Title: Impact of Antitobacco Mass Media on Youth Smoking Initiation
1Impact of Antitobacco Mass Media on Youth Smoking
- Center for Survey Research
- UMass Boston
Presented at National Conference on Tobacco Or
Health, Boston, Dec. 10th 2003
2Massachusetts Media Campaign
- Average annual expenditure 13 million 1994
through 2001 - Multiple Channels
- Television
- Radio Adult
- Transit
- Billboards
3Multiple Strategies
- The truth about the industry
- Rebel against industry manipulation
- Real people, real stories
- Not smoking is cool, smoking is not.
- Addiction
- Preserve independence by avoiding addiction
- Smoking harms the family
4Research Goals
- Investigate impact on behavior
- Investigate effectiveness of various strategies
for different target audiences.
5I. Impact on youth behavior
- Compare the rate of smoking initiation between
youths who recalled or failed to recall exposure
to television, radio, and outdoor anti-smoking
advertisements at baseline - Over a four-year follow-up period
- Control for exposure to anti-smoking messages
from other sources
6 Methods Sample
- 1993 Baseline
- 1,069 youths
- Ages 12-15
- 1997 Follow-up
- 618 youths
- 57.8 overall
- response rate
Cohort 592 youths who hadnt yet smoked 100
cigarettes baseline
7MethodsMeasures of Exposure
- In past month, seen any anti-tobacco messages...
- On television ?
- On radio?
- On billboards?
8 MethodsMeasures of Outcome(1997)
- Smoked at least 100 cigarettes in lifetime ?
- (Yes/No)
9Covariates (1993)
- Age, race, gender
- Baseline susceptibility to smoking
- Smoking by parents and friends
- Hours of TV viewing
- Exposure to other anti-smoking messages
- (posters, newspapers, school, sporting events)
- Interactions
10ResultsExposure to Media Campaign
11ResultsEstablished Smokers in 1997
Age 12-13 in 1993
Yes No Saw TV Ads
12ResultsEstablished Smokers in 1997
Age 14-15 in 1993
Yes No Saw TV Ads
13ResultsMultivariate Analysis
- Effect of exposure to anti-smoking messages on
television - Youths ages 12-13 at baseline
- OR 0.49
- 95 CI 0.26, 0.93
- Youths ages 14-15 at baseline
- OR 0.94
- 95 CI 0.48, 1.83
- Exposure measure is really high vs. low exposure,
not any vs. none - Cannot conclude that all anti-smoking media
campaigns are likely to be effective - Cannot necessarily conclude that radio and
outdoor advertisements are not effective - Possibility of unknown confounder
- Strong evidence for a significant effect of
statewide anti-smoking media campaign on youth
smoking initiation - Effect restricted to younger adolescents
16II. Effectiveness by type of TV advertisement
- Adult 93 to 96
- Youth 93 to 97
- Youth 99
- Youth 2001/2
- Hispanic vs non-Hispanic 2001/2
17Research Tools
- Independent judges (youth and adults)
- To establish characteristics of advertisements
- Population-based telephone surveys
- To assess how adults and youth in Massachusetts
have reacted to the campaign
18Independent Judges
- View TV spots and rate characteristics
- How well do each of following describe the
advertisement? - 1 Not at all
- 7 Very much
19Judges Rating Scales(1 to 7)
- Sad
- Frightening
- Funny
- Emotionally moving
- Believable
- Interesting
- Phony
- Annoying
- Entertaining
- Reassuring
- Helpful
- Offensive
- Important
- Silly
20Advertising parameters
- Negative Emotion Sad, frightening, disturbing
- Positive Emotion Happy, funny, entertaining
- Level of Emotion Powerful, emotionally moving
- Cognitive quality Makes you think, interesting
21Message Identification
- What was the main message of the ad? (Check one
only). - Cigarettes and cigarette smoke are bad for
peoples health (Illness) - Tobacco companies are bad (Anti- industry)
- Teenagers shouldnt smoke cigarettes (Norms)
22Relationships between message and affect
- Illness message High negative affect, high
emotion - Norms message Varies usually high positive
affect, low emotion - Anti-industry message Varies with execution
23Population Survey Approach
- Select subset of ads for theoretical/conceptual
purpose - Assess recall
- Assess perceived effectiveness
24Measurement of recall
- Aided Gives brief description
- Confirmed recall Requests details
- Unaided Asks for free recall and description of
ad seen recently
25Measurement of perceived effectiveness
- How good an anti-tobacco ad? (0 to 10)
- How it affects feelings about cigarettes (feel
worse, feel better, no change) - How much affects smokers motivation to quit (0
to 10)
26How Good an Ad by Emotion Level (Adults 1993 to
Very Good
Low Emotion
Hi Emotion
27Mean Effectiveness Ratings by Ad Type (youth 1999)
Very Good
P Not Good
28Youth 2001/2
- Illness Ronaldo, Rick, (Mass.)
- Illness Anti-industry
- Body bags, Daily Dose (truth)
- Baby monitor (Mass.)
- Anti-industry I know you (Mass.)
- Norms
- My reasons (Philip Morris)
- Piercing parlor (Lorillard)
29How Good an Ad by Ad Type
30Feel Worse about Cigarettes due to Ad
31Youth smokersMotivation to Quit by Ad Type
32Conclusions Features of Effective Anti-tobacco
- Evoke strong negative emotion
- Portray serious harm done by tobacco use in
authentic way
33Ads youth perceived as effective...
- Target adult smoking
- Portray harm done to family by second-hand smoke
- Reveal industry responsibility for serious harm
in an evocative way - Avoid use of humor
34Theoretical basis for emotional advertising
- Cognitive consistency
- Negative emotion - Increased risk, decreased
benefit - Positive emotion - Decreased risk, increased
benefit - Learning theory
- High emotion -greater recall
35Published articles on media
- Siegel, M. and L. Biener. 2000. The impact of an
antismoking media campaign on progression to
established smoking Results of a longitudinal
youth study. American Journal of Public Health
90380-386. - Biener, L., McCallum-Keeler, G., Nyman, A. L.
2000. Adults' response to Massachusetts
Antitobacco Television Advertisements Impact of
viewer and ad characteristics. Tobacco Control
9401-407. - Biener, L. 2002. Adult and youth response to the
Massachusetts anti-tobacco television campaign. J
Public Health Management Practice 340-44.
36- Biener, L. 2002. Anti-tobacco advertisements by
Massachusetts and Philip Morris What teenagers
think. Tobacco Control 11ii43-ii46. - Biener, L., and Taylor, T.M. 2002. The continuing
importance of emotion in tobacco control media
campaigns a response to Hastings and MacFadyen.
Tobacco Control 1176-77. - Biener, L. Ji, M., Gilpin, E and Albers, A.B. (In
press). The impact of emotional tone, message and
broadcast parameters in youth anti-smoking
advertisements. Journal of Health Communication.