Title: Comprehensive Audit Results of the Detroit Annual Conference
1Comprehensive Audit Results of the Detroit
Annual Conference
2Comprehensive audit conducted to discern future
direction of DAC
- Assessment conducted in 2004
- Purpose use as a tool to determine future
direction of DAC - Process
- Series of interviews and focus groups with both
clergy and laity - On-line survey with 100 respondents (clergy and
laity) - Conducted by assessment team
- Led by Dr. Robert Jennings, of the Babcock
Graduate School of Management at Wake Forest
University, Winston-Salem North Carolina - Assessment team reviewed areas of
- Vision and Mission
- Conference Setting
- Organizational Structure
- Conference Programs
- Marketing and outreach
- Facilities
- Managing and Appropriating funds
Distributing information to all is the first step
in post-review process
- Responsibilities of the Monitoring Team
- Appointed by Bishop Lee
- Charged with establishing a process for
disseminating information in the report
Conference-wide - The following presentation contains findings,
implications and recommendations from the report
of the comprehensive assessment - Special note marketing/communications and youth
ministry concerns are prevalent in almost all
review areas
4Section I
- Conference Vision and Mission
5Conference Vision and Mission
DAC will pursue the Great Commission through a
vision rooted in spiritual development and
- United Methodist Mission To make Disciples of
Jesus Christ - DAC vision encapsulates U.M. mission
- We envision the Detroit Annual Conference as a
healthy, holy branch of the Tree of Life. We see
our churches rooted deeply in scripture, alive
and growing in Christ, renewed by the Holy
Spirit, and developing and sharing fruits of the
Spirit with all.
6Vision of spiritual revitalization critical to
DACs future
Conference vision and mission
- Need for continued spiritual development and
emphasis voiced by clergy and laity - Vision not articulated in a manner that would
suggest clear understanding, impeding unified
focus - Vision not kept in front of people sufficiently
- Good vision is taught, not trumpeted, therefore
the Bishop and Conference leadership must
continue to cast the vision at every opportunity - Keeping the vision before the people creates
understanding of direction the DAC is seeking to
go as it focuses on the future
7Conference vision must be kept before the people
Conference vision and mission
- Call to Conference session
- Spiritual service for pastors, broken into 4
groups and led by the Bishop and Cabinet, during
which they sing and pray that God revive their
spirits and that they be empowered to go forth
and make Disciples for Jesus Christ. - Improved communication with clergy and laity
- Keeps vision and mission before the people,
making it a living creed - Produced by Bishop and/or Cabinet through printed
or electronic means - Lifts up districts, churches, and/or individuals
that are instrumental in helping the vision be
realized - Finally, obstacles to the vision must be addressed
8Section II
Conference Setting Membership and Location
9Potential for DAC membership growth hampered by
current culture of malaise
Conference Setting Membership Location
- Membership church attendance decreasing
- No strategic planning in most churches
- Aging out Youth falling through cracks
- Need for consolidation of struggling and small
membership churches in same area - Demographic and ethnic growth patterns being
ignored - Total population within the DAC area is approx.
