What it Takes to Get unstuck - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What it Takes to Get unstuck


Here are some of the things that do not make you become stuck: ... Stuckness is not a matter of having ... Be light hearted in the midst of the hard things! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: What it Takes to Get unstuck

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • By
  • Dr. Tom Cheyney

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Here are some of the things that do not make you
    become stuck
  • An undersized facility will cause you to become
    stagnant AND STUCK!
  • Stuckness is not a matter of having space
  • Having staffing problems does not lead you to
    become a stuck church!
  • Stuckness is not a matter of having a large
    number of ministers, ones who do not like each
    other or a small number of staff.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Here are some of the things that do not make you
    become stuck
  • Most stuckness comes from a nebulous sense of
    sadness which eventually congeals into a more
    recognizable feeling of disappointment! (What
    happens next)
  • A consultant is hired report given
  • Ideas are suggested but not acted upon
  • Eventually, the pastor is fired or leaves in

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Key teaching point in church revitalization
  • Sparking change in a congregation is beyond doubt
    risky business!
  • The simple fact
  • Once you have revealed how and when your church
    has gotten stuck, you have tapped into something
    enormously unstable.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Depending on how you deal with the stuckness you
    have uncovered (this is not an overstatement) you
    are either playing with high explosives or you
    are igniting the fuel which can rocket your
    church to renewed life.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • The first thing you must do is to get your
    congregation prepared emotionally before you
    begin to make changes (any change not just the
    big ones)!
  • All of us have a natural resistance towards
    change. Our reluctance to let others make chnges
    in our lives is intensified by our human tendency
    to strive for security and comfort when we know
    things are not quite right!
  • Church Revitalization Principle
  • This means the more we need to change, the less
    we are willing to change!

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Be light hearted in the midst of the hard things!
    When others perceive you as the leader to be
    anxious they become all the more and act upon
    that anxiety. It is the display of anxiety which
    is most likely to cause any leader to fail.
  • Church Revitalization Principle
  • The one thing to guard against more than anything
    else as a revitalization leader is anxiety. To a
    great extent, learning to be playful and peaceful
    rather than anxious can defuse the explosiveness
    within your congregation (Mt. 10 19-20).

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Stuckness Truth
  • Despite what many perceive as a dwindling
    authority of the preacher today, ministers are
    stilled viewed a congregational change agents.
  • Laity tend to believe that pastors have certain
    qualities such as some intellect towards fixing
    this, a sense of divine calling, an education
    specifically designed to deal with congregational
    life, and the capacity to learn to the abstract
    sort of ideas and put them to use.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • If a congregation is going to move forward,
    most members will usually expect the preacher to
    take the leading role. They will expect the
    preacher to be able to recognize what needs to be
    changed in the church and thus are not too
    surprised when he seeks to make those changes.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Lay people are more invested
  • The laity who attend your church are much more
    invested emotionally into the well being of the
    church (unless you planted this church) than the
    pastor who they see more as a preacher first.
  • Usually know how to figure out how the church got
    stuck and the personalities involved.
  • Are a lot more likely to be tolerated if they
    irritate other church members. Remember it is
    hard to fire someone who does not receive a
  • Laity usually do not move on to other churches
    once they figure out how to un-stick the church.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Who is the best change agent for church
  • Answer
  • Your ability to renew your church has more to do
    with you being courageous, perseverant, and
    playful than with whether you are a lay person or
    a pastor.

What Qualities it Takes to un-stick a stuck
  • Once God is calling you to revitalize your
    fellowship, if you are going to start these
    changes then you will need to know what sort of
    personal abilities it takes, what sort of tolls
    the process requires.
  • Lets take a look at the qualities a person needs
    to learn in order to get his church unstuck.
  • While some people may be naturally gifted in
    these ways, the attributes we are talking about
    here can pretty much all be learned.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Vision The leader who wants to bring about
    change in a congregation must have vision. The
    vision for church revitalization includes knowing
    where you want the church to go, some idea of
    when it got stuck and a notion of how to go about
    getting it unstuck!
  • You do not need to know precisely where you want
    the church to go.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Vision Sometimes a mending church becomes a
    tidal wave of vitality, and tidal waves are
    notoriously difficult to steer.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Persistence The leader who wants to bring about
    change in a congregation must have additionally
    persistence. There is a degree of obnoxiously
    and calmly persistence that is a real key to
    un-sticking your church.
  • It is important because as a leader you will
    encounter distracters, detractors, and defectors.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Persistence
  • It is important because as a leader you will
    encounter distracters, detractors, and defectors.
  • These are people who will respond to their own
    anxiety by trying to lure your focus away from
    your vision for the church by criticizing you and
    your ideas, and by being such terrible supporters
    that you will wish they were your opponents.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • The ability to anticipate resistance an sabotage
    Can you guess who will work double time to
    prevent you from unsticking your church?
  • Ask this question Who in the church family is
    going to mess things up and how are they going to
    do it? The is a very important question for
    those who want to revitalize their church

