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The secondary windings are bathed in the oscillating magnetic field, and an ... The center of the secondary winding is usually connected to ground potential ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



Electromagnetic Induction and Voltage
  • The principal function of the x-ray generator is
    to provide current at a high voltage to the x-ray
  • Electrical power available to a hospital or
    clinic provides up to about 480 V.
  • Much lower than the 20,000 to 150,000 V needed
    for x-ray production.

  • Transformers are principal components of x-ray
  • They convert low voltage into high voltage
    through a process called electromagnetic

  • Electromagnetic induction is an effect that
    occurs with changing magnetic fields and
    alternating (AC) electrical current.
  • Note that for constant-potential direct current
    (DC), like that produced by a battery, magnetic
    induction does not occur.

  • Electromagnetic induction is reciprocal between
    electric and magnetic fields.
  • An electrical current (e.g., electrons flowing
    through a wire) produces a magnetic field, whose
    magnitude (strength) and polarity (direction) are
    proportional to the magnitude and direction of
    the current .
  • With an alternating current, such as the standard
    60 cycles per second (Hz) AC in North America and
    50 Hz AC in most other areas of the world, the
    induced magnetic field increases and decreases
    with the current.

  • Transformers perform the task of transforming
    an alternating input voltage into an alternating
    output voltage, using the principles of
    electromagnetic induction.
  • The generic transformer has two distinct,
    electrically insulated wires wrapped about a
    common iron core.
  • Input AC power (voltage and current) produces
    oscillating electrical and magnetic fields.

  • One insulated wire wrapping (the primary
    winding) carries the input load (primary voltage
    and current).
  • The other insulated wire wrapping (secondary
    winding) carries the induced (output) load
    (secondary voltage and current).

  • The primary and secondary windings are
    electrically (but not magnetically) isolated by
    insulated wires.

  • The induced magnetic field strength changes
    amplitude and direction with the primary AC
    voltage waveform and freely passes through
    electrical insulation to permeate the transformer
    iron core, which serves as a conduit and
    containment for the oscillacing magnetic field.
  • The secondary windings are bathed in the
    oscillating magnetic field, and an alternating
    voltage is induced in the secondary windings as a

  • The Law of Transformers states that the ratio of
    the number of coil turns in the primary winding
    to the number of coil turns in the secondary
    winding is equal to the ratio of the primary
    voltage to the secondary voltage
  • where Np is the number of rums of the primary
    coil, Ns is the number of turns of the secondary
    coil, Vp is the amplitude of the alternating
    input voltage on the primary side of the
    transformer, and Vs is the amplitude of the
    alternating output voltage on the secondary side.

  • A transformer can increase, decrease, or isolate
    voltage, depending on the ratio of the numbers of
    turns in the two coils.
  • For Ns gt Np, a step-up transformer increases
    the secondary voltage

  • For Ns lt Np, a step-down transformer decreases
    the secondary voltage

  • And for Ns Np, an Isolation transformer
    produces a secondary voltage equal to the primary
    voltage (see later discussion).

  • A key point to remember is that an alternating
    current is needed for a transformer to function.

  • Power is the rate of energy production or
    expenditure per unit time.
  • The SI unit of power is the watt (W), which is
    defined as 1 joule (J) of energy per second.
  • For electrical devices, power is equal to the
    product of voltage and current

  • Because the power output is equal to the power
    input (for an ideal transformer), the product of
    voltage and current in the primary circuit is
    equal to that in the secondary circuit

  • Therefore, a decrease in current must accompany
    an increase in voltage, and vice versa.
  • Power losses due to inefficient coupling cause
    both the voltage and current on the secondary
    side of the transformer to be less than predicted
    by these equations.

  • The high-voltage section of an x-ray generator
    contains a step-up transformer, typically with a
    primary-to-secondary turns ratio of 1500 to
  • Within this range, a cube voltage of 100 kVp
    requires an input peak voltage of 200 V to 100 V,

  • The center of the secondary winding is usually
    connected to ground potential (center tapped to
  • Ground potential is the electrical potential of
    the earth.
  • Center tapping to ground does not affect the
    maximum potential difference applied between the
    anode and cathode of the x-ray tube, but it
    limits the maximum voltage at any point in the
    circuit relative to ground to one half of the
    peak voltage applied to the tube.

  • Therefore, the maximum voltage at any point in
    the circuit for a center-tapped transformer of
    150 kVp is -75 kVp or 75 kVp, relative to
  • This reduces electrical insulation requirements
    and improves electrical safety.
  • In some x-ray tube designs (e.g., mammography),
    the anode is maintained at the same potential as
    the body of the insert, which is maintained at
    ground potential.
  • Even though this places the cathode at peak
    negative voltage with respect to ground, the low
    kVp (less than 50 kVp) used in mammography does
    not present a big electrical insulation problem.

