Lecture 2a: Igneous classification, midocean ridges - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 2a: Igneous classification, midocean ridges


Lecture 2a: Igneous classification, midocean ridges – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 2a: Igneous classification, midocean ridges

Lecture 2a Igneous classification, mid-ocean
  • Questions
  • How many igneous rock names should you learn, and
    what do they mean?
  • What is a mid-ocean ridge and how does it work?
  • How does plate spreading produce the oceanic
  • How do rocks observed at ridges constrain the
    state of the upper mantle?
  • Tools
  • Field and shipboard geology and analytical
  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Reading Grotzinger et al., chapter 4 Albarède,
    chapter 8

Igneous Classification
  • Igneous rocks can be classified according to
    composition, mineralogy, texture and/or
  • The first distinction is between volcanic and
    plutonic rocks.
  • Volcanic rocks are erupted at the Earths surface
    and cool very quickly. There is insufficient time
    to grow large crystals. This leads to formation
    of glass or very fine-grained rocks, or to
    phenocrysts (crystals that grew before eruption)
    in a fine groundmass.
  • Plutonic rocks crystallize at some depth, and
    therefore lose heat relatively slowly. Crystals
    have time to grow after nucleation, and the
    resulting rocks generally have individual
    crystals large enough to see unaided.
  • Rocks of exactly the same composition and
    mineralogy get different names in their volcanic
    and plutonic forms, because they look different!

Plutonic vs. Volcanic
Classification by mineralogy
  • The standard classification scheme uses the
    mineralogy of the rock (how much quartz, how much
    plagioclase, etc.)
  • There is one important twistfor volcanic rocks
    you usually cannot measure the actual minerals
    present (or it may be a glass and there are no
    minerals present).
  • In this case, instead of the actual minerals, you
    classify based on normative mineralogy
  • The norm is a calculation based on the bulk
    composition of a volcanic rock, for what minerals
    would be present if it were fully crystallized.
  • The standard norm calculation is called the CIPW
    norm, after Cross, Iddings, Pirsson, and
    Washington (1902).

Classification by mineralogy
  • Mineral content (actual or normative) of the rock
    by volume is divided into Quartz (Q), Alkali
    feldspar (A), Plagioclase (P), Feldspathoids like
    nepheline and leucite (F), and Mafic minerals
    like amphibole, biotite, pyroxenes, and olivine
  • For rocks with M lt 90, the Streckeisen
    double-triangle is used. It shows names defined
    by Q-A-P-F recalculated to 100.
  • Many of these names are really obscure dont try
    to learn all of them.

Classification by mineralogy
  • For rocks with mostly mafic minerals, a different
    scheme is used. The proportion of olivine,
    orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and
    hornblende locate a rock using the appropriate
    Streckeisen ternary diagram.

Classification by composition
  • There are several classifications, of individual
    rocks or rock suites.
  • By silica percentage
  • SiO2 Designation Dark Minerals Designation Exam
    ple rocks
  • gt66 Acid lt40 Felsic Granite, rhyolite
  • 52-66 Intermediate 40-70 Intermediate Diorite,
  • 45-52 Basic 70-90 Mafic Gabbro, basalt
  • lt45 Ultrabasic gt90 Ultramafic Dunite, komatiite
  • By alumina saturation (this controls which dark
    minerals show up)
  • Chemistry Designation Distinctive Minerals
  • Al2O3gtNa2OK2OCaO Peraluminous Muscovite,
    biotite, topaz,
  • corundum, garnet, tourmaline
  • Na2OK2OCaOgtAl2O3 Metaluminous Melilite,
    biotite, pyroxene
  • Al2O3 gt Na2OK2O hornblende, epidote
  • Al2O3 Na2OK2O Subaluminous Olivine,
  • Al2O3 lt Na2O K2O Peralkaline Sodic pyroxenes

Classification by composition
  • By Alkali-Lime index for a suite of rocks, CaO
    and Na2OK2O are plotted against SiO2. Generally,
    CaO decreases with increasing SiO2 while Na2OK2O
    increases. Suites are classified by the SiO2
    where the intersection occurs

