Title: 1990s: State enjoyed huge economic growth and
1- 1990s State enjoyed huge economic growth and
- diversification
- Total gross state product increased by 98 from
1991-2001. - High-tech industry growth.
- Population growth 11th fastest growing state.
- Personal income grew at annual rate of 5.6,
exceeding the nation. - Exports increased by a compound annual rate of
5.8. - State General Fund grew from 4,628.1 million in
1989-91 to 10,121.8 million in 1999-2001
dollars primarily went to K-12, Oregon Health
Plan, and Public Safety. - Kicker returned for personal income tax filers 7
times, totaling over 1.5 billion for corporate
tax filers 5 times, totaling over 400 million.
22003-05 All Funds
Resources Total 84,451.0 Million
Expenditures Total 40,809.3 Million
3All Funds Expenditures
1989-91 Legislatively Adopted Total 14,360.4
1999-2001 Legislatively Adopted Total 29,576.8
2001-03 Close of Session Total 34,077.0 Million
2001-03 Final Total 37,836.3 Million
Includes Consumer and Business Services
4 General Fund Forecast ComparisonFiscal Years,
in Millions
5Lottery Resources Available to the State
Note Resources do not include Video Lottery
proceeds dedicated to the Counties. Beginning
balance is included.
Office of Economic Analysis
2003-09 debt service figures do not reflect any
Education Endowment Fund or reserve earnings
designated for debt service on education bonds.
6Approved General Fund Lottery Funds
2 of 2
72003-05 Legislatively Adopted General Fund and
Lottery Funds Budget
Revenues Total 10,974.3 Million
Expenditures Total 10,951.4 Million
Includes Oregon Health Sciences University
8General Fund and Lottery Funds by Program Area
State School Fund Level
9What has caused the General Fund expenditure
growth since 1989?
- Primary
- Population
- Initiatives
- Policy decisions
- Secondary
- Inflation
- Lawsuits
10State and Local Resources for K-12 School Funding
Billions of Dollars
11Estimated Impact of Measure 11 on Oregons Prison
12Department of State Police2003-05 Governors
Balanced BudgetSworn Positions
13Policy Decisions
- Oregon Health Plan (OHP)
- The Office of Medical Assistance Programs budget
has increased significantly since 1989-91. The
General Fund and tobacco funded portion has
increased from approximately 201 million to
1.21 billion.
14Other Issues
- General Risk
- Reserves/Other Fund Balances
- PERS/Labor
- Kicker
- Additional Lawsuits
- Bond Rating
- Annual Sessions
- Accountability/oversight vs. Reduced
Administration - Regulatory Reform
- Economic Recovery
- Pent-up Budget Demand
- Potential Initiatives
- One-time Revenues