Study Smarter, not Harder - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Study Smarter, not Harder


Study Smarter, not Harder. Academic Success Center. 729-5389. Study Habits for Success ... with your children first give them hugs and ask them about their day explain ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Study Smarter, not Harder


Study Habits for Success
  • Study Smarter, not Harder
  • Academic Success Center
  • 729-5389

Describe This Picture
(No Transcript)
How We Learn by William Glasser
  • 10 of what we read
  • 20 of what we hear
  • 30 of what we see
  • 50 of what we both see and hear
  • 70 of what is discussed with others
  • 80 of what we experience personally
  • 95 of what we teach someone else

Within 24 hours, 90 of the material is lost.
What the Average Person Remembers
  • 90 of what they do
  • 70 of what they say
  • 50 of what they see and hear
  • 30 of what they see
  • 26 of what they hear
  • 10 of what they read

  • Sensory Input
  • Attention
  • Decoding
  • Processing
  • Includes Storage
  • and/or
  • Retrieval processes
  • Memory (short/long)
  • Physical Output

  • Perceptual Preferences--auditory, visual,
    tactual, kinesthetic, haptic--are based on the
    human senses.

Learning Styles Checklist

Learning Styles
Auditory You are skilled at remembering the
spoken word, so depending on your
dialect, focus on lecture courses or group
discussions. You are distracted by loud noise but
also by silence, so incorporate
subtle background noise while you study.
Visual You pay attention to your surroundings, so
make them user
friendly. Customize a study area for
yourself. Use timelines and charts for
remembering data. Incorporate pictures or
descriptive oration of topics you are studying.
Haptic, Tactile, Kinesthetic You like to role
play class material with topics such as speech
literature. Use a computer to take notes in class
or hand draw some of your note materials. Incorpor
ate movement into your learning by tapping your
pencil, shaking your foot, or twirling a pen when
you are introduced to a new topic.
Steps to Take
  • Determine your information processing strength
  • Take a Learning Styles Inventory
  • (http//

Three Perceptual Preferences for Learning
  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Tactile/Kinesthetic/Haptic
  • Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into
  • Anton Chekhov

Learning Style Inventories
  • How Do I Learn Best? The VARK QuestionnaireThere
    are several different levels of inventories at
    this site with one specific questionnaire geared
    towards young adults and teenagers (available at
    the Academic Success Center)
  • http//


The Vark Categories
  • The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural,
    Read/Write, and Kinesthetic sensory modalities
    that are used for learning information. (Fleming
    and Mills 1992)

Blooms Taxonomy
  • Benjamin Bloom created this taxonomy for
    categorizing levels of abstraction of questions
    that commonly occur in education settings.
  • provides a useful structure to determine the
    levels of educational activities
  • groups learning experiences in a hierarchy from
    lowest to the highest mental processes

Critical Thinking Skills
Critical Thinking Skills
Organizational Tools
Tools and Techniques to gain control and get more
This is Nonrenewable
  • There are only 168 hours a week to spend on
  • Time cant be saved
  • Take control of time--dont waste it foolishly--
    when youre out of time, youre out of it.
  • Even if you are on the right track, youll get
    run over if you just sit there.
  • Will Rogers

Organizational Tools Techniques
  • Get it down on paper
  • Make up a to-do list-- list all the things you
    have to do and all the things you want to do over
    the next 24 hours
  • A to-do list is a crucial step to organizing
    your life
  • Use a simple prioritizing system.
  • Filter your tasks using the A,B,C daily to-do

Organizational Tools Techniques
  • Rate each task by priority
  • As on your list are those things that are most
  • Bs are important, but less important than the
    As They-- can be postponed, if necessary
  • Cs do not require immediate attention--Cs are
    often small, easy jobs with no set timeline

The ABC Daily To-Do List
  • Once you have labeled the tasks on your list,
    schedule time for all the As-- The Bs and Cs
    can be done randomly during the day
  • Work off your list
  • use the list to keep yourself on task, working on
    the As. (Students sometimes have a tendency to
    drop the A tasks and begin doing the Cs because
    they are easier or more fun.)
  • cross the tasks off the list as they are

The ABC Daily To-Do List
  • Another option
  • put each to-do activity on its own 3x5
    index card-- This allows for easy sorting
  • Colored index cards would further help
    organize tasks
  • At the end of the day evaluate your progress
    (Perhaps tasks that never seem to get done should
    be changed to As or dropped)

Index Cards
  • Can help you take charge of your time
  • inexpensive way to keep yourself organized
  • remind you of all the things you may forget
    during the day
  • add information to free you memories for more
    important things
  • learn vocabulary words or math formulas

  • 4 reasons
  • Tasks seem difficult or time consuming
  • Trouble getting started
  • Lack of motivation to do the task
  • Fear of failing

Stop Procrastinating
  • Plan aheadmake a schedule for long term projects
  • Study difficult or boring subjects first
  • Break down large assignments.
  • Get organized Get started
  • Realize all assignments are not easy
  • Ask questions if a task is unclear
  • Assume an attitude of confidence

Keep Your Power
  • Remember
  • to use one calendar
  • to carry it around with you so you can always
    refer to it when scheduling appointments and
  • to use a calendar that shows an entire month on a
  • that being organized helps you maintain control
    over events in your life

Open Your Calendar Start Planning
  • Remember to
  • record all you appointments and scheduled events
    starting with the current month
  • get in the habit of recording all appointments or
    events on your calendars immediately
  • keep the calendar with you at all times and refer
    to it often