Rock Suite Alkali-Lime Index Illustrative rock
series Calcic gt61 SiO2 Mid-ocean ridge
basalts Calc-alkaline 56-61 Continental margin
arc series Alkali-calcic 51-56 Some
intraoceanic island arcs Alkaline lt51 Intrapla
te continental melts
Ocean crust geology
  • Recall the typical sequence of rocks observed in
    ophiolite exposures and in drilling the ocean
  • Deep-sea marine sediments
  • Massive sulfide deposits
  • Pillow basalts
  • Sheeted basaltic dikes
  • Layered gabbro
  • Serpentinized peridotites
  • This sequence is consistent with the seismic
    velocity profile of oceanic crust

Ocean Crust Geology
Modern and ancient pillow basalts, photographed
by submersible and by field geologist,
Ocean Crust Geology
Modern and ancient sheeted dike complexes
observed by seismology and by field geologist,
Ocean Crust Geology
Modern and ancient layered gabbro (oceanic layer
3) complexes observed by ocean drilling and by
field geologist, respectively.
Ocean Crust Geology
Modern and ancient harzburgite/dunite uppermost
mantle assemblages An abyssal peridotite and the
Muscat massif in Oman
Mid-ocean Ridges
  • Now lets discuss the origin of this rock
    sequence in the detailed mechanisms and
    variations that occur along ridges.
  • Fluid dynamics plate-driven flow, internal
  • Physically we think of a ridge as a viscous fluid
    asthenosphere overlain by a lithosphere whose
    thickness is very small at the ridge axis, and
    which is being pulled laterally apart along a
    linear rift by externally-imposed forces. This is
    approximately a two-dimensional flow.
  • Flow in the mantle is slow enough that inertia
    can be neglected (i.e. the Reynolds number is
    tiny) hence the 2-D stream function y (a scalar
    function whose contours are everywhere parallel
    to the flow vector and whose spacing is
    proportional to the velocity) for incompressible
    flow satisfies the biharmonic equation

Mid-ocean ridge dynamics
  • In a simple uniform viscosity case, the steady
    solution to this corner flow is sort of given by
    Batchelor (1967 he actually gives the solution
    for different boundary conditions)

Mid-ocean ridge dynamics
  • Things to note about this flow field
  • It fills all of half-space, out to infinite depth
    and infinite lateral extent.
  • The pressure goes to 8 at the corner!
  • Flow under the ridge axis is near vertical, flow
    far out to the side is nearly horizontal, but
    actually there is a positive upward vertical
    component to flow everywhere.
  • There are real complexities superposed on this
    simple solution that should be noted right away
  • The lithosphere thickens away from the ridge axis
    with the square root of time, so the upper
    boundary of the asthenospheric flow is not
    horizontal. Streamlines get gradually
    incorporated into the lithosphere and the depth
    of material points becomes fixed.

Mid-ocean ridge dynamics More complexities
  • The viscosity is NOT constant. Viscosity
    variations are due to
  • Temperature to first order this is the
    difference between lithosphere and asthenosphere,
    but it is not really a sharp cutoff.
  • Strain Rate the viscosity may be strain or
    stress-dependent, so that areas flowing fast are
    weaker and tend to concentrate strain ever more.
  • Melting the presence of melt above the solidus
    may weaken the partially molten region
  • Water the 100 ppm dissolved H2O in mantle
    olivine lowers the viscosity by a factor of 500.
    This H2O is removed to the melt phase when
    melting begins, so melting may actually increase
    the viscosity!
  • For your information, the viscosity of mantle
    flow in and near the melting region is somewhere
    in the range 1018 to 1023 Pa-s

Mid-ocean ridge dynamics More complexities
  • The drag from the upper boundary condition is not
    the only driving force for flow. There is also
    internal buoyancy. Density variations are due to
  • The presence of retained melt in the partially
    molten region. Silicate liquids are substantially
    less dense than mantle minerals at these
    pressures. The more melt is retained, the more
    buoyant the rock.
  • The change in composition of the residue with
    progressive melt extraction. Because the melt
    concentrates Fe relative to Mg, and because Al is
    incompatible and forms the dense mineral garnet,
    the solid residue actually becomes less dense
    even as low density melt is being extracted!
  • This is not non-physical there is no law of
    conservation of volume
  • The flow is not incompressible both melt
    production and melt extraction cause changes in
    the volume of the fluid (really a multiphase

Mid-ocean ridge dynamics More complexities
  • Here are some models of realistic flow fields
    incorporating all these complexities, showing
    relative importance of plate drag and internal
    buoyancy as functions of spreading rate and
    mantle viscosity.
  • The figures show streamlines and the shading
    shows temperature.

