Title: Waste : A Messy and Costly Business
1Waste A Messy and Costly Business !
- CIPFA Seminar Chester Racecourse
- Friday 7th April 2006
2Aim of the Presentation
- Outline the current financial issues facing
Waste Management services - Explain the approach being adopted by Cheshire
County Council
3Structure of Presentation
- Introduction and Quiz.
- Financial Drivers.
- Aims/Objectives of Cheshire project.
- Identification of the reference project.
- Financial and Other considerations.
- Progress to date.
- Next steps.
- In two tier areas Counties are Disposal
Authorities (WDAs) and Districts are Collection
Authorities (WCAs). - Mixture of delivery arrangements In House /
Externalised, contracted out services. - Majority of Waste currently sent to landfill.
Waste reduction
Recycling Composting
Energy recovery with heat power
Energy Recovery
Landfill with energy recovery
6Introduction Waste Acronyms
- Anyone prepared to guess all six ?
7Introduction Waste Acronyms
- BMW - Biodegradable Municipal Waste
- HWRC - Household Waste Recycling Centres
- MBT - Mechanical Biological Treatment
- RDF - Refuse Derived Fuel
- IVC - In - Vessel Composting
- EFW - Energy From Waste (Incinerator)
8Introduction - Recycling Quiz
- Paper / cardboard
- Plastics / cans
- Glass / batteries
- Bag for Life / Reuse Plastic Bags
- Last Nights Leftovers !
- Reusable Nappies !
- NIMBYs ?
9Financial Drivers Rising Landfill Costs
- Landfill Costs exceed 20 per tonne and rising by
more than RPI each year. (for CCC this equates to
approx. 11.5m p.a.) - Landfill Tax currently rising by 3 per tonne per
year, from 15 in 2004 to 35 in 2012 - Landfill Tax in 2006/07 is 21 per tonne, which
equates for CCC to a year on year increase of
1.3m. (now over 8m p.a.)
10Financial Drivers Landfill Allowance Trading
Scheme (LATS)
- LATS implemented under WET Act 2003 setting
targets for each Authority for each year. - By 2010 to reduce BMW sent to landfill to 75 of
that produced in 1995. - By 2013 to reduce BMW sent to landfill to 50 of
that produced in 1995. - By 2020 to reduce BMW sent to landfill to 35 of
that produced in 1995. - Penalties for exceeding the targets are currently
set at 150 per tonne.
11Financial Drivers LATS Estimates
12Financial Drivers LATS
- LATS trading strategy
- Buy or sell permits ?
- Carry forward permits
- Target years
- Accounting treatment
- LATS trading officer
13Aims/Objectives Cheshire Waste Partnership -
Agreed Strategy 2002
- Encourage the reduction of waste.
- Maximise recycling and composting.
- Review the need for EFW in 2004.
- Working better together.
14Aims/Objectives Public Consultation 2004The
Preferred Approach
- Declining waste growth.
- Improved kerbside HWRCs recycling to achieve
overall recycling rate of 46 (now 50 !!!). - A MBT facility (ies) to increase recyclate and
produce a RDF. - Use of RDF in existing thermal treatment and
power facilities where possible. - An EFW plant.
- Landfilling of the residual waste.
15Identification of the Reference Project
- Long list of options. (all possible options)
- Short list (4 options fully worked up, costed
out etc) - 1 Do nothing benchmark
- 2 High Recycling, residual to MBT, producing a
RDF - RDF goes to market - 3 High Recycling, residual to MBT, producing a
RDF - RDF goes to EFW plant - 4 High Recycling, residual to EFW (minimise
16Financial Considerations
- Which method of procurement ?
- Prudential Borrowing
- Public Private Partnership (PPP)
- Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
- If PFI then key tests-
- Value for money.
- FRS 5. (Off Balance Sheet)
- Affordability.
17Financial Considerations High Level Costs
18Financial Considerations Affordability
- Credits limited to 40m per project. (NPV)
- Year 1 impact 3.6m above projected budgets
approx. 14 or 1.5 on Council Tax) - Highest impact is 36m above projected budgets
- Average impact of 19m per annum (over 70 p.a.
on Council Tax) - Other costs procurement budget, reimbursement
of additional districts costs - Projected budgets take account on above RPI
inflationary increases and Landfill Tax
19Other Considerations
- Risks obtaining planning permission, unproven
technology etc. - Timescale existing contracts expire early 2008.
(Procurement 2.5 years, Construction 3-5 years) - Deliverability MBT less controversial.
- Competition / Market Capacity limited number of
large players. - Integration / interface issues.
- Political Approval elections, changes through
procurement period.
20Progress To Date
- Expression of Interest submitted in May 2005.
- Outline Business Case (OBC) submitted July 2005.
- Partnership still strong (except one!).
- External Advisors appointed (OBC to Close)
October 2005 - OBC considered by Government in early part of
2006 currently awaiting formal decision - Waste Local Plan (WLP) progressing towards
adoption - Sites identified in WLP
21Progress To Date (cont)
- Offers made /detailed negotiations underway on a
couple of sites. - Waste minimisation initiatives being rolled out.
- Increased kerb side recycling.
- Kitchen Waste pilot study being undertaken.
- Trade Waste being investigated.
22Next Steps
- Prepare to go to market (OJEU competitive
dialogue procedure) - prepare initial
documentation for procurement process. - SECURE potential sites.
- Agree Service Level Agreement with Districts
(Collection Authorities) performance, costs
etc. - Packaging of current contracts commence work
asap on contracts required from 1st March 2008 - Lobby central government for greater financial
assistance in this sector e.g. more PFI credits - Work up Plan B - just in case !
- A rock - Do nothing is not an option. (costs /
availability of landfill, level of recycling etc) - A hard place - Do something is very expensive
balance of funding to be found locally, therefore
dont underestimate impact on Council Tax. - Probably the most complex project in the
- history of Cheshire County Council.
24Questions ?
- Patrick Rhoden
- PFI Major Projects
- Corporate Finance
- April 2006