2What is Toxaphene
- Toxaphene is a yellow, waxy solid and has a
turpentine smell. Its elemental composition is
C10H10Cl8. It is a manufactured insecticide
containing over 670 chemicals showing the
complexity of the pesticide. It does not burn and
evaporates when in solid form or when mixed with
3- Since toxaphene is man made. The company that
manufactured this product is called Retzloff
Chemical Co. there are many other companies but
this one is one of the most producing companies.
4Other Common Names
Strobane-TToxadustToxakilVertac 90Toxon
63AttacAnatoxRoyal Brand Bean Tox 82Cotton
Tox MP82Security Tox-Sol-6Security Tox-MP
cotton spraySecurity Motox 63 cotton
sprayAgro-Chem Brand Torbidan 28Dr Roger's
- Chlorinated campheneOctachlorocampheneCamphochlo
rAgricide Maggot KillerAlltexCrestoxoCompound
5Use For Toxaphene
- Toxaphene was mainly used for cotton. During the
1970s 85 usage was used on cotton, 7 was used
on insects pest, 5 was used on other crops, 3
was used on soy beans, and 1 was used on
sorghum. - Sometimes it was used to control undesirable fish.
6- After DDT was banned the use of toxaphene
increased even more and became the most used
pesticide in North America around the 1970s - They say that 6.6 million lb was used in1982 and
this period wasnt even the most used. Just think
about how much was used in the 1970s!
7You can see in this picture how much toxaphene is
found in certain areas. Notice how in the areas
with toxaphene in it, are areas that are heavily
used for the cotton industry.
8Harmful Effects
- What harmful effects can Toxaphene have on us?
- Injures the kidneys and liver
- Damages the immune system
- Harms the adrenal gland
- Causes changes in the development of unborn
children - May cause cancer
- Damages the lungs
- Damages the nervous system
9- With all the dangerous and harmful effects that
toxaphene does, the US decided to ban the
pesticide in 1989. - Though we still live with the consequences
Toxaphene can be transported unchanged in the air
for long distances from release sites. It is not
rapidly broken down and will persist in air,
soil, or water from weeks to years, depending on
conditions that speed up its breakdown. Therefore
toxaphene is still found in some of the most
remote places, like the arctic.
EPA banned the use of Toxaphene and many other
10This is the structures of the main components of
Toxaphene. A Bornane B Bornene CBornadeine
DCamphene E Dihydrocamphene
11As you can see here toxaphene is a mixture of
chlorinated camphene.
12China begins to phase out toxic chemicals.
China is one of the most populous country of
highly dangerous pesticides and other chemicals.
The country is fighting severe traditional
environmental problems, such as water pollution,
acid rain and urban air pollution. There are
several pollutants which are realized into the
environment, of all these pollutants POPs are
among the most dangerous ones. Since they cannot
handle these chemicals, they might even have an
effect to the whole world because some chemicals
are able to stay in our enviroment for a very
long time therefore they can travel by air, water
and into other countries
13The Twelve initial POPsaka Dirty Dozen
- Aldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin,
Heptachlor, Mirex, Toxaphene, Polychlorinated
Biphenols (PCBs), Hexachlorobenzene (HCB),
Dioxins and Furans. - Toxaphene is on the initial POPs.
14Seeking toxic causes of breast cancer Effort to
find source of Bay Area's unusually high rate
- http//www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f/chron
h - Breast cancer is a very complicated disease and
researchers are now not pin pointing the origins
of the diseases to exposure to chemicals such as
pesticides endosulfan, toxaphene and dieldrin
the solvents trichloroethylene, toluene and
benzene ingredients in commercial products,
including bisphenol-A in hard, clear plastic
water bottles and baby bottles, and polyvinyl
chloride in food packaging, medical products,
appliances, cars and toys. Another is the group
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs,
found in charbroiled meat and released in car
exhaust and from cigarettes and burning fuel. - They are now ordering studies to be done on the
factors of breast cancer so they can get down the
to bottom of the problem.
- http//www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file/c/
a/2004/11/08/MNG4K9NRUB1.DTL - http//english.peopledaily.com.cn/200411/11/eng200
41111_163497.html - http//www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/living/health
/10085359.htm?1c - http//www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f/chron