Title: Union Organizing and NLRB Representation Election Procedures
1Union Organizing and NLRB Representation Election
- Certification is the immediate union goal
- Ultimately, the union hopes to enroll new members
- A contract will have to be negotiated
- Meaning of certification
- Exclusive bargaining agent status for union,
I.e., it wins the right to exclusive
representation - Duty to bargain in good faith on mandatory
subjects - Fair representation obligation -- must represent
all bargaining unit members in a fair and
impartial manner
2Three Certification Methods
- NLRB-conducted secret ballot election
- Voluntary recognition by employer
- NLRB will certify if evidence shows majority
status, e.g., via an authorization card check - ERs often refuse such, preferring to conduct a
counter-organizing campaign - Bargaining Order (Gissel Doctrine)
- If ER misconduct prevents a fair election
- Seen as extreme measure by NLRB and avoided if
3The Representation Election Process
- Petition for election
- From union or EEs
- From ER if union claims majority and requests
recognition - Substantial show of interest needed (30)
- Co. notified, Excelsior list requested
- NLRB tries to establish consent election (only
about 5 of elections)
- Questions for the NLRB
- Is this an appropriate bargaining unit (ABU)?
- NLRB jurisdiction?
- Substantial interest (30)?
- Legal barriers re past or present union activity
- Election bar (1 yr.)
- Contract bar (3 yrs.)
- Is the union a qualified representative?
4ABU DeterminationImportance and Occupational
- Importance
- Who gets to vote?
- Who will be affected?
- Much strategizing and maneuvering goes on because
the outcome may be strongly affected - Special rules on occupations
- Professionals can only be included with
nonprofessionals if professionals vote for it as
a group - Craft workers cant be denied severance simply
because of past inclusion - Guards cant be in same unit as other EEs
- Supervisors excluded since T-H -- not EEs for
NLRA/LMRA purposes - Confidential employees excluded (e.g., an HR
5ABU DeterminationPurpose and Operational Criteria
- General purpose to assure employees the
fullest freedom in exercising the rights
guaranteed by this Act to establish a unit
which maximizes community of interest among EEs - Operational criteria
- Interests of both EEs and ERs are considered
- History of CB in this and similar units
- Transfers among EEs
- Geography and proximity of workplaces
- ER organizational structure, especially common
supervision - Similarity of work
- EE sentiment or extent organized, but this
cant be the deciding factor
6Certification Elections
- Voter eligibility
- Usually payroll at election, but other rules may
be appropriate - In construction, for example, eligibility often
based on hours worked in the area prior to
election - NRLB election processing and related matters
- Usually prompt, 80 held within 45 days of
petition but some take years! - Participation is usually high (90 or better)
- Runoffs if no initial majority (with multi-union
elections) - Objections may be filed within 5 days (fairly
common) - Some notable trends and results
- Initially high union win rates (75) in long-term
decline, but have stabilized near 50, increased
slightly in recent years (51 in 1998) - Election volume dropped dramatically in early
1980s -- a more focused effort, more reliance on
non-NLRB procedures (e.g., card checks) - More union success in smaller, female, and white
collar units, but only gaining rights for small
fraction of unorganized workers (about .1-.2)
7Decertification Elections
- EEs or their reps may file, not ERs (normally)
- This is supposed to be about EE choice
- ERs still have free speech" rights once underway
- ER should consider possible adverse consequences
of supporting decertification drive A worse
alternative, hard feelings? - Reasons
- Poor service by the union (consistent with small
unit predominance) - Union cant win a contract with ER (25-33 of
certifications) - Improved treatment by ER -- ER sees the light
after union win - Striker replacements often dont want a union
(common scenario) - Trends and significance
- 15-25 of all representation elections, stable
now after rising steadily - Unions lose about 2/3 to 3/4 of decertifications
- Mainly a small unit phenomenon not a huge impact
on union density
8Campaign Conduct and NRLB Rules and Doctrines on
Campaign Conduct
- Laboratory conditions doctrine An ideal. No
contamination of the election so that its results
reflect true, untainted employee desires - The reality Lots of potentially coercive,
intimidating, etc. conduct occurs in the context
of representation elections - ULPs are up four-fold since the 1960s, while
election activity, where most ULPs occur, has
held steady or declined - Employer ULPs average about 2 per election
- Roughly 1-in-20 nonunion workers who support
unions are fired for union activities during
organizing campaigns - Parties focus more on persuasion than truth
9Campaign ConductGeneral Issues
- When should the election be set aside, rerun,
and/or cancelled in favor of a bargaining order? - Set aside and rerun When misconduct has tainted
an election and possibly had a substantial
impact, but a fair election is still thought
possible with appropriate corrections (e.g.,
cease and desist) - Bargaining (Gissel) order When misconduct has
made a fair election impossible and theres
evidence of majority support for union at some
point - What conduct is the NLRB concerned about?
