Title: UTPB UNIV 1001 Freshmen Seminar Chapter 1
1UTPB UNIV 1001Freshmen Seminar Chapter 1
- Becoming a Lifelong Learner Opening Doors
2Who Is Pursuing An Education Today?
- 43 attend part-time
- 28 work full-time
- 44 of undergraduate over 25
- 20 support children
- 39 attend two-year colleges
- 64 take more than four years for degree
3How Does Education Promote Success?
4How Does Education Promote Success?
The Detroit Industry North Wall c. 1932
1933 Wall Painting Diego Rivera Detroit
Institute of Arts, MI
5How Does Education Promote Success?
6How Does Education Promote Success?
- Lifelong learning skills
- necessary in the fast moving technological age
- Expanded self-concept
- Increased possibilities
- Well-rounded perspective
- Community involvement and good health
7What Resources Are Available at Your School?
- People
- Instructors
- Administrators
- Counselors
- Teaching assistants
8Student Services - Where are these located?
- Health/wellness/ personal counseling
- Career planning/ Job placement
- Academic Counseling
- Financial aid
- Child care
- Housing
- Disabled student services
- Tutoring centers
9- What resources have you used
- and what were your experiences?
10Organizations on Campus
- Academic clubs (Psychology)
- Student-run organizations (Hola)
- Social (fraternities and sororities)
- Artistic (Art Association)
- Hobby or activity based clubs
- Service Clubs (Philanthropy Club)
- Religious
11College Catalog
- Course Schedules
- Courses
- Instructors
- Days and times
- Location
12Student Handbook
- Policies
- How to add or drop classes
- Grading system
- Campus rules
- Drug and alcohol policies
- Safety tips
- Student Services
13How Can You Strive for Success?
- 1. Get Motivated
- Reflection of why your goal is meaningful
- Decision to take one step
- Reward yourself
- Deal with Obstacles
- Begin again
14How Can You Strive for Success?
- 2. Make a Commitment
- State your commitment concretely
- Get started and note your progress
- Renew your commitment regularly
- Keep track of your commitment
15How Can You Strive for Success?
- 3. Take Initiative
- Take the difficult first step
- Listen to your instincts
- 4. Be Responsible
- Means able to response
- Live up to your obligations
- Be trustworthy
16How Can You Strive for Success?
- 5. Think Positively
- Attitude is important to success
- Influences choices and perception
- Develop positive self-talk
- Use words of intention
- I should becomes I choose to
- I have to becomes I want to
- Ill try becomes I will
17How Can You Strive for Success?
- 6. Face Your Fears
- Acknowledge specific fears
- Decide which are real vs. other issues
- Decide on plan of attack
- Move ahead with plan
- Talk about fears with people you trust
18What Is Your Role in a Diverse World?
- Ethnicity
- Culture/Religion
- Differently Abled
- Political Viewpoint
- Sexual Orientation
- Learning Style
- Personality and Priorities
19What Is Your Role in a Diverse World?
- Ethnocentrism
- Think ones group is better than anyone
elses - Diversity and teamwork at the workplace
20Living Your Role in a Diverse World
- Accept diversity
- Explore differences
and new perspectives - Celebrate your uniqueness and
that of others - Continue to learn
21(No Transcript)