Title: Data Management Petroleum Agency SA
1Data ManagementPetroleum Agency SA
Jack Holliday Viljoen Storm
2Petroleum Agency SA
- Responsible for facilitating exploration
investment - Management of the national data base
- Adding value to the data
- Monitoring operations
- Reporting Structure
- Legislation Issues
- Business Model
- Exploration Data
- Standardization
- Types
- Systems
- Projects
- Access to Data
- Cost of Data
- Industry Relationship and Involvement
- Lessons Learnt
- Future Challenges
- Summary
4Reporting Structure
Ministerial Directive
Agency Board
NDR is a division of Petroleum Agency SA
5Legislation Issues...
- No Separate Oil Gas Legislation
- Contractual Framework
- Agency established under Ministerial Directive
(April 1999) - Promotion of Exploration and Exploitation of
Oil and Gas - Agency Responsible for
- Data Management
- Promotion
- Monitoring
6Legislation Issues...
- Data Belongs to the State
- Existing Available Data
- To View in Data Room
- Can be purchased
- Is Provided to Licensees
- All New Data to be supplied to Agency
- Field data after Survey
- Regular reports /data/interpretations on
completion thereof - All Data to be returned at Relinquishment
7Legislation Issues...
- Confidentiality
- Data is held confidential for four years or till
relinquishment -
- Reporting
- Monthly and Quarterly Reports
- 6-monthly Meetings
- Daily Progress on Operations via e-mail
8Business Model...
- Funding
- of Oil and Gas Production
- License Fees
- Data Sales
- Right to manage 3rd Party data
- Yearly budget approved by Agency Board
9Exploration Data Standardization
- Finder DM System is PPDM POSC Compliant
- Reporting Guidelines Document
- Approved by OPASA
- Convention of line and well names
- Samples, reports and diagrams
- Seismic data
- Well data
- Formats SEGD, SEGY, LIS, LAS, PDF and TIFF
- Media 3480, 3590, DLT, 8mm Exabyte, DAT
- WGS84 Spheroid
10Exploration Data Types...
- Seismic Data (2D and 3D)
- gt 300 000 Kms
- Field Data 8 TB Near-line
- Processed Reprocessed Seismic Data 2 TB
- Loaded into Projects (SMT) - 200 GB
- Well Data
- 290 Wells
- Geophysical Logs 8.5 TB
- GG Well Reports and diagrams (20 000)
- Samples, Cores and Slides
11Finder Data Management System
Direct PC Access
Forms / Reports
Project Data Base SMT
F i n d e r Master Index
Finder On-line Master detail options
RAM/VIDS Seismic Archival
other databases
Project Archival
LogDB Log Archival
AssetDB Physical Inventory
12Physical Inventory System...
Catalogue, Query, Order Transmittals
13Access to Data ...
- Data Viewing Sets
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Review/ Presentations
- Data Catalogue
- Real time generation
- User defined Area
- Digital
- Online via Private Network
14Catalogue Generation Workflow
Select AOI (Area Of Interest)
Select List Name
Generate Reports
Digital Reports
Physical Data Catalogue
Print Collate Reports
15Cost of Data ...
- Philosophy
- To encourage exploration activity by making high
quality data available quickly and at reasonable
cost. - Want funds spent in drilling of wells rather than
purchasing of data - Free to research institutions
- Copy cost to licensees
- Catalogue price to others
16Current Projects...
- Transcription of Seismic Data
- Rescue data from old media
- Reduce volumes
- Encapsulation into RODE Format
- Retrieve information
- 100000 9 trk tapes to 850 DLT Cart
- Specialized systems
- 95 Complete
17Current Projects...
- ScanIt
- Scan Reports, Diagrams Seismics
- Archive on suitable media
- Reduce delivery time
- Reduce storage space
- Prepare for access through NET
- 500 000 documents
- 25 Complete
18Current Projects...
- WGS84 Conversion
- Seismic SP Locations from Clarke 1880
- Spheroid to WGS84
- All Navigation data converted in database
- New Data only accepted in WGS84
19Data Volumes and Statistics
- Seismic data including field, processed and
scanned seismic images 13 TB - Well Logs 8.5 TB
- Well reports, diagrams - 1 TB
- Monthly delivery to clients 5
20(No Transcript)
21Industry Relationship
- Excellent
- Have a first class record for
- Delivery of data
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- G G Data maintained by PA is very
comprehensive and well-organized, so that it can
be easily retrieved and expeditiously provided to
22Lessons Learnt
- Understanding of database, quick access and
speedy delivery of data is essential for
marketing of acreage - Transcription of old seismic data to modern media
essential for keeping data available - User defined area catalogue generation is
essential for identification of the availability
of data - Data must not be prohibited it is a bait to
good fishing
23Future Challenges
- Availability of Onshore Data
- Access to Data through Net
- National Data Repository
- Well organised database is key to success in
- marketing acreage
- Projects are constantly reviewed
- to keep data available in Industry Format
- Good track record in the supply and
- availability of data
- Systems are in place for the establishment
- of a NDR
Thank You www.petroleumagencysa.com