Title: Implementation of CSR strategies in business operations
1Implementation of CSR strategies in business
- Birgit Errath, Senior Advisor, IBLF
- birgit.errath_at_iblf.org
2International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF)
- IBLF puts business at the heart of sustainable
development - Independent, not-for-profit organisation
- Set up over 15 years ago
- Promotes Responsible Business Leadership
- Works with business, government and civil
society in partnerships - Promotes the value of cross-sector
collaboration - Global reach - building on experience since
early 90s - Supported by over 100 of the worlds leading
businesses and reaches millions of employees
worldwide - Aim to Challenge, Connect, Change
3A business case for CSR / CR?
- Can there be a business case for a concept that
people define so differently? Or is it rather a
case for a set of action? - Is it a mix between a business case and doing
the right thing? - Is it about good management?
- At what level should the business case be
defined, ie. company, sector, national? - A business case cannot be found, it has to be
4Value drivers for the individual company
Source IMD Study, 2003 (1096 questionnaires, 9
countries, 8 sectors)
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6Corporate responsibility- spheres of influence
and stakeholders
- Stakeholder dialogue
- Partnerships
- Employee engagement
- Sponsorships
- Donations
- Business standards
- Employment creation
- Labour standards
- Health and safety
- Skills training
- Diversity and equality
- Workplace health
- Integrity
- Quality
- Safety
- Reliability
- Customer relations
- Standards
- Shared values
ENABLING ENVIRONMENT regulations, legislation,
fiscal incentives, voluntary guidelines and codes
of conduct, public opinion, institutional
structures, financing mechanisms, research,
training and capacity-building, media, etc.
7Three levels of CR (corporate responsibility)
8Philanthropy to support the competitive context
Presence of Local policies and Incentives (IP
rights, encouragement of investment..) Presence
of open local competition
Presence of sophisticated and demanding local
- Availability of high quality inputs
- human resources
- capital resources
- physical infrastructure
- administrative infrastructure
- information infrastructure
- scientific infrastructure
- natural resources (ie. water)
- Presence of capable, locally based suppliers
- Presence of clusters instead of isolated
Source Harvard Business Review, Porter/Cramer,
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10The Global Compact Performance Model
- 4 Levels of Integration
- Vision what organization do we want to become?
Are we Built to Last? - EnablersWho will get us there and by which means
and practices? - Resultswhat improvement and impact will we make?
- Reportinghow do we measure and communicate our
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