Title: Chaos and Entanglement
1Chaos and Entanglement
Rafal Demkowicz-Dobrzanski (CFT PAN)
2Classical Chaos
Deterministic laws
Exponential sensitivity to initial perturbation
3Quantum Chaos
- Do quantum systems which in the classical limit
are chaotic differ form the ones which are
classically regular?
- What are the quantum signatures of chaos?
- Distribution of energy levels
- Stability of quantum motion under perturbed
5Measure of entanglement
6Entangling properties of quantum evolutions
- How an initially product state is being entangled?
7Two weakly coupled chaotic systems
- How entanglement production changes when varying
k, - under fixed coupling?
- initial entanglement growth rate
- long time behaviour of entanglement
- Does it depend on the type of initial product
state chosen?
8Kicked Top
9Kicked Top
10Classical limit for the kicked top
11Classical limit for the kicked top
discreet dynamics on a sphere
12Classical limit for the kicked top
discreet dynamics on a sphere
13Classical limit for the kicked top
discreet dynamics on a sphere
14Most classical quantum states
- overcomplete set
- Phase space picture of quantum states
Hussimi function of a spin-coherent state (j20)
15Evolution of a spin-coherent state
16Coupled kicked tops
- One period evolution operator
Chaos enhances initial production rate!?
17Short time behaviour of entanglement
- Perturbative formula (Tanaka et al. 2002)
Interaction picture
18Chaos and time correlation function
19Chaos induces initial linear entanglement increase
20Initial entangling power for the coupled kicked
- Initial entanglement growth rate, averaged over
either random or coherent states
21Long time entangling properties
22Averaged asymptotic behaviour and eigenvectors
- Asymptotic entanglement, averaged over either
random or coherent states
- Averaged asymptotic entanglement and
eigenvectors entanglement
Chaos and entanglement are....
a) Chaos drives low-uncertainty states into
highly smeared states and thus increases initial
entanglement growth rate
b) Chaos assures high asymptotic entanglement
c) In different approaches, where chaos is not
,,localized in the subsystems and the
coupling is strong, chaos helps entanglement
a) For certain choices of parameters (j, e),
regular dynamics, thanks to non-vanishing
time correlations, outperforms chaotic dynamics
in terms of initial entanglement production.
b) For weakly coupled systems initial entangling
power is always worst in chaotic case
c) In the case of coupled kicked tops, very
regular dynamics has equally high (even a
little bit higher) asymptotic entanglement than
chaotic cases.
24Chaos and Entanglement
Rafal Demkowicz-Dobrzanski (CFT PAN)