Title: Writing Student Learning Outcomes
1Writing StudentLearning Outcomes
- Vision
- Building Collaborative Partnerships That Empower
Students To Succeed - Mission
- Student Development and Enrollment Services
(SDES), in collaboration with university and
community partners, empowers students to succeed
by providing opportunities and support to develop
integrity, scholarship, community, creativity and
excellence. - Goals
- Provide quality programs, services and learning
environments that promote progression to
graduation, graduate school, and productive
employment. - Create opportunities for students to strengthen
life skills and develop purpose, integrity,
ethical standards and civic responsibility. - Embrace diversity and foster engagement in the
global community.
3- Why are we engaging in this process?
- To develop learning outcomes that lead to student
success - To deepen our understanding of transformative
learning - To build our capacity to craft, support and
assess student learning - To demonstrate that SDES is a learning
community and is a partner with the UCF
community - To broaden our sense of team as it relates to
4- What is the process?
- Define student success X
- Identify evidence of student success
- Conceptualize a model for cooperation,
collaboration, and imaginative integration - Integrate learning outcome assessment into
individual Institutional Effectiveness plans - Revaluate, refine, and sustain the process of
continuous improvement
5- The CREED as a framework for
- crafting Student Learning Outcomes
- Welcome to the UCF Community!Video
6(No Transcript)
7Timeline for Completion of CraftingStudent
Learning Outcomes
2/29/08 Core Group will discuss learning in
units practice crafting student learning
outcomes 3/4/08 Learning Guides will review and
edit (final draft) Presentations 3/5-3/26/08 SDES
will continue discovering how learning occurs in
units, programs, and services April-May,
08 Learning Guides provide content and
technical assistance to SDES
offices/units/departments writing Student
Learning Outcomes 06-08 Offices/units/dep
artments submit IE Plans including Student
Learning Outcomes.
8 Format for Writing a Student Learning
Will be able to
Intended outcome
As measured by (Choose two)
Using (Choose two)
As required by (Optional)
9Learning Outcome Evaluation questions 1. Does
the outcome support the program objectives?
N 2. Does the outcome describe what the program
intends for students to know Y
N (cognitive), think (affective,
attitudinal), or do (behavioral, performance)?
3. Is the outcome important/worthy?
N 4. Is the outcome
a. Detailed and specific?
N b. Measurable/identifiable?
Y N 5. Can you
create an activity to enable students to learn
the desired outcome? Y N 6.
Can the outcome be used to make decisions on how
to improve the program? Y N Source
Gail Short Hanson, American University
10- Format for Crafting Student Learning Outcomes
- FTICs, Second Year Men
________________ - Who
- Participate in, exhibit, complete
________________ - Activity, program, course, service
________________ - Will be able to
- Identify, describe, explain
________________ - Intended Outcome ________________
- As measured by
- 3 out of 4, all, every time
________________ - Using
- Observed behavior, post-test, rubric
________________ - As required by