- ULPs -- definitely
- Lies, half-truths, etc. -- not since 1982 Midland
Insurance decision (note three reversals in NLRB
policy in a span of about five years!) - Considers the totality of conduct (that is,
words and behaviors in context) -- casual remark
in one instance may be a ULP in another. Legal
behaviors can add up to violations in extreme
10Campaign ConductSome Specific Areas of Concern
- Captive Audiences ERs have a clear advantage
(83 vs. 36 attending meetings during campaigns) - Not within 24 hours before election (on ER
premises and time) - Similarly,circumstances may call for union access
to ER property (if no real alternatives) - Polling by ER limited
- No solicitation rules ER property rights
balanced with EE free speech rights. Bans must - Be general
- Distinquish verbal and written forms
- Be based on disruptive effects on production
- Distinguish work time from work hours
11Do Campaigns Matter?
- Early analysis by Getman et al. (1976) said no
(81 of voters seemed unaffected by campaigns),
but more careful analysis of their data and other
studies show substantial effects for both legal
and illegal campaign activities - Most elections are fairly close. Changing a
small number of votes can change the outcome - One recent study suggests that the type of
campaigns run by unions are even more influential
than employer campaigns - Delays are created by ERs for strategic purposes.
ER controls the status quo, momentum of the
drive dissipates, and perceptions that the union
can change things (be instrumental) erode
12Organizing, The Board, and the NLRA Assessment
- Interestingly, the NLRB was once hailed as a
model of successful government regulation - Now, its problems are more often cited
- Ineffectiveness in countering strategic delays,
and Congressional partisanship has slowed the
NLRBs procedures further - Increased partisanship in appointments and
decisions, especially under Reagan - Ineffective remedies Back-pay with interest
helps, but can it really make whole for the
damage done (e.g., momentum)? - Lack of penalties and enforcement Past
violators are more likely to violate the NLRA
again -- what did they learn? - Some union busting consultants say an NLRB
notice serves as a hunting license to let workers
know how far the ER will go to stop unions
13- Advertise Your Product Here!
14Bargaining Structure
- Who bargains with whom? Who is affected?
- The ABU (Appropriate Bargaining Unit) is not
necessarily the actual bargaining unit - Four distinct levels of bargaining structure
- Informal work groups (no legal status, but )
- ABU as determined by NLRB
- Important for election purposes, as noted
previously - A legal minimum Neither party can insist on
subdivision or amalgamation into a larger unit - Formal bargaining unit Who is actually
represented at the table? Often an amalgamation
of ABUs - Unit of direct impact Recognize that others may
be affected rather directly, even if not formally
(e.g., pattern bargaining) - Bargaining may occur at multiple levels
15Bargaining Structure
- Market factors
- Unions seek to take wages out of competition
- Obvious way to do this Include competitors
within the bargaining unit - Technology
- Similarity of work, production technology, etc.
allows for amalgamation (grouping) - Information technology affects ability to
coordinate - Community
- Laws re ABUs
- Laws re multi-employer bgng.
- Bargaining power (e.g., consider vertically and
horizontally integrated companies) - Union democracy
- Industrial democracy
- Responsiveness to local conditions
- Ability to adapt to technological change
- Opportunities for conflict
- Scope of conflict
16Bargaining Structure Arrangements
- Highly varied. Beyond a few legal restrictions,
the parties are free to arrange things as they
please (voluntarism) - Common configurations
- Multi-employer arrangements, typically where ERs
are small and competitive (e.g., trucking, coal,
construction) - Single employer multi-site (many large ERs in
manufacturing, trade, postal service, elsewhere) - Single employer single site (smaller ERs)
- Multi-union in some instances, often via
coordinated bargaining - Pattern bargaining (autos probably the best
example) - Multiple levels of agreements (local and
national) - Deceptive decentralization? Who really calls the
17Bargaining Structure Trends
- An old general rule One wants competitors
included in the formal (or de facto, e.g., via
pattern bargaining) bargaining unit lest they
gain an advantage via lower labor cost - Assumed risk aversion, management in a reactive
mode - Many ERs have since 1970s sought decentralized
structures, to break away from previous more
centralized structures - Changing product mix, technology
- New competitors (e.g., foreign, nonunion)
- Local labor market conditions (especially after
greenfield siting) - Opportunism, especially during Great Recession
- Case in point Steel industry formerly had
virtual industry-wide bargaining. Now at company