  • A simple autotransformer consists of a single
    coil of wire wrapped around an iron core.
  • It has a fixed number of turns, two lines on the
    input side and two lines on the output side.

  • When an alternating voltage is applied to the
    pair of input lines, an alternating voltage is
    produced across the pair of output lines.
  • The Law of Transformers applies to the
    autotransformer, just as it does to the standard
  • The output voltage from the autotransformer is
    equal to the input voltage multiplied by the
    ratio of secondary to primary turns.
  • The primary and secondary turns are the number of
    coil turns between the caps of the input and
    output lines, respectively.

  • The autotransformer operates on the principle of
    self-induction, whereas the standard transformer
    operates on the principle of mutual induction.
  • The standard transformer permits much larger
    increases or decreases in voltage, and it
    electrically isolates the primary from the
    secondary circuit, unlike the autotransformer.

  • A switching autotransformer has a number of taps
    on the input and output sides, to permit small
    incremental increases or decreases in the output

  • The switched autotransformer is used ro adjust
    the kVp produced by an x-ray generator.
  • Standard alternating current is provided to the
    input side of the autotransformer, and the output
    voltage of the autotransformer is provided to the
    primary side of the high-voltage transformer.
  • Although variable resistor circuits can be used
    to modulate voltage, autotransformers are more
    efficient in terms of power consumption and
    therefore preferred.

Operator Console
  • At the operator console, the operator selects
  • The kVp,
  • The mA (proportional to the number of x-rays in
    the beam at a given kVp),
  • The exposure time, and
  • The focal spot size.

(No Transcript)
  • The peak kilo-voltage (kVp) determines the x-ray
    beam quality (penetrability), which plays a role
    in the subject contrast.
  • The x-ray tube current (mA) determines the x-ray
    flux (photons per square centimeter) emitted by
    the x-ray rube at a given kVp.
  • The product of tube current (mA) and exposure
    time (seconds) is expressed as milliampere-seconds

  • Some generators used in radiography allow the
    selection of three-knob technique (individual
    selection of kVp, mA, and exposure time), whereas
    others only allow two-knob technique
    (individual selection of kVp and mAs).
  • The selection of focal spot size (i.e., large or
    small) is usually determined by the mA setting
  • low mA selections allow the small focus to be
    used, and
  • higher mA settings require the use of rhe large
    focus due ro anode heating concerns.

  • On some x-ray generators, preprogrammed
    techniques can be selected for various
    examinations (i.e., chest kidneys, ureter, and
    bladder cervical spine).
  • All console circuits have relatively low voltage
    and current levels that minimize electrical


  • Several x-ray generator circuit designs are in
    common use, including single-phase, three-phase,
    constant potential, and medium/high-frequency
    inverter generators.
  • All use step-up transformers to generate high
    voltage, step-down transformers to energize the
    filament, and rectifier circuits to ensure proper
    electrical polarity at the x-ray tube.

Rectifier Circuit
  • A rectifier is an electrical apparatus that
    changes alternating current into direct current.
  • It is composed of one or more diodes.

  • In the x-ray generator, rectifier circuits divert
    the flow of electrons in the high-voltage circuit
    so that a direct current is established from the
    cathode to the anode in the x-ray tube, despite
    the alternating current and voltage produced by
    the transformer.
  • Conversion to direct current is important.
  • If an alternating voltage were applied directly
    to the x-ray tube, electron back-propagation
    could occur during the portion of he cycle when
    he cathode is positive with respect to the anode.
  • If the anode is very hot, electrons can be
    released by thermionic emission, and such
    electron bombardment could rapidly destroy the
    filament of the x-ray rube.

  • To avoid back-propagation, the placement of a
    diode of correct orientation in the high-voltage
    circuit allows electron flow during only one half
    of the AC cycle (when the anode polarity is
    positive and cathode polarity is negative) and
    halts the current when the polarity is reversed.

  • As a result, a single-pulse waveform is
    produced from the full AC cycle, and this is
    called a half-wave rectified system.

  • Full-wave rectified systems use several diodes (a
    minimum of four in a bridge rectifier) arranged
    in a specific orientation to allow the flow of
    electrons from the cathode to the anode of the
    x-ray tube throughout the AC cycle (see Fig.

  • During the first half-cycle, electrons are routed
    by two conducting diodes through the bridge
    rectifier in the high-voltage circuit and from
    the cathode to the anode in the x-ray tube.
  • During the second half-cycle, the voltage
    polarity of the circuit is reversed electrons
    flow in the opposite direction and are routed by
    the other two diodes in the bridge rectifier,
    again from the cathode to the anode in the x-ray
  • The polarity across the x-ray tube is thus
    maintained with the cathode negative and anode
    positive throughout the cycle.

  • X-rays are produced in two pulses per cycle,
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