Title: Powerpoint Jeopardy
1Powerpoint Jeopardy
2What was Virginia Company
3Tobacco Cultivation helped lead to the
development of?
4Bacons rebellion occurred due to Nathaniel
Bacons hatred for
5Describe the House of Burgess and Its importance.
6What was the cause for the loss of The
Massachusetts Charter?
7What is mercantilism?
8Describe the middle passage?
9After Roger Williams fled Massachusetts which
colony did he Found, and on what basis?
10New Netherlands was established by who and for
what was the major industry?
11Why did the English takeover the Settlement of
New Netherlands?
12Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
13What idea is Montesquieu Responsible for?
14Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness
were taken from the Writing of?
15What is the significance of crossing The
Delaware River?
16Why was the Battle of Yorktown important and what
was a major factor in allowing this to happen?
17Shays Rebellion was important Because it showed
the weakness of ?
18An Anti-federalist believed that there Should be?
19 What was stated in the Great Compromise?
20What was stated in the 3/5 Compromise?
21What was the significance of the Whiskey
22An order in which Britain prohibited its
American colonies form settling west of
the Appalachian Mountains was known as ?
23What was a major cause for the War of 1812?
24The US policy that stated the United States would
not involve itself in European affairs or
interfere with existing colonies in the Western
Hemisphere is know as the?
25A revival of religious feelings in the American
colonies in the 1730s is know as the?
26What was the purpose of the Northwest Ordinance