1Research on hydrogen storage in the EU Framework
JRC-IE Training Workshop on Mapping European
knowledge on Hydrogen Storage Petten, The
Netherlands, 28-29th of October 2004
Joaquín MARTIN BERMEJO Unit Energy production
and distribution systems DG Research RTD/J-2
2Presentation outline
- The EU Framework Programmes for Research and
Technology Development - Projects on hydrogen storage in FP5 and FP6
Next call for proposals I FP6 - Driving forward the vision European Hydrogen and
Fuel Cell Technology Platform
3EU Framework Programmes for Research and
Technological Development
4What is the EUs Research Framework Programme
(FP) ?
- Main instrument for research funding in the EU
since 1984. - Proposed by the European Commission and adopted
by Council and the European Parliament - Covers a period of 5 years with the last year of
one FP overlapping the first year of the
following FP - Key principles
- only projects involving several partners from
different countries are funded there are no
national quotas - funds allocated following competitive calls for
proposals - projects are only eligible for funding if their
scope and objectives reflect priorities as
outlined in calls for proposals - quality and technological relevance of proposals
assessed by external, independent experts - Any legal entity established in a third country
which has concluded a ST cooperation
agreement may take part in FP activities. -
5FP6 Objectives, priorities and budget
- The main objective of FP6 is to contribute to the
creation of a true European Research Area
(ERA). - ERA is a vision for the future of research in
Europe, an internal market for science and
technology. It fosters scientific excellence,
competitiveness and innovation through the
promotion of better co-operation and coordination
between relevant actors at all levels. - The total budget for FP6 is 17.5 billion, which
is an increase of 17 respect to FP5. It
represents close to 4 of the EUs overall budget
(2001), and 5.4 of all public (non-military)
research spending in Europe. 7 of this amount
(1,230 million) will be spent on nuclear
research. - The biggest part of FP budget (12, 585 M) will
be spent on focussing and integrating future
research activities on eight thematic priority
areas. The rest will be spent in activities to
strengthen and structuring the ERA.
6Practical implementation of FP6
- FP6 is implemented via a number of traditional
and new instruments, each of which has their
own set of objectives and conditions for
participation. - The main part of their programme is implemented
via a limited number of significant
multi-disciplinary and multi-partner Integrated
Projects (IP) and Networks of Excellence (the
new instruments). - A small part of the programme though traditional
instruments are similar to those in FP5 and
include Specific Targeted REsearch Projects
(STREPs), co-ordination actions, specific support
actions and specific projects for SMEs. - Projects are selected via call for proposals for
which EC contribution depends on the type of
instruments. For instance, for IPs / STREPs it is
up to 50 (35 if demonstration) of the total
project costs. - For all these actions, there is always an
organisation (i.e. the Project Co-ordinator)
responsible for the management and technical
direction of the project.
7Framework Programme 2002-2006 (FP6) Focussing
and Integrating European Research
- Thematic Priorities
- 1. Genomics and biotechnology for health (2,255
M) - 2. Information Society technologies (3,625 M)
- Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials and new
production processes (1,300 M) - 4. Aeronautics and space (1,075 M)
- 5. Food safety and health risks (685 M)
- 6. Sustainable development and global change
(2,120 M) - 7. Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based
society (225M) - 8. Specific activities covering a wider field
of research (1,300M)
8FP6 - 2002-2006Focussing and integrating
European Research
- Priority 6 Sustainable Development, Global
Change and Eco-systems - 6.1 Sustainable Energy Systems (810 M)
- 6.2 Sustainable Surface Transport (610 M)
- 6.3 Global Change and Eco-systems (700 M)
9SES Proposals Characteristics
Short-Medium Term (S-M)
Medium-Long Term (M-L)
10FP6 - Research on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
- Research on hydrogen and fuel cells cuts
across a number of the Thematic Priority Areas
in FP6, but in particular - 6.1 Sustainable Energy Systems (SES)
- Energy savings and energy efficiency (S-M Term)
- Alternative motor fuels (S-M term)
- Fuel cells, including their applications (M-L
Term) - New technologies for energy carriers/transport
and storage (M-L Term) - New and advanced concepts in renewable energy
technologies (M-L Term) - 6.2 Sustainable surface transport
- New technologies and concepts for all surface
transport modes (M-L Term) - Research on hydrogen and fuel cells is also
possible in priorities 3 and 4 (Nanotechnologies
and Aeronautics and space) and also in other
horizontal programmes (e.g. SMEs, NEST,
11- FP6 contracts awarded after 1st calls for
Instrument IPIntegrated Project NoENetwork
of Excellence STREPSpecific Targeted Research
Project CACoordination Action SSASpecific
Support Action RTN Research Training Network
12Main EC DGs with responsibilities on Hydrogen and
Fuel Cells Projects
13Projects related to hydrogen storage under FP5
and FP6 -Next call for proposals in FP6
14Projects on hydrogen storage in FP5
15On-going projects on hydrogen storage in FP6
16FP6 Next Calls for Proposals
- More than 100 Expressions of Interest (EoIs) on
H2 and Fuel Cells received and evaluated for SES.
Report available in www.cordis.lu/sustdev/energy/
eoi_srch.htm - SES Work Programme has been revised accordingly.