Planning Backwards
  • Use your planner to reserve time for studying,
    tests, and papers
  • When a paper is assigned, start with the last
    boxthe day the paper is due
  • Make a list of tasks you must do to finish the
  • Decide what you must do the day before the paper
    is due
  • Pace the tasks so that the paper is not rushed
  • Work backwards to the date it is assigned
  • Go to the Academic Success Center to review the
    paper with a tutor729-5389

(No Transcript)

Dost thou love life, then do not squander time,
for thats the stuff life is made of. Benjamin
Taking Tests
  • Taking tests is not pleasant
  • Defeat test anxiety
  • Plan to prepare for tests and deal with test
  • Disarm your fears of failing with strategies to
    use before and during a test

What to Do Before the Test
  • Manage review timereview daily, weekly, and
    complete a major review
  • Create review toolsstudy list, mind map summary
    sheets, flashcards
  • Plan a strategydo a dry run, ask what to expect,
    analyze a copy of an old exam
  • Create a test from notes and the book

Tips for Students - Test Taking
  • Remember to
  • Do the easy questions first
  • Schedule your time (to estimate time, divide the
    available test time by the number of questions)
  • Omit difficult questions until last
  • Read each question carefully
  • Read all options
  • Predict the correct answer
  • Look for answers in other questions

More Tips for Taking Tests
  • Avoid answers with 100 Percent words
  • Statements are usually false whey they contain
    clue words such as
  • All, every, none, always, invariably, never,
    best, exactly, worst, only, must
  • Statements are usually true when they contain
    clue words such as
  • many, most, some, few, often, usually, sometimes,
    seldom, more, equal, less, may, perhaps, generally

Tips for Test Taking
  • Remember to
  • Review your work check your answers
  • Not overanalyzetry to follow the thinking of the
    test writer rather than pondering over minute
  • Read the entire question and all the possible
    answers-- Sometimes the last answer is the best
    even though the other answers might work

The Most Powerful Test Strategy
  • POE (Process of Elimination)
  • Eliminate the answers you are certain are
  • Usually a multiple-choice question will have
  • 1 correct answer,
  • 1 that contains 100 Percent words, and
  • 1 that is definitely wrong

An Exercise
  • Practice
  • Write 2 multiple choice questions which could be
    on a test
  • Exchange questions with a study partner when you
    have finished writing your questions
  • Answer your partners questions

Multiple Choice Questions
  • Procedure to write your own
  • One answer will be correct
  • One answer will be obviously wrong or silly
  • One answer will be close to the correct answer
    but will contain a word or two to make it wrong
  • One answer will be a detail from the passage or

Mnemonic device used when taking a test to guide
you through the process. Write SCORER at the top
of each test to remember the steps.
S Schedule appropriate time C Clue word or
phrase can be found in the test questions
(discuss, explain, express) to help find the
answers O Omit difficult items and return if
time allows R Read the questions carefully E
Estimate the length of time to devote to each R
Review test items and answers
More Thoughts
  • Tell yourself to
  • Let go of test anxietyyell stop
  • Fill your mind with pleasant thoughts
  • Visualize success
  • Focus
  • Praise yourself
  • Look at the ceiling
  • Breathe
  • Relax your muscles
  • Remember Our greatest glory is not in never
    failing, but in rising every time we fail.

Good Study Strategies
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Study in small chunks of time
  • Use a consistent, systematic approach
  • Use your information processing strength
  • Be Aware of time constraints (planning
  • Stay-on-top-of-things (cueing, organizing,
  • Schedule an appointment with a tutor in the
    Academic Success Center

Better Study Schedule
  • Study as soon as possible after your class
  • Start assignments while your memory of the
    assignments is still fresh
  • Limit your block of study time on one course so
    you can focus
  • Take a break and switch to studying another
  • Provide time in your planner to do a cumulative
  • Organize your notes in question/answer form
  • Try to predict the questions on the exam
  • Plan a schedule of balanced activitiesfixed
    eating, organizations, classes, church, work
    flexible sleeping, recreation, study,
    relaxation, personal affairs
  • Use odd hours during the day for studyinguse the
    free periods between classes
  • Trade timedont steal itunexpected events
    happen adjust your schedule immediately

  • Everything comes to him who hustles while he
  • Thomas A. Edison

Ways to Handle the Rest of the World
  • Agree with roommates, spouses, significant
    others, children, friends about study timemake
    rules that cant be broken
  • Get off the phonethe telephone is the ultimate
    interrupterturn off the cell phone
  • Learn to say notell everyone that you are busy
    studying for your future
  • Hang up a do not disturb sign on your door
  • Get ready the night beforeplan your day the
    night before
  • Use waiting timecarry index cards with facts,
    definitions, formulas to study while you wait for
    the dentist, friends, etc.
  • Spend time with your children firstgive them
    hugs and ask them about their dayexplain to them
    that you need study for 30 minutes and set a
    timerschedule sessions of concentrated study for
    when theyre asleep
  • Take time to read--take your book with you as you
    drive your children to soccer games dance
  • Plan study breaks with your childrentake 10
    minutes each hour that you study to be with your
    childrenset the timer
  • Develop a routinelet your children know what to
  • Enlist other adults for helpask your spouse,
    neighbor, or fellow student to take care of the
    childrentrade childcare
  • Read your text book with your toddlerinvolve
    your childmake funny faces, talk in a funny
    voice, invent rhymes, poems, or songs, for

Practice, Practice, Practice.
  • Immerse yourself in the material
  • See it
  • Listen to it
  • Say it again
  • Use it
  • Do it
  • Practice often
  • Do again (and repeat)
  • Review (with ongoing feedback, continuous and
  • Go back to the beginning ?

Learn from the mistakes of othersyou can
never live long enough to make them all
yourself. John Luther


Thank You!
Academic Success Center E 149 729-5389
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