6.7 million 105,351 are United Methodist - Population growth expected in 79 of DAC areas in
next 5 years - Hispanic population is fastest growing ethnic
segment currently underdeveloped in DAC - Small membership churches feel ignored
- District Superintendents overburdened
- Program development impeded
- Clergy burnout and isolation
- Difficult to maintain meaningful and trusting
pastoral relationships - IMPLICATIONS
- Apparent spiritual malaise contributes to culture
of mistrust, lack of motivation and helplessness
in developing programs for local churches - Demographic and ethnic markets need to be
analyzed, and strong programs need to be
developed in order to reach them
10Conference Setting Membership and Location
Revitalized spirits, combined with strong
resources and demographic tools will stimulate
development in high growth segments
- Conference should utilize market research data on
each of the respective growth areas over the next
5 years - Provided to marketing committee or task force
- Demographic information shared with pastors and
laity in expected growth areas - Will provide strong foundation for motivating
individuals and entities in making disciples for
Jesus Christ - Annual Clergy Retreat for spiritual renewal
- Offering engaging speakers, creative worship and
time for bonding - Facilitated by Bishop and Cabinet as spiritual
leaders - Clergy should be invited by the Bishop in some
instances, District Superintendents should
require some of their pastors to attend. - Activate and emphasize youth and childrens
ministries - Encourage clergy and laity alike
- Offer training and resources
11Conference Setting Membership and Location
A culture of empowerment, positive reinforcement
and strategic thinking will advance the work of
clergy, laity and ultimately, the DAC
- Take steps to change Conference culture through
three strategic phases for clergy and laity - Short-term Bible study with strong emphasis on
evangelism and stewardship - Hands-on training and skill development
- Enable leaders to develop strategic plans and
implementation strategies for their respective
congregations - Incorporate evaluation component in each phase
- Change Conference culture to more spiritually
focused entity - Form core group from existing spiritual leaders,
clergy and laity to implement programs - Seek out resources to increase spiritual focus
and foundation - Ease feelings of mistrust and improve
clergy/Cabinet relationships through positive
encouragement rather than fear of demotion
12Section II contd
Conference Setting Organizational Structure
13Good organizational structures are those that get
things done efficiently with effective people,
and are structured around the vision and mission
of the entity they support.
Conference Setting Organizational Structure
- Current structure impacts sense of connection for
which denomination is known, stifles the growth
and development of local churches, increases
burnout among DSs, clergy and others, and
possibly hampers payment of Apportionments - District Superintendents overburdened with
administrative tasks - Organizational structure impeding vision and
mission in some areas - No single governance entity overseeing work of
Annual Conference - No formal operational policies/procedures
- No accountability measures
- Duplication of efforts between two Annual
Conferences in Michigan - IMPLICATIONS
- District Superintendents are stretched too thin,
leaving little time to develop programs and to
pastor to clergy in their charge - Without a governing body to monitor plans and
evaluate progress within an effective structure,
the Conference vision and mission cannot be
achieved - Parallel programming, objectives and structure
suggest an opportunity to merge Detroit and West
Michigan Annual Conferences
14 Conference Setting Organizational Structure
A structure designed to work more efficiently,
combined with evaluation measures will result in
more unified pursuit of the vision
- The organizational structure of the Conference
should be changed - Two separate functional areas
- Ministerial services/Spiritual Formation
responsible for emphasizing services that enhance
clergy and staff, support the Board of Ordained
Ministry, the Candidacy Process, Ministers
Professional Development, Mentors, and
Vocational Re-Visioning, as well as boards,
commissions, and committees that do much of the
work of the Annual Conference through volunteers - Human Resources Management and Training
responsible for staff, personnel and policies, as
well as professional training and development,
certifications and evaluations for both clergy
and laypersons. - Appoint 12-member governance body to oversee work
of boards, agencies, commissions and committees
of the Annual Conference - Responsible for monitoring and evaluating
progress and holding bodies accountable - Director of Connectional Ministries continues to
serve as CEO for this body, as well as to
supervise paid and volunteer staff
15Realigning program staff and developing and
evaluating work plans will ensure consistency of
goals in new DAC structure.