It should be approved and published beginning
September 2004 - SES next call (3rd) opened in September, closes
December 2004. Total budget expected for all the
research topics (i.e. not only for H2 and FCs)
132 M for S-M term and 190 for M-L term
activities. - There will also be Joint and Coordinated
Calls with other priorities (3 and 4) for
research on hydrogen and fuel cells. - Legal entities from new EU member states are
eligible to participate in FP6 with EC financing. - Information brokerage seminar in Brussels
September 20th 2004
17Currently Open Calls for H2FCs
18Proposals on H2 storage in Call
- Topic Development of innovative materials and
novel storage methods - Instrument One IP
- Focus of Research
- novel analytical and characterisation tools and
measurement techniques - new and advanced materials and storage methods
up-scaling and efficient processes for producing
the most promising materials - phenomenological modelling and numerical methods
- breakthrough innovative solutions to
simultaneously enhance safety, energy efficiency,
storage kinetics, weight ratio operating
conditions - reversible on-board storage regenerative
off-board storage - Complementary to, and to be coordinated with,
specific STREPs in the same topic in the WP for
Priority 3 (Nanomaterials) Call
FP6-2004-NMP-TI-4 - Strong consortia of outstanding organisations,
sizeable critical mass - Opportunities for INCO organisations,
particularly those in IPHE - FP5 (FUCHSIA, HYMOSSES, HYSTORY) and FP6
projects (STORHY)
19Driving forward the vision European Hydrogen
and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
20European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
PlatformA brief history.
- High Level Group October 2002
- Conference (HLG vision report) June 2003
- Presidents Communication September 2003
- Advisory Council December 2003
- Platform Launch January 2004
- Member States Mirror Group February 2004
- Steering Panels and Initiative Groups March,
April 2004
Initiative for Growth Dec 03
21High Level Group Report Main Recommendations
- Five Actions
- European Political Frame for fostering new
hydrogen and fuel cell technologies - Strategic Research Agenda
- Deployment Strategy
- A European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
Partnership, steered by Advisory Council - European Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.
22The H2/FC Technology PlatformStructure and
- Participants
- Research Community, Industry, Public Authorities,
Financial Community, Users and Consumers, Civil
Society - Platform Operations General Assembly
- On-going and future projects, networks and
initiatives, supported by EC, national and
regional programmes - Steering and support structures
- Advisory Council (and Executive Group),
- Steering Panels and Initiative Groups,
- Member States Mirror Group,
- Commission Inter-service Hydrogen Project Team
- Secretariat
23(No Transcript)
24Role of Main Platform Bodies
- Platform Advisory Council ( 50 industrial
participation) responsible for advancing overall
vision and strategy, - Member States Mirror Group deepen co-operation
on RTD and demonstration framework for policy
orientation and development - Steering Panels to propose
- Strategic Research Agenda RTD priorities,
targets timelines, instruments - Deployment Strategy implementation targets,
lighthouse demonstrations, public-private
partnerships, favourable commercial and political
25The H2/FC Technology Platform Status
Advisory Council established December 2003 three
meetings held (executive group two
meetings) Member States Mirror Group
established February 2004 three meetings held EC
Project Team Work in progress (8 active DGs -
SG) General Assembly (20/21 January 2004) -
launch of TP More than 400 participants TP
Secretariat in place since May 2004 --Kellen
Europe, LBST DG JRC/IE Steering Panels
Established. Work in Progress Initiative Groups
Leaders, TORs and Groups in place, work to start
- Main deliverables
- Strategic Research Agenda (end 2004)
- Deployment Strategy (end 2004)
- Inputs to Growth Initiative and Seventh
Framework Programme -
26Conclusions of the 1st General Assembly of the
H2/FC Technology Platform on Hydrogen Storage
(20-21 January 2003)
- Storage is one of the key enabling technologies
for the hydrogen economy. - Main challenges related to the next generation of
conventional on-board storage systems well
addressed in EC StorHy project. - Solid storage addressed in several EC projects
with emphasis on particular metal hydrides (Mg,
Alanates). Substantial challenges still remain
(e.g. improve kinetics, thermodynamics, energy
density) incremental improvements are not
enough. - Increasing pessimism on carbon structures
prospects (i.e. DoEs go/no-go decision in
2005). - Basic research needed to identify very novel
material and processes that provide
revolutionary breakthroughs, in particular new
synthesis coupled to characterisation and
27Strategic Research Agenda Outline
- Co-ordination group and six working groups
- Hydrogen production
- Hydrogen distribution and storage
- Stationary applications
- Transport applications
- Portable applications
- Techno-Socio-economic research
- Research strategy for 2005-2015 (targeted)
- Mid-term perspective to 2030
- Long term outlook to 2050 (qualitative)
- Broad based consultation
- Planning Core SRA October 2004 (input to FP7,
also Growth Initiative), Full SRA adopted in
September 2005
28Key contact persons of the European Hydrogen and
Fuel Cell Technology Platform
Web site http//www.hfpeurope.org General
email Secretariat_at_HFPeurope.org
29Staying Informed
Energy Research at Europa http//europa.eu.int/co
mm/research/energy/index_en.html General
information on the Sixth Framework Programme
ml CORDIS FP6 Service http//www.cordis.lu/fp6/
Next Call for proposals http//fp6.cordis.lu/fp
6/calls.cfm Energy helpdesk
rtd-energy_at_cec.eu.int HFP technology Platform
www.HFPeurope.org Towards FP7
30Thank you!
- European Commission
- Phone 32 2 2958332
- Fax 32 2 2964288
- E-mail joaquin.martin-bermejo_at_cec.eu.int
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/research/energy/index_en