Title: Lesson design
1The Three Tenors
2Lesson design
Most of you probably feel as though we are asking
you to
- Yes we all can create a lesson, but what are
key components that make up a GREAT lesson.
3Components of a quality lesson
- What am I as a teacher looking for in a lesson?
- What is the district looking for when they
observe my lesson? - What do my students require for a quality lesson?
In your PLCs, please take a few minutes to
discuss and list components of quality lesson
4District Look-fors, and important components
- Active participation
- Clear targets
- Think time
- Prior knowledge activation
- 4 Rs (Rigor, Relevance, Relationships,
Reflection - Clearly posted targets
- Student voice
5Do any of these PLC suggestions have any
relevance for your classroom???
Interesting how what we expect of each other
connects to what we expect of ourselves, and our
- Staying on task
- Active listening
- Constructive criticism
- A focused agenda
- Respect
- Challenge
- Willingness to try new ideas
- Positive environment
- Fun atmosphere
- Variety of examples
- Constructive criticism
- Being prepared
- Meaningful reflection
- Always room for improvement
6Alphabet Soup!!(how good is your Educationese?)
7And the results are
- EALR Essential Academic Learning Requirement
- GLE Grade Level Expectations
- CPBA Classroom-Based Performance Assessments
- NCLB No Child Left Behind Act
- OSPI Office of Superintendent of Public
Instruction - CIA Curriculum Instruction Assessment
- HSGR High School Graduation Requirement
- NAEP National Assessment Educational Progress
8How do you know you have taught a good lesson?
- A warm fuzzy feeling?
- Empirical evidence
- Surviving the lesson?
- The Glint in their eyes
9PLC Homework
- Please discuss and develop a Lesson Template
that you/your department will utilize in the
creation of lessons and/or units. - This template should be applied to all future
lesson development, in addition to updating
established lessons in this format.
10Take a break!!!