Dike-like mush zone and a smaller transition zone beneath well-developed rift valley ... Mush. Gabbro. Rift Valley ... more primitive), with some mixing of mush ...
Crustal thickness is 6 km and varies little with spreading rate. Fast-Spreading Ridges ... 100 km. Structure varies substantially along axis within a segment. ...
... (e.g. JASON Academy) Local Teacher Workshops. Target ... Seismology as a diagnostic tool. Geochemistry. Rock/Sea water interactions, formation of chimneys ...
Magma wells to the ocean floor, forming underwater mountain ridges, valleys, and volcanoes ... Most famous recent island formation was Surtsey, off Iceland ...
The longest topographic feature in the world is the midoceanic ridge system a ... A brilliant piece of scientific detective work inferred that these 'zebra ...
Chapter 3 Plate Tectonics 3-1 Earth s Drifting Continents Theory-guess A land bridge once stretched across the Atlantic Ocean and connected South America and Africa ...
Title: 1.3: Fresh Water Flows Underground Author: Bob and Kathy Nutter Last modified by: KSD Created Date: 10/22/2006 5:13:07 PM Document presentation format
Increasing pressure raises the melting point of a material. ... mountainous to flat plains: Abyssal plains, Abyssal hills, Seamounts, and Deep sea trenches ...
Teori Pembentukan Muka Bumi Menurut perkembangannya (Van Krevelen, 1993) : Pemekaran lantai samudra 2. Konsep apungan benua atau continental drift oleh Alfred Wegener ...
The Atmosphere A. Origin of the Atmosphere B. Human ... Surface of first interaction of solar wind with Earth s magnetic field = Bow shock Region where Earth ...
Earth Science Jeopardy! Click Once to Begin FINAL REVIEW #1 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD * * Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Lines on a topographic map that indicate ...
The world ocean has four main basins: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic. ... New seafloor is produced at ocean ridges and old ... Terrigenous sediments ...
The ocean floor offers a rugged landscape unmatched by anywhere on Earth's surface. ... However, sometimes gigantic flows erupt on the ocean floor with enough new ...
Geology of the Oceans Formation of the Oceans: 1. Solar system was formed 4.6 billion years ago. 2. World s oceans believed to have formed more than 3 billion
Exploring the inner and outer shells of earth Chapters 2-3-4 Additional reading: MAR discovery, pdf, class web site Physical state is determined by the combined ...
StarrySkies.com LAYERS OF THE EARTH Mantle Core Crust The Earth s Layers Crust Outer layer Made of rock Very thin - like the skin of an apple Between 8 and 25 miles ...
Extinction of the Dinosaurs. Solar Nebula Theory. Age of the Solar System ... Hot spots. Magnetic fields. Tidal coupling. Cratering. Maria/Highlands. Relative ...
Magma from Mount St. Helens in Washington State and Krakatau in Indonesia ... In 1980, Mount St. Helens, a volcano in ... Pelee in 1902 and Mount St. ...
... shell of the egg represents the crust (lithosphere) of earth. ... Lithosphere very ... The lithosphere is the layer of solid rock that is broken up into the ...
At the center is the core (a solid inner core and a liquid outer core) ... outer wedge of deep-sea sediments beneath the continental rise and abyssal plain. ...
Aragonite Seas are mostly known from 'icehouse' conditions of the Neogene, late ... Tephra can also be usesd to correlate some of the same marine sediments. ...
Limestone (like sand, gravel mined and quarried for concrete, crushed for road rock) [greatest volume and dollar value of all nonmetal mineral resources] Evaporites ...
To be able to explain the basic principles of plate tectonic theory ... Wegener said all continents were joined together in one landmass called Pangaea ...
Plate tectonics. The current view regarding the dynamics of Earth's geology ... Present plate tectonics theory. Lithosphere. Crustal rocks & the upper, rigid ...
Longer if some slip is aseismic. Faults aren't exactly periodic for reasons we don't understand ... Seismogram analysis shows most slip in southern 400 km ...
Over one hundred sixty thousand years ago, our ancestors probably began to use ... with groundwater percolating through an aquifer, the solution cools very slowly. ...
... Deep seabed genetic resources Information difficult to find due to its commercially sensitive nature Several biotechnology ... applications, biotechnology, ...
Others contain grains so small they can barely be seen under a high power microscope. ... The two most obvious textural features of an igneous rock are the size of its ...
Chapter 6 Water Oceans and Freshwater Oceans 71 % of earths surface covered with water 97 % of the water is in oceans In fact there is water around all the land Three ...
Layer of gas confined close to a planet's surface by the force of gravity. Earth ... magnetosphere, as are the magnetized planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. ...