Melting and melt extraction
  • Most of the mantle is solid. When mantle material
    is dragged upwards towards the ridge by the
    spreading-induced corner flow, it is initially
    solid. Why does it melt? How does it melt?
  • (see my chapter from the Encyclopedia of
  • The temperature path along which a large body of
    mantle upwells is to very good approximation
    adiabatic and reversible and therefore
    isentropic. In problem set 3 we calculate the
    formula for the temperature change along an
    isentrope in the absence of phase changes
  • For mantle materials at 1500 K, this slope is 10
  • The experimental solidus of fertile peridotite
    has a slope of 130 C/GPa
  • It follows that unless the mantle is really cold
    (and it is not), the adiabat will intersect the
    solidus at some point upon decompression

Melting and melt extraction
  • Where the intersection of adiabat and solidus
    occurs depends on the potential temperature of
    the mantle (the temperature where the adiabat
    would reach 1 atmosphere if no melting took
  • For ordinary regions, this is close to 1350C
    (1250 to 1500 global range) and the solidus is
    intersected at about 2.5 GPa (1.5 GPa to 6 GPa
    global range).

Melting and melt extraction
  • Once melting begins on an upwelling streamline,
    it will continue until either
  • upwelling ceases
  • conduction to the surface cools the system
  • internal thermochemistry of the residue slows or
    stops melting
  • The cartoon version of the melting regime under
    the ridge axis is then drawn on the cartoon
    version of the flow field as some generally
    triangular shape in cross-section

The mid-ocean ridge Melting Regime
  • The bottom of the melting regime is drawn
    horizontal on the assumption that the mantle is
    locally isothermal before melting begins
  • The upper edges of the triangle either represent
    where the flow lines become effectively
    horizontal or where cooling from the surface has
    penetrated to the relevant depth
  • The extent of melting increases upwards along
    each streamline from the solidus intersection to
    the exit of the melting regime (indicated by
    shading in the figure)

The mid-ocean ridge Melting Regime
  • The erupted melt is going to be some average of
    the melts produced throughout this melting regime
  • Several models are possible of how and where the
    melt is extracted and what happens to it during
  • This average melt is primary mid-ocean ridge
    basalt (MORB).

The melting regime is wide (hundreds of
kilometers), but eruptions are focused in a
neovolcanic zone only a few km wide melts have
to be focused somehow to the ridge axis. This
figure is the result of a large project to
seismically image the melting regime on the East
Pacific Rise.
Melt productivity
  • After melting begins, the P-T path and the amount
    of melt production can be inferred from
    conservation of entropy.
  • At constant total entropy, the only way for the
    system to find the entropy of fusion is by
    cooling more steeply than the slope of the solid

Melt Migration
  • There are multiple mechanisms to get the partial
    melt out of the residue and deliver it to the
    crust at the ridge axis.
  • Porous flow
  • The melt phase quickly forms an interconnected
    network along the grain boundaries of the rock
    (mantle source rocks are made of crystals about
    1mm-1cm in diameter).
  • Interconnection occurs because the energy of a
    melt-crystal interface is low enough that the
    melt adopts a high-surface area geometry.
  • This geometry implies that the partially molten
    rock is permeable to flow of the melt relative to
    the solid.
  • Permeable flow is governed by DArcys Law
  • where P is pressure, k is permeability, f is
    porosity or melt fraction, m is the viscosity of
    the melt phase, and v is the velocity of melt
    relative to solid.

Melt Migration
  • The pressure gradients driving porous flow of the
    melt arise from buoyancy of the melt (density of
    mantle 3300 kg m-3, density of basaltic liquids
    2700 kg m-3), as well as from deformation of the
    solid matrix.
  • The permeability is normally an increasing
    function of melt-filled porosity and grain size
    (or spacing of melt channels).
  • The exact function for the equilibrated mantle
    melt geometry is unknown, but it may be k d2f2
    or d2f3.
  • For a grainsize of 1 mm and a melt-filled
    porosity of 1, the permeability is 1011 cm2.
  • This translates, for a basaltic melt with
    viscosity 10 Pa s, into migration velocities
    10 mm/yr, not much faster than solid flow rates!
  • We know melt somehow eventually moves much faster
    than this, so there must be other melt flow

Melt Migration
  • How do we know that the melt-filled porosity
    resulting from melting coupled to melt migration
    is 1?
  • We cannot guess accurately from the balance of
    melting rate and permeability, since the
    permeability is a poorly known function of melt
  • But we have seismology, which does not show the
    extraordinarily low velocities that would be
    expected for large melt fractions.

