Title: ICDA of Gas Transmission, Gathering
1ICDA of Gas Transmission, Gathering Storage
- GOAL Develop a protocol for Validation of dry
gas ICDA method - Identify data needs
- Develop procedures for validation
- Develop evaluation criteria
- Identify sources of field data for validation
- Validate ICDA method for dry gas
- Demonstrate the method using an example
2Dry Gas ICDA Approach
Utilizing a fluid flow model, the critical angle
for water accumulation is determined as a
function of gas velocity.
The actual angle of inclination of pipe with
respect to gas flow direction is determined
through digital elevation maps and pipe burial
3Example 1
4ICDA Process
First highest angle
Gas flow
No corrosion
No corrosion
5Example 1 ICDA Score Card
- A historical IC leak was predicted by ICDA.
6ICDA Methodologyfor Wet Gas ICDA Goal
- GOAL Develop a method for wet gas ICDA to
- Identify locations most likely to have maximum
internal corrosion - Transmission, gathering storage pipelines
- Focus on HCA rule
- Status
- Consensus developed on overall methodology
- Detailed flow modeling using FLUENT indicates
applicability of a critical angle - Work ongoing to develop probability distributions
for corrosion severity with distance - Need ILI (or other integrity) data
7Improvements to ECDA Assessment Methodology by
Incorporating Soils Data
- GOAL Obtain field data for soils to develop a
soils model for existing external corrosion
direct assessment (ECDA) datasets and methodology - Identify corrosion/soils model protocol
- Task
- Establish dataset of existing field inspection
sites with indirect soils inspection data - Collect soils-related data from on-going ECDA
effort - modify existing soils model, which was developed
for stress-corrosion cracking assessments, for
ECDA. - Effort will be conducted concurrently with an
ECDA demonstration project funded by GTI/PRCI.
8Improvements to ECDA Assessment Methodology by
Incorporating Soils Data
- Status
- Completed collecting soils data from existing
operator dataset - On-going effort to collect soils-related data
from parallel RD effort with GTI/PRCI - Soils model modification currently under
9Develop high-amplitude guidedwave for long range
pipeline inspection
- GOAL Develop a method for rapid screening in
long lengths of pipe for corrosion other
defects - Need high-power, guided-wave inspection
technology in buried applications with bituman
coating - Target goal is an increase by 20 fold of
amplitude - Task
- Investigate multiple sensor/strip pairs sensor
optimization - Evaluate alternate strip materials
- Modify existing system and validate performance
- Conduct field demonstrations
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