Title: New Faculty Orientation
1New Faculty Orientation
UNCW Student Profile and Dean of Students
Michael Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Vice Chancellor
and Dean of Students
2Division of Student Affairs
3Fall Semester Enrollment
Projected Numbers
Source Office of Institutional Research
4Fall 2009 Freshman Enrollment 1,950
Female 61
Minority 12
Out of State 17
Projected Numbers
Source Office of Institutional Research
5Freshman Enrollment by Ethnicity 2008
African American 4.4
White 85.5
Hispanic 3.8
Asian/Pac Islander 2.8
Amer. Indian .8
Other/ Unknown 2.7
Projected Numbers
Source Office of Institutional Research
6Areas Our Enrollment Comes From
- Out-of-State
- (36 States)
- Virginia
- Maryland
- New Jersey
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Connecticut
- Ohio
- Massachusetts
- Georgia
- In-State
- Wake County
- New Hanover
- Mecklenburg
- Guilford
- Orange
- Forsyth
- 21 Countries
Source Office of Institutional Research
7International Students - UNCW
- Total International Students 233
- 86 new students
- 109 continuing students
- 38 ESL students
- Our international students come from many
countries, including Canada, Germany, Great
Britain, the Philippines, and Sweden.
Projected Numbers Fall 2008
Source Office of International Programs
8Academic Profile of 2009 Freshmen
- Average ACT (enrolled) 24
- Average SAT 1168
- Average High School GPA 3.77
Source Office of Institutional Research
9Profile of Transfer Students
- UNCW enrolls approximately 1300 transfer students
per year - Average GPA 3.2
- Average number of credits transferred 46
- 64 of transfer enrollment comes from community
colleges - Around 30 come from Cape Fear Community College
Source Office of Institutional Research
10Top 5 Reasons Reported for Attending UNCW
- This college has a very good academic reputation
63.4 - A visit to campus
57.1 - This college has a good reputation for its social
activities 54.0 - I wanted to go to a school about the size of this
college 45.8 - This colleges graduates get good jobs
44.5 -
Source 2007 CIRP Freshman Survey
11UNCW Ranked by Student Choice
- 1,261 respondents ranked UNCW based on this
statement - Is this college your
- First Choice 70.2 (75
2009) - Second Choice 23.8
- Third Choice 5.2
- Less than Third Choice 0.8
Source 2007 CIRP Freshman Survey
12Top 10 Areas of Academic Interest for Incoming
- Marine Biology (8)
- Management and Leadership (8)
- Nursing (6)
- Biology (5)
- Elementary Education (5)
- Psychology (5)
- Film Studies (4)
- Communication Studies (3)
- Pre Med (3)
- Pre Physical Therapy (3)
Source University College
13Percentage of Students Receiving Financial Aid
Source Financial Aid Office2007 Data
14Percentage of Students Who are Employed
Source 2007 NSSE Data
15Office of the Dean of Students
- Advocacy Personal Advising/Referrals
- Crisis Response (on call SBIT)
- Case Manager
- Student Conduct Mediation System
- Community Standards Honor Code
- Seahawk Perch
- Off Campus Non-Trad. Svcs.
- Graduate Student Life
- Military Veteran Students
- Fraternity and Sorority Life (27)
16Office of the Dean of Students
- 962-3119
- 2017 Fisher University Union
- Jennie McNeilly, Associate Dean of Students
- Chip Phillips, Asst. Dean (Honor Code)
- Amy Hector, Asst. Dean (Seahawk Perch)
- Ben Ojala, Asst. Dean (Conduct)
17Civility at UNCW
- Is communicated as an expectation at new student
Orientation - Is discussed during residence hall meetings (CSI)
- Is valued and expected on campus including and
especially - IN THE CLASSROOM
- Is reinforced through the Campus Conduct System
- Extends to how we expect Seahawks to comport
- themselves in Wilmington
18The UNCW Cornerstone
-I am an engaged learner in constant search of
knowledge. -I foster human dignity through acts
of civility and respect. -I maintain a
distinguished character based on truth, honesty,
and integrity. -I pursue inner-peace by
recognizing the significance of spirituality. -I
demonstrate honorable citizenship through acts of
civic engagement. -I embrace community by active
involvement and service. -I lead a lifestyle
that advances physical health and emotional
19 Seahawk Respect Compact In the pursuit
of excellence, UNC Wilmington actively fosters,
encourages, and promotes inclusiveness, mutual
respect, acceptance, and open-mindedness among
students, faculty, staff, and the broader
community. We affirm the dignity of all
persons. We promote the right of every person
to participate in the free exchange of thoughts
and opinions within a climate of civility and
mutual respect. We strive for openness and
mutual understanding to learn from differences in
people, ideas, and opinions. We foster an
environment of respect for each individual where
differences are celebrated by the elimination of
prejudice and discrimination through education
and interaction with others. Therefore, we
expect members of the campus community to honor
these principles as fundamental to our ongoing
efforts to increase access to and inclusion in a
community that nurtures learning and growth for
20The role of faculty
- Reinforce what students have already heard
regarding community standards and expectations
for civility and academic honesty - Make expectations VERY CLEAR in your syllabi,
and discuss - comportment expectations during your FIRST CLASS
- Punctuality, absences, laptops, cell phones,
class discussions - Make clear your expectations that students
practice Academic Integrity - and offer examples of cheating and plagiarism
use Honor Pledge - Observe behavioral cues exhibited by students
- Shifts in behavior and energy, concerning
behavior v. threatening behavior - CALL ODOS to discuss any behavioral issues
involving students.
- Cross-functional team including Student Affairs,
Academic Affairs, Campus Police - Identifies, investigates, assesses and monitors
high risk student behaviors - Makes recommendations for action including
referral to resources or removal from UNCW
22Faculty Resources
- Consultation on classroom behavioral issues
- www.uncw.edu/doso
- www.uncw.edu/cosl
- Consultation on Honor Code Offenses
- http//www.uncw.edu/stuaff/doso/documents/Academic
.Honesty.pdf - Guide to Dealing with Disruptive Students
- http//www.uncw.edu/stuaff/doso/documents/DealDisr