- Realign program staff, creating Associate Council
Directors for - Church Revitalization and Development
- Incorporate work of current resiliency staff
person may require Assistant Associate Director
of Church Revitalization and Development - Youth Programs
- Camps and Outdoor Ministries
- Spiritual Development for Urban and Ethnic
Ministries - Ministerial and Lay Training Institute
- Create 7-member monitoring boards for each staff
person to evaluate effectiveness of task areas - Meet quarterly with staff person
- Determine whether strategic goals, objectives,
and work plans are being implemented to attain
quality of results desired - Assist Director of Connectional Ministries in
determining levels of effectiveness for each
assigned area
16Reducing administrative work of D.S. enables
stronger focus on supervisory issues and
clergy/congregational development
- Reduce number of districts to 6 (from 7)
- Evaluate role of Office of District
Superintendent - Each D.S. Should have 2 assistants
- Administrative assists with paperwork,
finances, apportionments, and personnel issues - Developmental assists in training, monitoring
and helping clergy and lay leaders to develop
local congregations - Charge conferences should be structured to
celebrate both mission and ministry, ensure
adoption of goals and objectives, call for
accountability, demonstrate achievements and
emphasize winning souls for Christ - Evaluate attendance of D.S. at charge conference
for effectiveness consider using ordained
elders to preside over charge conference - Clergy effectiveness needs to be evaluated and
addressed - Provisions for those who need to exit the
ordained ministry - Offer ministerial training institute annually
- Focus on ways of perfecting change, marketing and
growing the church, identifying gifts and graces
and empowering others for ministry. - Attendance mandatory clergy grouped according to
length of service - Facilitated by retired and seasoned clergy, as
well as outside consultants
17Section III
Conference Programming
18DAC programs must be consistent with vision and
mission to ensure efficient allocation of
- Programs not consistent with vision and mission
- Lack of weights and measures for effectiveness of
Conference programs - Nominating process needs improvement
- Conflicting belief systems within the Conference
impede unity for ministry - Overlooked youth inadequate youth programs in
local churches - Disconnected U.P.
- Evaluating programs for effectiveness and
consistency with vision and mission would direct
more efficient allocation of resources - Improving the nominating process would result in
more committed involvement, higher productivity
and more diverse leadership. - Energy spent debating controversial issues could
be better spent on united efforts for ministry - With aging membership, youth represent growth
area for membership and future leaders for the
Conference - Geographical distances create feelings of
isolation and under-representation at board
meetings and workshops
19Recruitment and training of committed leadership
is crucial to effective, continuous achievement
of DACs vision and mission
Conference Programming
- Careful recruitment and training of leaders of
boards, agencies, commissions and committees. - Develop evaluation system with sole focus
ensuring that boards, agencies, commissions and
committees are effectively implementing tasks and
achieving the mission of the Conference - Streamline communication process between
Nominations Committee and Boards and Agencies - Chairpersons should be encouraged to recruit at
least a certain number of members themselves - Attention should be given to diversity gender,
race, geography, and other required factors - Each board should have at least three, if not
more, young people or young adults on it
20Youth are DACs future, both in membership and
leadership Bold initiatives will cultivate new
Conference Programming
- Allocate new energy and resources to evangelism,
stewardship and youth ministry of the Conference - Implement bold initiatives for youth
- Sponsor youth rallies
- Hold series of youth retreats, focusing on
leadership skills and evangelism outreach
techniques focus on taboo subjects that youth
can discuss in Christian context - Emphasize mission work
- Hire staff person dedicated to youth programming
- Training for lay volunteers working with youth
- Youth Call to Conference session, led by Bishop
and Cabinet - The Cabinet should host its meetings, training,
etc. throughout the Conference, including the
Upper Peninsula
21Section IV
Marketing and Outreach
22Increasing awareness through the marketing and
communication of DACs operations and ministries,
both internally and externally, is crucial to
continued growth and viability
Marketing and Outreach
- Conference Members identified communication as
the 1 issue impeding Conferences progress - Breakdown of communication within Conference
channels - Inadequately celebrating victories of local
churches, individuals, and Conference ministries - Individuals do not understand what it means to be
part of a greater connection - Not clearly articulating the connection between
Apportionments and the benefits of - Conference Infrastructure and the services they
provide - Outreach Ministries within and beyond the Annual
Conference - The connectional relationship of the United
Methodist Church - More promotion of activities in local churches
needed for successful outreach - IMPLICATIONS
- Lack of communication increases distrust, rumors
and divisions. Knowledge and responsibility are
the keys to higher morale and productivity. - A greater understanding of the value of the
connection could lead to more effective
ministries, both locally and globally, through
enhanced support of Apportionments, Ministry
Jubilee and other giving opportunities.
