Title: Olmsted Countys Changing Faces
1Olmsted Countys Changing Faces
- Population growth
- Aging baby boom
- Migration and diversity
- Integration trends
2Olmsted County Population 1960-2000
3Olmsted County Pre-Census Moderate and High
Growth Projections
Census 124,277
4Number of All Building PermitsRochester, 1950 -
51990s Employment Growth Rochester MSA
Source ROPD from Minnesota Department of
Economic Security
6Employment Growth
- From 1990 through 2000, we
- grew from 65,685 to 84,730 non-agricultural wage
salary jobs, - an increase of 19,045 jobs,
- an increase of 29 overall,
- at a rate averaging over 2.6 per year.
7Regional Labor Force Gap
- Difference between labor force by place of
residence and jobs by place of work. The gap is
made up through part-time/part year employment
multiple job holding and commuting.
8Olmsted County Population Change by Jurisdiction
1980 to 2000
9Population by Jurisdiction Type 1970 - 2000
10Projected Population by Jurisdiction Type
111990 Population by Age and Sex
122000 Population by Age and Sex
13Distribution of Population Change by AgeOlmsted
County 1990-2000
14Births and Deaths in Olmsted County 1990-99
15Sources of Population ChangeOlmsted County
Estimated based on Census and Minnesota State
Health records.
16Population Change by Age Source1990 - 2000
17Olmsted County Population Change by Race 1990
to 2000
182000 White Population by Age Sex
192000 Minority Population by Age Sex
20Population by Race 2000 Census
21Population by Race Olmsted County 2000 Census
22Olmsted Co. Population Change 1990-2000 by Race
23Enrollment by Race ISD 535 Public Private
public 21 minority, private lt 5.
24Race FARPL Eligibility
25International Population - 1999
26Language Spoken At Home 2000-2001 Olmsted County
K-12 Students
27Olmsted County 2000 Populationby Place of Birth
28Region of Birth of Foreign Born Olmsted County
29Where People Came FromOlmsted County 1910
30Dissimilarity Indices for Selected Traits - 1990
Census Tracts
31Adjusted White non-Hispanic/Other Dissimilarity
Index 1970-2000
32Percent Minority by Geographic Area - Olmsted
33Segregation Indices
- Total population 2000 by Race 21
- Elementary Students by Race 30
- Elementary Students by Poverty 37
- Rental Housing 30 to 35
- Multi-family Housing 30 to 35
34Community Challenges
- Supplying affordable housing
- Maintaining integrated neighborhoods and schools
- Assimilating newcomers
- Overcoming barriers to learning
- Maintaining a welcoming community