- Alexander LOBKO
- Institute for Nuclear Problems,
- Belarus State University
- Minsk
IX Gomel School - July 2007
2Light sources
3Spectral brilliance of T- x-ray sources
There is a large gap between properties of common
and accelerator-based x-ray sources
X-rays The First Hundred Years // Wiley 1996
4Typical size of a contemporary synchrotron
5Budget of the SOLEIL synchrotron (France)
- Construction
- Investment.235 M
- Operation..64 M
- Salaries.150 M
- Total.449 M
- Yearly...53 M
6Synchrotron sources in the world
- About 40 sources in 20 countries
7Comparison of some x-ray generation processes at
V.G. Baryshevsky, I.D. Feranchuk // NIM 228
(1985) 490
8Parametric x-rays (PXR)
Condition for the Cherenkov radiation emission
V. Baryshevsky, I. Feranchuk, A. Ulyanenkov
Parametric Xray Radiation in Crystals Theory,
Experiment and Applications // Springer, 2006.
176 p.
9PXR experiments in the World
- Armenia Erevan ErPI LINAC
- Belarus INP in collaborations with Tomsk IHEP
Protvino Mainz, own experiments with
non- relativistic electrons - Canada Saskatchevan Accelerator Lab LINAC
- Germany Darmstadt S_DALINAC, Mainz MAMI
Microtron, Rossendorf ELBE LINAC - Japan Tokyo U. Synchrotron, Tohoku U. LINAC,
Hiroshima U. LINAC, Kamigori Spring-8
Synchrotron, Kyoto U. LINAC, Hokkaido U.
LINAC, Nihon U. LINAC - Russia Tomsk SIRIUS Synchrotron, Dubna JINR
Nuclotron, Belgorod U. in collaborations - Ukraine Kharkov KPTI LINACs
- USA RPI LINAC, BNL Accelerator Facility LINAC,
- Naval Postgraduate School LINAC
10Main PXR features
- it is quasi-monochromatic x-ray radiation
- x-rays energy can be changed continuously by the
crystal target rotation - it is directed and polarized x-ray radiation
- x-rays energy does not depend on energy of
incident charged particles - radiation angle can be as large as
- 180 arc degrees
11Applications of synchrotron radiation
12Soft X-Ray Imaging
- Methods Soft x-ray imaging, photoelectron
emission microscopy (PEEM), scanning transmission
x-ray microscopy (STXM), full-field microscopy,
x-ray diffraction imaging (XDI), x-ray
tomography, computer-aided tomography (CAT). - Problems
- Cell biology
- Nano-magnetism
- Environmental science
- Soft matter, polymers
- The tunability of radiation is absolutely
essential for the creation of contrast mechanisms.
13Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy
- Methods Soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy
(XAS), near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure
(NEXAFS) spectroscopy, soft x-ray emission
spectroscopy (SXES), resonant inelastic x-ray
scattering (RIXS), x-ray magnetic circular
dichroism (XMCD), x-ray photo-emission
spectroscopy (XPS), Auger spectroscopy. - Problems
- Complex materials
- Magnetic materials
- Environmental science
- Catalysis
- The photon energy tunability and its brilliance
and polarisation for some applications are
14Soft X-Ray Scattering
- Methods Soft x-ray emission spectroscopy
(SXES), inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS),
resonant x-ray inelastic scattering (RIXS),
speckle patterns, small-angle x-ray scattering
(SAXS). - Problems
- Strongly correlated materials
- Magnetic materials
- Environmental science
- Catalysis
- The tunability of radiation and its brilliance
for some applications are essential.
15Practical examples of PXR applications
Nihon University, Japan
enhanced contrast images
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA
16PXR source based on the tabletop synchrotron
Photon Production Laboratory Japan
17First observation of parametric rays in the
microwave range
exiting (slow-wave) grating step 0,67 ??
diffraction (feedback) grating step 3 ??
NIM A 483 (2002) 2123 NIM A 507 (2003) 137140
18Possible T-rays applications
19Thank you for attention