23Efforts dedicated to communicating and promoting
works of the DAC and its congregations will boost
morale, productivity, and membership
Marketing and Outreach
- Improve Conference communication at all levels
- Appoint Director of Communications and Marketing.
- Possibly establish Office of Communications,
using volunteers - Serve as single point of contact for receiving
and sending out information, and facilitating
news about the various ministries of the
Conference. - Devise a marketing program to promote the
Conference vision and mission - Bishop actively involved in posting position
statements and spotlight several praise reports
that are helping to achieve the vision and
mission of the Conference.
24Section V
25Current facilities, while adequate, could be
realigned to benefit from synergies not yet
- Current Conference facilities make collaboration
difficult between 2 Conferences, visibility of
Bishop difficult, and travel distances
prohibitive - Camps currently not self-sustaining most owned
by the Conference - IMPLICATIONS
- Combined facility would improve collaboration
between two Conferences, increase Bishop
availability and decrease travel requirements - Affiliate camps established as non-profit
organizations could benefit from grants and other
sources of funding not currently available, and
could provide relief to the Conference budget.
26Merging conferences and facilities could provide
great synergies by reducing duplication and
pooling resources, both human and financial
- Detroit and West Michigan Annual Conferences
should merge - Construct new office with all major program staff
serving from that location - Conduct feasibility study between the two
Conference areas - Secure an architectural rendering of
possibilities for a new Conference center - Identify staff skills competencies, willingness
level to relocate and kind of structure that
merger or consolidation could possibly yield and
the benefits it may bring. - Conference may need to consider making all camps
affiliate members with their own governing boards.
27Section VI
Managing and Appropriating Funds
28Formal process for managing funds incomplete
lack of communication leaves members skeptical of
its effective use in operations and ministry
Managing and Appropriating Funds
- Incomplete formal policies and procedures
addressing operational and financial
responsibility - Need for systematic evaluation process for
measuring effectiveness of program staff - Apportionments perceived as burdensome
- Churches struggling to pay
- Unclear where money goes and how its spent
- Distrust of leadership and allocation of funds
- High costs to churches (apportionments, health
costs, declining membership) creating need for
consolidation of congregations - IMPLICATIONS
- Clear, operational procedures and policies,
combined with measurable goals and objectives
will allow for achievement of the shared vision
and mission - Responsible stewardship of Apportionment funds,
and clear communication of its uses could result
in increased giving
29Managing and Appropriating Funds
A well-planned, non-wasteful spending program,
handled responsibly by DAC leaders and staff, can
positively impact members future giving
- Ascertain where written operational and financial
policies and procedures should be implemented
that are not currently in place. - The Conference should appoint an internal auditor
who periodically audits the records and receipts
of the Office of the Treasurer. - The Bishop and respective District Superintendent
should meet with all pastors, individually, that
have not paid any portion of their Apportionments
as well as those paying less than 90 percent. - Determine what is causing problem
- Devise a plan to meet payment
- Ensure education of congregation as to value and
worth of Apportionments - As a means of keeping expenses low, the
Conference should organize a Volunteer Council
that identify, cultivate, recruit and train
retired clergy and laity to assist with many of
the jobs needed for which there are limited funds
to hire full or part-time personnel.
30Section VII
31Change, however bold it may be, is necessary for
DACs future viability in an equally changing
- DAC must make changes in order to
- Maximize resources, both human and fiscal
- Diminish level of membership loss experiencing
annually - Organizational structures of religious entities
must change to - Achieve mission to which they have been called
- Attain the vision to which they aspire
- To deal with change, one must look at the big
picture and understand why change is occurring
Next Steps in the post-audit process
- Dissemination of information
- Cabinet
- Program Staff
- Boards and Agencies
- Districts
- Gathering and compiling feedback
- Making decisions and finalizing recommendations
- Implementation of recommendations
- Monitoring and evaluating implementation progress