Title: Its PopUp Time
1Its Pop-Up Time!
2Technique 1 Angle of Crease
8 1/2 x 11 paper folded
Measure length and width of paper. Draw a line
from fold to center point.
3Draw another line to form a triangle.
42 Fold back along red lines and crease fold.
1 Cut from fold to center point
5Fold triangle in the opposite direction and
crease fold again.
6Return paper to its original shape and open
Open Here.
7Lift at center crease, and make a mountain fold
along the RED line ONLY!.
Close paper and re-crease.
8Using the same measurements and techniques, try
these cut (brown lines) and folds (orange lines).
9Technique 3 Generations
Step I Using a pencil and ruler, draw a line
from the fold to the exact center of the
page. Step II Carefully cut along the line from
the fold to the center.
10Technique 3 Generations
Step III Fold along the dotted line. All edges
should be even with one another. Crease firmly.
11Technique 3 Generations
Step IV Open the pop-up and pull the cut out
section forward as shown. Make a mountain crease
along RED line ONLY!
12Technique 3 Generations
Step V Close card and crease along red lines as
shown. Step VI Using a pencil and ruler, draw a
line to the exact center and cut along the dotted
line. Fold as before, open card, and pull forms
to the front.
13Technique 3 Generations
Step VII Close card and crease along red lines
as shown. Step VI Using a pencil and ruler, draw
a line to the exact center and cut along the
dotted line. Fold as before.
14Go Ahead Make a Scene...
Fold paper in half and create tabs by cutting
from fold toward center. Vary the height of
the tabs, but do not exceed 1/2 the height of the
paper. Fold and refold tabs along RED line as
before. Flatten paper to original size.
15Go Ahead Make a Scene...
Carefully open the paper to FULL size. Pull tabs
forward at center and make mountain
creases. Close paper re-crease everything.
16Go Ahead Make a Scene...
With tabs bent forward, attach pictures to the
perpendicular tabs using a glue stick. These
images will fold flat when the book is closed.
17Its Time to Make a Big-Mouthed Frog!
- Fold paper in half
- Draw perpendicular line from fold to exact
center. - Cut along line
- Fold and re-fold triangles on either side of the
- Cut a small slit at the base of one of the folded
triangles. - Folding and refolding triangles on either side of
this slit.
18Its Time to Make a Big-Mouthed Frog!
- Carefully open the paper to its Full size.
- Draw a frog shape around the eye and mouth
cutouts. - Carefully pull the triangles forming the eyes and
mouth to the front, making mountain creases. - Carefully fold paper in half re-crease.
- Glue or tape on colored backings.
19Technique 5 Multi-piece
- Now lets add some imagination and expand on the
basic skills
20Helpful Hint 1
- Colorful paper containing writing or drawings may
be placed behind a pop-up opening for visual
21Helpful Hint 2
- Pop-up books are created page by page, but then
the pages must be fastened back-to-back. Create
a flexible backing by cutting a page of card
stock in half and re-attaching the two halves
with masking tape on both front and back.
22Just You and Your Imagination
- Construct a pop-up page using at least 2 of the
techniques demonstrated today. Plan carefully
BEFORE you begin cutting.
23Technique 2 Shape of Slit
Step I Using a ruler and a pencil, Draw both the
solid and the dotted lines on your paper.
Step II Beginning at the fold, cut along all
solid lines.
24Technique 2 Shape of Slit
Step III With solid lines cut, fold both sides
back along the dotted lines and toward the spine.
25Technique 2 Shape of Slit
Step IV Open the pop-up and tent the entire
center fold.
26Technique 4 Cut-Aways
- Cut-Aways are not traditional pop-ups, but can be
incorporated on pop-up pages
Step 1 Using a ruler and pencil, draw lines
dividing the paper into 4 equal sections
27Technique 4 Cut-Aways
Step 2 Draw a number, letter, or object over the
line separating sections 1 2 3 4
28Technique 4 Cut-Aways
Step 3 Carefully cut away only that portion of
the drawings that is in sec. 2 4. Do not cut
from 1 or 3.
29Technique 4 Cut-Aways
Step 4 Fold and crease along each of the 3
dividing lines. When pages are opened, the forms
pop out.