Title: Most Effective Techniques to Park your Manual Transmission Car
1Most Effective Techniques to Park your Manual
Transmission Car
2Parking the manual transmission of your car are
not similar to the parking an automatic
transmission car.
3 If you are facing difficulties while changing
the gears in a manual transmission car, then you
will face many problems while parking it.
4When you are decided to park it in a certain
level of terrains, then you first need to
understand which gear you need to select.
5If you learn the most effective techniques to
park the manual transmission of your car, then it
will get much easier for you.
6Here are the easiest techniques to park the
manual transmission of your car-
7Hill parking
8With the emergency brake set, if you are parking
your car on a hill with the wrong gear, then
there is a chance that your car could roll.
9Choosing the gear for parking the manual
transmission of your car depends on the direction
the car is facing on the hill.
10If the gear is pointed towards the inclination of
the hill, set the first gear. If the car is
pointed towards the decline of the hill, set the
reverse gear.
11 No matter which gear you have chosen to park it,
make sure that you always have the emergency
brake lever lifted.
12Emergency Brake
13 Thus, the manual transmission car does not have
parking gears like the automatic transmission
14When you are parking your car, you bound to use
the emergency parking brakes in the manual
transmission cars.
15 If you don't apply the emergency brakes, then
your car will simply going to roll away and will
cause all kinds of accidents and damages.
16Whenever you are parking the manual transmission
cars, always lift the emergency brake lever
whenever you want to park.
17Neutral parking
18 If you want to park your car on flat land and
parked between the two cars, then it's better to
set the neutral gear.
19The neutral parking generally would be a rare
situation, that can help you to protect your car
transmission in case someone accidentally bumps
into you.
20 Always try to use the emergency brakes in
conjunction with the neutral gears in manual
transmission cars.
21Forward parking
22 If you are pulling your car into a parking space
or driveway to park your car, then you would
shift to first gear and use the emergency brake.
23 However, you can also use the reverse gears as
well for performing the forward parking of your
24The forward parking is not possible if the
parking spaces are available on a steep hill, but
mostly the parking spaces are on flat land.
25 Make sure that you shouldn't use the neutral
because you are not intended to park in between
the two cars.
27When you want to lift the emergency brake lever
of your car, make sure that you are not releasing
the clutch until the emergency brake is set.
28If you find that the emergency brake of your car
fails, then set the right gears of your car.
29Before parking the manual transmission cars
always need to have enough knowledge about the
gears and the emergency brakes
Thank You!