And we have chemistry of residues (There is a
homework question on this)
Melt Migration
  • During porous flow at low melt fractions, melt
    and solid are expected to remain in chemical
    equilibrium. But primary mid-ocean ridge basalt
    is not in equilibrium with the uppermost oceanic
    mantle. So again, something else must happen.
  • Fast porous flow
  • Porosity waves The equations for porous flow in
    a viscous two-phase system allow solutions in the
    form of solitary waves that may propagate much
    faster than the DArcy velocity and speed up melt

(contours of porosity gridded area is lt1 this
figure shows the collision of two magma solitons
moving upwards in a deformable porous medium)
Melt Migration
  • High-porosity zones, reactive transport channels
    focusing the melt flow

This may naturally arise due to the reactive
infiltration instability, which makes flow of a
liquid break up into fingers if it can dissolve
the pyroxenes out of the solid, leaving high melt
fraction and olivine residue.
The evidence for this process in nature is veins
of dunite (pure olivine) in ophiolites if melt
flows through the dunite channels, this may
explain the observation that mid-ocean ridge
basalt is not in equilibrium with abyssal
peridotite (when you find dunites, these are in
equilibrium with MORB).
Formation of the crust, magma chambers,
  • The end result of mantle melting and melt
    migration is the delivery of primary magma into
    the crust. Here it begins to cool by conduction
    and hydrothermal convection and hence to
  • Fractional crystallization has two essential
  • the formation of a gabbroic lower crust from the
    crystallized fraction
  • the compositional evolution of the remaining melt
    before eruption.

Pprimary MORB crystallizes olivine, then
olivineplagioclase, then olivine
plagioclaseclinopyroxene. These are the minerals
of the oceanic lower crust and also the
phenocryst phases in erupted MORB. The primary
magma never erupts there are no MORBs that are
in equilibrium with orthopyroxene (a ubiquitous
mantle phase) at any pressure!
Formation of the crust, magma chambers,
  • Where does the differentiation take place?
  • The phase equilibria indicate low pressure
    (0-2000 bars)
  • seismic images show a melt lens 1 km below the
    axis of the East Pacific Rise.
  • This suggests crystallization takes places in the
    shallow melt lens, and the gabbroic crust is
    formed by ductile flow of new gabbro down and
    away from the shallow melt lens.

Primary liquids?
  • So if the primary liquid never erupts, what can
    we say about melting conditions in the mantle?
    How do we see back through the filter of
  • One solution is to pick an arbitrary MgO content
    at which to compare data and models. MgO
    systematically and monotonically decreases during
    differentiation, so it is a good index to
    normalize against.

Here is the correction of data to 8 MgO. Note
that variation along the liquid line of descent
is the first principal component of variability
within basalt samples from a given location, but
there remains local variability at 8 MgO, and
when each region is averaged there are systematic
differences between regions
Global systematics
  • The values of regionally-averaged Na8 (i.e., Na2O
    concentration corrected to 8 MgO), Fe8, water
    depth above the ridge axis, and crustal thickness
    show significant global correlations.
  • Where Na8 is high, Fe8 is low
  • Where Na8 is high, the ridges are deep
  • Where Na8 is high, the crust is thin

Global systematics
  • What is the interpretation of the global
    correlations in Na8, Fe8, axial depth, and
    crustal thickness?
  • Answer Na8, an incompatible element, is an
    indicator of mean extent of melting. Fe8 is an
    indicator of mean pressure of melting. Axial
    depth is an indicator of mantle temperature,
    extent of melting, and crustal thickness
  • So the global correlation implies that extent of
    melting and pressure of melting are positively
    correlated, on a global scale.

Synthesis of global systematics
  • The correlation of extent of melting with
    pressure of melting requires that the first-order
    control on variation among ridge segments is
    mantle temperature
  • Some places the mantle is cold. Some places it is
    hot. This causes variations in the depth where
    melting begins. If melting continues under the
    axis to the base of the crust everywhere, then
    hot mantle means long melting column, high mean
    pressure of melting, and high mean extent of
    melting, high Fe8, high crustal thickness, low
    Na8, and shallow axial depth. Cold mantle yields
    the opposite.

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