Title: Seabed Mapping Technology and Ocean Management
1Seabed Mapping Technology and Ocean Management
J. Vaughn Barrie
Geological Survey of Canada Pacific School
Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of
Victoria Waterworks Marine Remote Sensing,
October 27, 2004
2Geoscience for Ocean Management
To provide the geoscientific knowledge necessary
for effective decision-making on competing
resource management issues
- Fisheries
- Oil and Gas
- Wind Farms
- Marine Minerals and Aggregates
- Seafloor infrastructure
- Critical Benthic Habitat
- Marine Protected Areas
- Geohazards
4- Technologies
- Multibeam Swath Bathymetry and Backscatter
- High-resolution sub-bottom profiling
- Sidescan Sonar
- Sediment Sampling (Coring and Grabs)
- Bottom Photography
- Seabed Classification Systems
- Seafloor Magnetics
5Products for Ocean Management Sediment
Distribution Surficial Geology Geohazards Habitat
GIS Integrated Data Base
6Sediment Sampling
7Sidescan Sonar
8Sub-bottom Profiling
North Hecate Strait Delta
9Bottom Photography
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13Gas Pipeline
14Surficial Geology Queen Charlotte Basin
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16 Sockeye E-66
Murrelet L-15
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20Multibeam Bathymetry Digital Terrain Images
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23Search for Life
Concept by Dr. Brian Pratt, U. Sask.
Fraser Delta Fault
1997 M4.6 1975 M4.9 Earthquakes
Porlier Pass Fault
Earthquakes lt 6 km (1975 -2000) Multibeam
bathymetry with Landsat Imagery for the southern
Strait of Georgia
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27Just 1 km northwest of this feature is a second
steep (25o) escarpment oriented at 315o, but with
no identifiable pockmarks.
28- In section, the escarpment can be seen to
represent the trace of a fault that dips 25o to
the southwest with over 50 m of apparent throw
(using 1500 m-s sound velocity). - On the downthrow side, the seabed is slightly
domed by 10 m suggesting deformation.
29Porlier Pass Fault
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32- The fault is part of an area of highly disturbed
seafloor with similar faults, some of which break
Holocene sediments. - The rolling morphology seen on the multibeam data
is a result of this zone of deformation.
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35Mapleguard Spit - Vancouver Island
36EM-3000 Multibeam
37EM-3000 Backscatter
38Habitat Mapping
39Dixon Entrance
Queen Charlotte Islands
British Columbia Mainland
Hecate Strait
Queen Charlotte Sound
Vancouver Island
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42Multibeam image
Reef complexes
43North Hecate Strait Reef Complex
5 km
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45Reef complexes
Multibeam image
46Multibeam Backscatter Data
Cook Bank
47Summary With the developments in multibeam
mapping technology, in concert with traditional
geoscience survey techniques we now have the
capability to image the seafloor in high
resolution. Integrated Ocean Management
provides a balance for the competing demands of
renewable and non-renewable resources with
conservation through the development of Marine
Protected Areas.