Title: Restorative Approaches in Residential Settings
1 Restorative Approaches in
Residential Settings
- A presentation by Belinda Hopkins
- Director, Transforming Conflict
- National Centre for Restorative Justice in Youth
Settings -
- Wendy Thompson
- Deputy Head of Service
- Walsall Youth Offending Service
The PAF C18 indicator is a comparison between the
proportional role of the LAC (Local Authority)
aged 10 to 17 years and the equivalent rate of
young people in the wider population. MPC12
(Supporting PAC C18) measured in September of
children aged 10 or over who have been looked
after continuously for at lest 12 months, who
were given a Final Warning/Reprimand/Caution or
convicted during the year for an offence they
committed whilst they were looked after (insert
3- Research shows
- Episodes of violence assault on staff, young
person to young person - Police involvement
- High levels of staff sickness
- Sanction and theme culture
- Punitive regime loss of privileges
- Hands off approach
- Criminalisation and sanctions have little effect
- Significant offences committed by LAC were
firstly Criminal Damage followed by Assault
offences and breach of statutory Orders - The use of Reprimands, Final Warnings and
Referral Orders were in the main imposed to under
14 year olds - The majority of post Court Orders had been
imposed on young people aged 14 years plus - Local research by Mr Manley Gordon and Mrs
Michelle Selvey
5- In our favour
- In post September 2006 met with Alison Glover
December 2006 - ROLAC Worker already in post and RJ trained
- Visit to Hertfordshire then reciprocated to
meet residential staff - Establishment of Steering Group
- Draft protocols
- Training financial implications
- No Rolac worker from November 2006
- No budget
- Training need minimum requirements for managers
and staff - -4 day course for Managers plus 2 Police
Officers, 1 staff member - from TLC, Alison and myself
- 3 day training identified for all staff
including night staff, sessional, - TLC, Outreach, Foster Carers, Police, LAC Peer
- Rolled out training to all residential staff in
three identified homes, as well as, related
professionals including Police, Outreach, TLC,
Foster Carers, LAC Peer Mentors, etc - ROLAC Worker in post
- Exploring the possibility of a trainee
Restorative Justice post to go alongside this
post - Identifying champions within the homes to help
lead and drive RJ forward - Stronger links with the Police
- Out of borough placements need to look at how
we address this - Made DVD to use across different
agencies/departments within Walsall to promote
the use of Restorative Justice. - Launch planned of the project
- Willenhall School use Restorative Justice
training peer mediators links with Spindletree
8Growing interest
- - NCERCC taken an interest, commissioned two
pieces on restorative approaches in Residential
Child Care settings - http//www.ncb.org.uk/ncercc/ncercc20practice20d
ocuments/restorative_approaches_highlight.pdf - http//www.ncb.org.uk/ncercc/ncercc20practice20d
ocuments/restorative_approaches_tc_paper.doc - and run two conferences in partnership with
Walker and Walker - - Hampshire County Council soon to publish an
evaluation of its implmentation of restoratve
aproaches in resindetial settings - - Elsewhere some residential homes leading the
cross Childrens Services initiative - - Restorative cities, authorities, counties .
Will involve the RCC sector - .. Light the blue touchpaper .
9- Transforming Conflict
- National Centre for Restorative
- Justice in Youth Settings,
- Mortimer Hill,
- Mortimer
- Berks
- RG7 3PW
- Tel/fax 0118 9331520
- info_at_transformingconflict.org
- www.transformingconflict.org
10Wendy Thompson Deputy Head of Service