Title: European Network of Smallscale accelerator Facilities ENSF
1European Network of Small-scale accelerator
Facilities ENSF
Member institutions
250 scientists and technical personnel
Nuclear structure, Nuclear astrophysics,
Detector development testing
S. Harissopulos, EURONS/EURISOL Town Meeting,
Helsinki, 17-19 Sept. 2007
2European Network of Small-scale accelerator
Facilities ENSF
1. Coordination of science, instrumentation and
training efforts
2. Preparation of joint experiments at the
existing LSF
3. Coordination of joint developments for ESFRI
S. Harissopulos, EURONS/EURISOL Town Meeting,
Helsinki, 17-19 Sept. 2007
3European Network of Small-scale accelerator
Facilities ENSF
1. Coordination of science, instrumentation and
training efforts
- Use of capabilities of different facilities for a
coordinated approach to specific science and
technology cases - Integrating existing bilateral collaborations
into an European network - Common campaigns interconnecting and sharing
available instrumentation and human resources for
challenges in nuclear structure, nuclear
astrophysics and detector technology. - Producing and using extended data bases of
resources available at small-scale accelerator
facilities and increasing the community awareness
of the capabilities of small-scale facilities. - Coordination of efforts in ion-source,
electronics and target developments. - Organization of common workshops
- Exchange of scientists and engineers aiming at
knowledge transfer
2. Preparation of joint experiments at the
existing LSF
- Common preparatory experiments for setups,
detectors and methods to be employed at LSF - Establishing more accurate calibration standards
to be used in RIB experiments
3. Coordination of joint developments for ESFRI
S. Harissopulos, EURONS/EURISOL Town Meeting,
Helsinki, 17-19 Sept. 2007
4European Network of Small-scale accelerator
Facilities ENSF
- Enhancing the existing capabilities
- The network will enhance awareness of the
capabilities of SSF
enabling the possibility to address
various scientific issues
through a coordinated
effort. - (Co-operation between the research
infrastructures and the scientific community) - Benefit to Large-scale and ESFRI facilities
- Commissioning of detector setups
- Measurement of precise calibration standards
- Complementary high-precision experiments
- Training of young researchers
S. Harissopulos, EURONS/EURISOL Town Meeting,
Helsinki, 17-19 Sept. 2007
5European Network of Small-scale accelerator
Facilities ENSF
ENSF check list
S. Harissopulos, EURONS/EURISOL Town Meeting,
Helsinki, 17-19 Sept. 2007