Title: Mahila Vikas Tribal Children
1Mahila VikasTribal Childrens Education Project
inGajapati district, Orissa
- Primary Steward Arjun Dutt
2Orissa, India
Gajapati district
3Project Description
- Location Gajapti District, Orissa
- Area (urban/rural) Rural
- Primary Focus Dropout and non-school going
children of Saura tribals inadequate govt
schools - Project Type Class 1-3 primary education
- Amount Requested (US) 8080
- Purpose of Funding Request Operating Learning
Centers - of Beneficiaries 200 children/year
4Project Goals
- Provide education and healthcare to tribal girls
and empower female population. - Provide primary education to girl children of
ages 5-12 years from class 1 through class 3. - Run 15 bridge course centers in 5 panchayats to
enroll dropout and non-school going children in
govt schools. - Utilize prolonged community involvement through
- Established rapport of female literacy project
(SHG) - Project started by community, of community and
for community.
5Project Background/Impact
- Project request through Mrs. Sibani Panigrahi,
secretary, Mahila Vikas by email. - Continuous contact with project and site visit
volunteers. - Site visit done by Raj Jeba Durai from Asha
Honors and Jitendra Sinha, Indo-Swiss Foundation.
6Organization Description
- Mahila Vikas Wealth of experience in tribal
development - Founder Mrs. Pramila Sabar belongs to tribe
- President Mr. Raj Kishore Panda
- Secretary Mrs. Sibani Panigrahi
- Other Activities Formation of SHGs, Water and
Sanitation, Accelerated Female Literacy. - Helped educate about 15K, 15-35 year old tribal
women, formed SHGs, built rapport and awareness
in community.
7Existing Infrastructure/Facilities
- Mahila Vikas staff is 6 FT and 16 volunteers from
the community. - Utilize existing community halls in villages for
learning centers can accommodate 50 students. - Training Barefoot teachers to teach in learning
centers. - Training for the community VEC, SHG, CBO
8Mahila Vikas
- Specially designed curriculum for dropout and
non-school going children to prepare for govt
schools. - Teaching aids used to make learning fun and
creative. - Games, Puppets, Model making, Singing, Drama.
- Study tours to connect lessons with real world.
- Childrens festival Balmela for
self-expression. - Awareness through PTA meetings.
- Teacher/Student Ratio of 1/35
10Expected Outcomes/What After?
- 200 dropout/non-school going girl children will
be admitted to the govt schools. - Awareness level of tribals towards education will
improve. - Metric of success is number of students accepted
in govt schools each year. - Conduct appraisals for Barefoot teachers and
students. - Conduct monthly review meetings and inform Asha.
- Conduct exams to check progress of children.
- Send project work photos to Asha every month.
11Budget for Requested Funding
LEARNING CENTER Learning and training material, Healthcare, Study Tours and Outings Rs 1,12,500
ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Salary of teachers and project coordinator, Travel allowance to villages. Rs 2,31,000
OFFICE MANAGEMENT Stationery, Furniture, Project Review Rs 20,000
TOTAL Rs. 3,63,500 (USD 8,080)
12Other Funding Sources
- No other funding sources as of now.
- Funding for previous projects from govt sources
but unlikely now due to shrinking education
budget. - Continuing costs. Recommended that we fund in
installments to measure progress.
13Site Visit Report
- Site visit conducted by Raj Jeba Durai (Asha
Honors) from Oct 10th 15th, 2006. - Confirmation from Jitendra Sinha (Indo-Swiss
foundation) - Tribal girl children are neglected and need
support. - Parents are eager to send children to learning
centers. - Great deal of community involvement through
support, SHGs, villagers monitor project
progress. - Mahila Vikas staff are dedicated and from the
area. - Lots of women are involved in the operational
14SWOT Analysis
- Strengths/Opportunities
- Large impact to female literacy and empowerment.
- Essential ingredients/ infrastructure in place.
- Opportunity to learn from a community based
project. - Proven track record.
- Low incidence of early child marriage.
- Weaknesses/Risks
- Govt schools might not increase capacity.
- Sustainability of livelihood of villagers in
15Steward Recommendation
- High need and high impact project - Saura Tribals
have been neglected by govt and local population. - Unique opportunity to learn from a project
started by, of and from the area. - Contribute to a large cause of female
empowerment, poverty by solving education and
healthcare needs of children. - Fund the entire amount to Mahila Vikas in
16Project Discussion/Decision
17Mahila Vikas Learning Centers
18Discussion (10 minutes)
- Questions/Thoughts
- Arguments for funding
- Arguments against funding
19Decision (5 minutes)
- Round I Need more information/Can decide today?
- If ready to decide
- Round II Fund/Do not fund
- If decided to fund
- Round III Fund full amount/Fund part amount
- Notes
- Please vote only if you are familiar with the
project details and our overall funding
philosophy - Decision to be made by 2/3rd majority. Quorum of
5. - All projects must be resolved by the 2nd meeting