Title: Welcome to the
1- Welcome to the
- Texas Tech University
- Online Employment System Applicant Tutorial
2Online Employment System Training for Texas
Tech University Applicants
This presentation will take approximately 20
minutes. Click on your mouse to go to the
next slide OR click on the box at the
bottom of each page. To go back a slide, click
on the box.
3- Section 1
- Getting Started
- After reviewing this tutorial, you will be able
to use the system to - Learn about opportunities at Texas Tech
University - Complete an application for employment
- Apply for specific position(s)
- Attach a resume or other document to your
application for each position - Sign up to receive emails when new openings are
posted that may be of interest of you (entirely
optional) - Log in to the site to view your status for each
position to which you have applied
4- Items To Gather Before Beginning Your
Application - Your complete education, reference, and
employment information - An electronic (either Microsoft Word or PDF) copy
of any document (such as a resume) you wish to
attach to your application. - Helpful Hints
- Do not use your browser's "Back", "Forward" or
"Refresh" buttons to navigate the site. This may
cause unexpected results, including loss of data
or being logged out of the system. Please use the
navigational buttons within the site. - To protect the security of your data, the system
will log you out if it detects no activity for 30
minutes. This will cause ALL the data you entered
during that session to be lost. Please do not
leave your computer for more than 30 minutes
while completing your application for employment. - Now, Youre Ready To Begin The Tutorial!
5STEP 1 Creating Your Login ID
Click the Create Application link to select a
User Name and Password and to create your
6Creating Your Login ID (cont.)
Creating your Login ID (cont.)
Enter your SSN
Create a User Name
Create a password you will type this word
twice, but only will appear to protect your
Or click here to cancel.
After typing your information, click the
continue button to go to the next page.
7Creating Your Login ID (cont.)
Type a question to which you will easily remember
the answer.
Type the answer here.
what is my pets name
Click here to go to the next page.
8Creating Your application
Creating Your Application
This process consists of five separate pages
(or web pages) of information. Each page will
also have information that you may need to
scroll down to access.
To scroll down the page, use your mouse and the
scroll bar here (or simply press the Page
Down key on your keyboard.
9Creating Your Application (cont.)
You may quit the application process at any time
by clicking the EXIT button, however NONE of
your data will be saved.
Once you have completed this section, click here
to go to the next page.
10Creating Your Application Voluntary Information
The first screen displays our Voluntary
Demographic Data screen. The information in this
section is voluntary, but is greatly appreciated
your information will remain anonymous and is
used for reporting purposes only. The
information you enter on this screen will have
absolutely no bearing on any employment-related
decision. When ready, click the Continue to Next
Page button to continue your application.
11Creating Your Application (cont.)
Page 1 displays our Contact Information screen,
where you enter your name, address, and other
similar information.
Questions with asterisks next to them are
required questions and must be answered to
continue to the next screen.
12Error Messages
If youve forgotten to complete any required
fields, you will get an error message at the top
of the page.
13Error Messages (cont.)
The required fields that you need to complete
will be highlighted in yellow.
Once you have corrected each question click at
the bottom of the screen to proceed to the next
14Creating Your Application Education
On Page 2, you will list your educational
15Creating Your Application Education (cont.)
Once you have entered all of your education
entries, click here to go to the next page
any time to go back to a previous section.
16Creating Your Application - Employment
On Page 3, you will list your Employment History.
If you do not have complete access to your
employment history information, please gather it
before beginning this process.
17Creating Your Application Employment (cont.)
Once you have entered all of your employment
entries, click here to go to the next page
any time to go back to a previous section.
18Creating Your Application - References
On Page 5 you will list your license and
certification information.
19Creating Your Application Page 7
Page 5 - Click the Preview Application link to
review your application.
20Reviewing Your Application
After clicking Preview Application, a new
window will open on your computer screen
displaying your completed application.
21Reviewing Your Application (cont.)
NOTE at the bottom of the application preview
screen you will notice a place for your
signature. You will only need to sign an actual
paper copy of your application if selected for an
interview and/or if you are hired.
When finished, click here to close the preview
22The Online Consent Form
You will electronically sign your application
by clicking here.
Then click here to save your application as is.
Or click here to go back and make corrections.
23Search Postings
After finishing your application, you will
automatically be taken to a search postings
screen, so you can apply for open positions.
24Optional Feature To be notified by email when
new openings are posted that may either be of
interest to you, or match at least one of your
skills, please click the Create Job Profile link.
You must have a valid email address to use this
Note You do not have to complete an application
to use this feature.
25Creating Your Application Voluntary Email
Notification (cont.)
This feature is entirely optional, and in no way
affects your consideration for any position, nor
does it automatically apply you to any position.
You still must apply directly for any position
in which you wish to be considered.
26Creating Your Application Voluntary Email
Notification (cont.)
When finished entering your information, click
Save Job Profile.
