportunities..
- Tailsaver is an easy sell that can be leveraged
through multiple channels - Instructors
- Rental technicians
- Lesson sales
- Retail staff
10Whats in it for you?
- Increased retention rates and profitable
long-term patronage ? - Low financial risk ?
- Profitable margin ?
- Easy sale ?