What Qualities it Takes to un-stick a stuck
  • Folks are never more creative than when they are
    raining on someone elses parade!
  • The important thing is to remember that such
    interference can and will occur and to decide
    that, when it does, you will not be deterred from
    pursuing your goal.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Playfulness - The leader who wants to bring about
    change in a congregation must have the quality of
  • Because we love our churches as we do and we
    recognize that they must change if they are going
    to thrive or simply survive, our concern for them
    has a tendency to make us really serious.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Playfulness - The leader who wants to bring about
    change in a congregation must have the quality of
  • Seriousness is the fertile breeding ground of
    anxiety! Anxiety ignites hostility, polarity and
    despair in a congregation. By maintaining a
    playful attitude there is tendency to defuse all
    those negative things.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Playfulness Could be
  • Humor
  • Quips
  • Cleverness
  • Witty remarks
  • Ability to not get upset
  • Shrug it off
  • Just remember we cant always be playful so use
    it wisely when you need to defuse a situation!

What Qualities it Takes to un-stick a stuck
  • The fact that there will be opposition to your
    ideas and that you will have critics and
    detractors means that as you proceed there will
    be winners and losers in your efforts to
    revitalize your church!

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • The Ability to Stay Connected- The leader who
    wants to bring about change in a congregation
    must have and demonstrate regularly the ability
    to stay connected with key individuals within the
    congregation, even those who do not particularly
    like you or you like them!

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • The Ability to Stay Connected-
  • Connectedness has to do with having an open,
    honest, non-anxious relationship with those who
    will be touched by the changes you are trying to
    instigate, and especially those who have strong
    emotions about those changes.
  • Mere connectedness goes a long way toward
    defusing both anxiety and resistance.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Remember
  • Even your loyal opposition have a vested interest
    in your church revitalization success. They need
    to be reminded frequently that their leader is
    along side them emotionally. I think that is the
    emotional process behind being connected.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • You must become an Anxiety Shock Absorber - The
    leader who wants to bring about change in a
    congregation must become an anxiety shock
  • A person with this quality can successfully
    resist the avalanche of anxiety which is bowling
    over everyone else in the fellowship.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • You must become an Anxiety Shock Absorber
  • The mere suggestion of change is enough to spark
    upsetness throughout the entire membership.
  • Once change begins to happen the anxiety level
    rise even higher.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • You must become an Anxiety Shock Absorber
  • If you stay calm ad demonstrate that you are not
    going to let the process of revitalization get
    derailed it usually has a calming, quieting
    effect on the entire church.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Remember
  • You are the guy in charge of staying cool when
    everybody else is freaking out!
  • That is a big part of a church revitalization

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • The opposite side of the coin
  • It is invariably destructive when a church leader
    is unable to remain calm while the rest of the
    members are feeling anxious. The anxiety of a
    leader can instantly impede the process of
  • Also there seems to be a connection between
    pastors and other leaders who cannot rise above
    the tension of the moment particularly if they
    are being criticized and the failure and
    termination of their leadership.

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Put on your emotional Teflon - The leader who
    wants to bring about change in a congregation
    must put on daily his emotional Teflon. If you
    desire to revitalize your church the ability to
    cover yourself in emotional Teflon is a must.
  • You must let the ugly stuff slid off of you
    without changing your demeanor, the way you feel
    about yourself, or the way you respond to these
    anxious folks who are acting childishly.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • Tactic you will observe from the membership
  • Resistance tactics
  • Delaying tactics
  • Load you down with other stuff tactics
  • Feeling of displacement tactics
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?

Qualities of a Church Revitalization Leader!
  • Lastly, (9 if counting) The leader who wants
    to bring about change in a congregation must have
    the ability to tell the difference between
    content and process.
  • Content- is the stuff people argue about. The
    small talk, the debris that floats to the top of
    the raging river.
  • Process- is the real reason people argue. The
    emotional reality. The raging river.

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • When we put our energy into dealing with the
    content of conflicts rather than its source,
    which is to say the emotional process behind it,
    we are wasting our time and demonstrating that we
    do not know what the real problem is.
  • Nobody gets it right 100 of the time. If you can
    do these things right 70 of the time that is the
    best you can expect. Stop beating yourself up
    emotionally when things do not always work out

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
  • By
  • Dr. Tom Cheyney

What it Takes to Get unstuck!
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