27Section 2 Applying for a Position Step-by-step
instructions on how to apply for positions
Now that you have completed your application,
its time to begin applying for position(s).
28Step 3 Applying For A Position
You begin the process by searching for a posting.
You can search categories using a drop-down box.
29Applying For A Position (cont.)
Using the drop-down box, you can see a list of
items to choose from.
For this tutorial, we will search on Any.
30 Applying For A Position (cont.)
Select Any and click SEARCH to bring up a
list of all open positions.
31Applying For A Position (cont.)
Click VIEW to see the Position details.
32Applying For A Position (cont.)
To apply for this position, click here.
The Position details are listed here.
33Answering Supplemental Questions
Answer any supplemental questions here. Note
not every position will have supplemental
34Answering Supplemental Questions (cont.)
Just as when you initially created your
application, you will electronically sign your
application by clicking here.
Then click here to save your application to this
Or click here to cancel applying to this position.
35Attaching Your Resume
Some positions will ask for you to attach a
resume, cover letter, or other document to your
application. If you wish to do so, click
Attach next to the relevant Document Type. In
order to attach a document, you will need to have
saved it in an electronic format such as a Word
document or a PDF file (see next slide).
To apply without adding a resume. Click here.
36Attaching Your Resume (cont.)
Click here to search your computers hard drive
or a floppy disc.
Or, copy and paste the text of your document
here. Note that using this Paste box will not
preserve the formatting of your documents (fonts,
37Attaching Your Resume (cont.)
A pop-up screen will open and you can search for
your resume.
For example - Double click on 3 ½ Floppy A to
search a disk.
Select the location of your file
38Attaching Your Resume (cont.)
Click on the file name of your resume
Then click Open here
39Attaching Your Resume (cont.)
Confirm your attachment by clicking Attach
40Attaching Your Resume (cont.)
Click Confirm Attaching Document here.
41Attaching Your Resume (cont.)
To attach additional documents, click another
Attach link for the relevant document. To
complete applying, click the Finished Attaching
Documents button. In this example, we will
click Finished Attaching Documents.
42Completing Your Application
CONGRATULATIONS! Youve just applied for a
position. Please write down your confirmation
number. Click OK and you can see the positions
for which you have applied.
43Managing Your Positions
You can see the status of your applications and
review your application to each position on this
44Managing Your Positions (cont.)
You can view the status of all self-nominations
by clicking the Manage Jobs link any time you
45Managing Your Positions (cont.)
To apply for additional positions, simply click
Search Postings and follow the exact same process
as before. Note you will NOT have to reenter
your entire application information. You will
only need to answer any questions associated with
that position, and/or attach another document
(resume, cover letter, etc.).
46Whenever you return to the Online Employment
System, just login using your User Name and
47If you forget your PASSWORD, click here. Your
secret question will be displayed for you to
If you forget your USER NAME, call the Employment
Office at (805)756-2236.
48Frequently Asked Questions
- Q I already have a application on file prior to
when this system was made available. Do I have to
enter a new application? -
- Yes, you will have to submit a new application.
- Q Do I have to resubmit a new application
every time I need to make changes or additions? - The new online application will allow you to
update and change your information at any time
using your own user name and password. - Q Does everyone have to fill out an
application? - Yes, the new Texas Tech University Online
Employment System has required fields that must
be completed by everyone. Also, the application
asks for important information that may not be
included on a resume.
- Q Can I attach a resume to my application?
- After completing the application, you will then
be allowed to apply for positions. Each time you
apply for a position, you will be asked if you
would like to attach a resume. - In order to attach a resume, you will need to
have your resume in an electronic format such as
Word or a PDF file. If you do not have your
resume in one of those formats, you can copy and
paste your resume in from another word processing
program. You will have to download your resume
into the new Texas Tech University Online
Employment System. - Q Can I use more than one resume?
- Yes, you can submit a new resume for each
position you apply for. The system will hold onto
several versions of your resume, which can be
attached to subsequent self-nominations. You will
also be able to view the resumes you have on
49Frequently Asked Questions (cont.)
- Q Can I still submit a cover letter?
- Yes, you can submit a cover letter for each
position you apply for. The system will hold onto
several versions of your cover letter, which can
be attached to subsequent applications. - Q Can I apply for positions online?
- Yes, this is an online nomination system that
requires you to apply for positions online. - Q Can I apply for positions on the telephone?
- No, the new Texas Tech University Online
Employment System will not allow for telephone
self-nominations. Instead, you will be required
to apply online only. -
- Q Can I still go to the Employment Office to
apply for Positions? - Yes, there will be computer terminals
available for you to look at the postings, apply
online, and enter your information. - Q How can I find out the status of a Position a
applied for? - By logging in under your user name and
password, you will have access to all of the
positions you have applied for, and there will be
information about the status of each of those
positions under Manage Jobs.
50 Thank you for viewing this presentation!